

The Turning Point voirfilms

Le tournant de la vie

Le tournant de la vie

As young dancers, they were best friends and fierce rivals. Deedee left the stage for marriage and motherhood, while Emma would become an international ballet icon. But when Deedee's teenage daughter is invited to join Emma's dance company and begins an affair with a young Russian star, the two women are forced to confront the choices they've made, the resentments they've hidden and the emotional truths they must face at the turning point..

Turning Point: Le 11 septembre et la guerre contre le terrorisme

Turning Point: Le 11 septembre et la guerre contre le terrorisme

L'histoire moderne peut être divisée en deux périodes : avant le 11 septembre et après le 11 septembre. Cette docusérie en cinq parties est une chronique cohérente des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 contre les États-Unis, offrant des perspectives éclairantes et des histoires personnelles sur la façon dont les événements catastrophiques de cette journée ont changé le cours de la nation..

Le Cran d'arrêt

Le Cran d'arrêt

John Conroy, à la tête d'une commission d'enquête, et son ami journaliste Jerry McKibbon, s'emploient à mettre un terme aux malversations d'un gangster..

The Turning Point

The Turning Point

Upon finding themselves in financial difficulties because of the failure of the Edgerton-Tennant Company, New York socialites Diana and Silvette Tennant decide to work as society hostesses..

The Turning Point

The Turning Point

In The Turning Point, written by Michael Dobbs, Benedict Cumberbatch takes the role of Guy Burgess while Matthew Marsh plays the part of Winston Churchill. The play was part of the Sky Arts Theatre Live! Series, which won the Broadcasting Press Guild Best Multichannel Programme Award..

The Turning Point

The Turning Point

You have been selected to attend the 60th Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31 – June 3, 2012. This conference brings together leaders of business, economics, media, finance, politics and military in a forum which will allow for open and off the record discussions of current events and global issues. I must stress that this meeting is SECRET and by invitation only. We operate under Chatham House Rules, meaning you are not permitted to discuss anything that is said during the conference to members of the media or otherwise. Please keep all of your arrangements confidential, including all of the information included herein. In recent years we have lost much of our control over the dissemination of information due to the rise of independent media sources and internet-based journalists. We intend to correct this problem and plan to discuss it at this year’s conference..

Le Tournant

Le Tournant

Un jeune qui vit reclus dans son monde pour éviter toute désillusion se lie d'une amitié insolite avec un dangereux voyou qui s'impose brusquement dans sa vie..

Les tournants de la 2e guerre mondiale

Les tournants de la 2e guerre mondiale

De la première à la dernière explosion nucléaire, l'histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale suit une trajectoire complexe. Découvrez les principaux points de repère de l’histoire violente et torturée de cette guerre qui a touché tous les continents..

Turning Point: The Legacy of Midway

Turning Point: The Legacy of Midway

Few Americans realize that the Battle of Midway - just six months after Pearl Harbor - doomed the Japanese to defeat. Discover how Admiral Nimitz and Admiral Yamamoto, two leaders from vastly different cultures, designed and executed their battle plans. See the spectacular naval and aerial battles as they played out..

John Mayall - The Godfather of British Blues/The Turning Point

John Mayall - The Godfather of British Blues/The Turning Point

THE GODFATHER OF BRITISH BLUES: The film biography features contributions from John Mayall himself, his family, fellow musicians, colleagues and friends, in interviews and performances. Rare archival film from all periods of his career marks his achievements and some of the events that formed them. THE TURING POINT: The earliest 'rockumentary' of John Mayall and his musicians filmed in their homes, dressing rooms, mororways, airports, clubs, concert halls and at festivals..

The Turning Point: To Be Destroyed

The Turning Point: To Be Destroyed

To Be Destroyed follows author Dave Eggers as he meets with students and teachers in the Rapid City, SD school district where his novel The Circle was pulled from shelves along with works by Alison Bechdel, Stephen Chbosky, Bernardine Evaristo and Imbolo Mbue. Through footage of heated school board meetings, community rallies and interviews with locals, we learn how these books were designated “to be destroyed.".

Turning Points Stories of Life and Change in the Church

Turning Points Stories of Life and Change in the Church

Turning Points is a documentary about Presbyterians struggling with the denomination’s previous barriers to ordination for LGBT Presbyterians. It opens with the poignant visit of Susie Smith, now a minister in the United Church of Christ, to her former Presbyterian congregation in South Carolina. Congregation members speak to the camera and to Susie about how their lives were changed by her presence and her departure. The choice between one’s son and one’s church is the focus of the Calhoun family’s story in the second segment. The third story recounts a tragic moment of misunderstanding in the life of a young minister and a daring act of reconciliation twenty years later. The fourth segment considers how a thriving congregation in the Midwest welcomes and includes gay and lesbian members..

The Turning Point

The Turning Point

In the fall of 1945, nineteen year-old Mark Niebuhr, is accused of murder and is jailed as a prisoner of war in Warsaw, Poland. He maintains his claim of innocence throughout long periods of solitary confinement. When Mark is placed among a group of Polish criminals, he becomes the target of their aggression. Later, Mark experiences true hell in a communal cell with fanatical German war criminals. Turning Point is based on actual events from Hermann Kant's novel of the same name..