

The Tutor voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Le tuteur

Le tuteur

Ethan, donnant des cours particuliers à l’élite de la côte est des États-Unis, décroche un contrat très bien payé pour être le tuteur de Jackson, un fils de milliardaire, dans une propriété isolée en bord de mer, dans l’état de New York. Très vite, Ethan se rend compte que l’intérêt de son étudiant pour sa vie personnelle frôle l’obsession. Au fur et à mesure que la tension grandit, les accusations de Jackson menacent d’exposer en plein jour les secrets les plus sombres d’Ethan à sa compagne et aux autorités. Alors que la crédibilité d’Ethan s’étiole, c’est à lui, et rien qu’à lui, de décrypter les accusations de Jackson et de prouver son innocence..

The Royal Tutor

The Royal Tutor

Le titre de précepteur royal est donné au meilleur enseignant du royaume de Granzreich. Heine Wittgenstein vient tout juste d’obtenir cette distinction et le roi le convoque à la cour. Il devra éduquer ses quatre fils, chacun possédant une personnalité bien trempée. Parviendra-t-il à s’imposer malgré son jeune âge et sachant que nombre de précepteurs ont déjà jeté l’éponge avant lui ?.

The Tutor

The Tutor

Joe Gibbons plays Dr. Joe Baldwin, the self-styled child education expert who prepares Zoe from birth, for acceptance into a coveted gifted-only kindergarten program. What becomes evident is one man’s misguided quest to manipulate pitted against one child’s exuberant resistance to being controlled..

The tutor

The tutor

James, a boy with an over-active imagination, tricks his tutor into spending their first session searching for his runaway twin brother who doesn't actually exist..

The Tutor

The Tutor

Mona picks up her first job tutoring two orphaned children living in a derelict house in the country. Her obsession with trying to educate these two nearly feral children blinds her to the fact they have other plans for her..

The Beast of Tutor

The Beast of Tutor

A girl is raped by her teacher. Her cop sister arrests him and he was brought to justice. But when he is certified as a mental patient, he is released from custody and the women are once again in danger..

Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine Movie

Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine Movie

Le roi Viktor demande à Heine Wittgenstein d’être le précepteur royal des deux princes de Romano, Ivan et Eugène, le temps de leur visite. Malheureusement, ces deux jumeaux ne sont pas ravis de faire la connaissance ni de leur précepteur, ni des princes Von Granzreich..

Private Tutor Torako

Private Tutor Torako

Torako is a mysterious, but excellent private tutor. She has big ambitions and works to achieve her goal. She takes private tutoring jobs from kids of rich families and makes connections, while saving money. She currently has 3 students. Her 3 students and their mothers hope to have the students enter prestigious schools, while they must deal with their own unique problems..

Erotic Tutoring 2

Erotic Tutoring 2

Bar examiner Yoo-jeong likes sex more than studying. Thanks to the secretive, but erotic tutoring by the teacher her boyfriend introduced to her, Yoo-jeong’s grades shoot up. Yoo-jeong’s mom, Mi-jin, however, feels attracted to her tutor and starts seducing him..

My Tutor Friend

My Tutor Friend

Après que son père a perdu son travail, Soo-wan n’a d’autre choix que de donner des cours privés pour payer ses frais scolaires. Cependant tous ses élèves s’avèrent être quelque peu bizarres, ce qui rend sa tâche quasi impossible. Hélas, Soo-wan n’a pas le choix, elle doit continuer….

Tutor Touching

Tutor Touching

Seiji (Yasuyuki Sakurai), who dropped out of high school, was aiming for high school graduation and university entrance exams, thanks in part to his private tutor Chieko (Sumire Nagai). Chieko is an active female college student, and Seiji's age and home environment are close, so her mother, Fumie (Handa Sasa), pours her excessive interference into her son. It made me hate. One day, Fumie discovers that her classmate Midori (Miu Kiritani), who likes Seiji, is about to have her first experience with Seiji, and she is furious. She even ripped the two apart with her insane protests to Midori's parents. A few days later, Seiji, who has cut off his relationship, promises to meet Midori in the park at night, but Fumie quietly follows Seiji, who has left home....

Private Tutor Advanced Course

Private Tutor Advanced Course

Seong-jin, the so-called expert of theory, who learned about women through text only, feels the thrilling excitement whenever he sees his academic advisor professor, Mi-ae. However, Mi-ae keeps ignoring his courtship, telling him to come back after growing up. He felt stuck and helpless and ends up revealing his distress to Yeon-hwa, a novelist who has recently moved to his next door. To his surprise, she says she will teach him about women and begins tutoring him with the real life lessons from kissing to sex..