

The Tribunal streaming vf complet gratuit

The Tribunal

The Tribunal

The stakes are much higher than life or death in The Tribunal, a courtroom drama set in a Catholic Marriage Tribunal. On the surface, it appears that the struggle between Tony and Joe, two best friends who both love Emily, hinges on Joe obtaining an annulment of his first marriage, so Emily, a devout Catholic, can marry him. As they each fight for whom they love, the Tribunal slowly answers the ever-present question hanging over the proceedings, "What does God want?" Why it matters to these three is the reason it matters to every person. Our souls will not rest until they rest in the arms of the Lord..

The Tribunal

The Tribunal

Directed by Malcolm Rogge and produced in association with the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI). For information about screening the film, contact Malcolm Rogge at and Ladan Mehranvar (CCSI)..

For the Record: The World Tribunal on Iraq

For the Record: The World Tribunal on Iraq

A document of the momentous culmination of a series of world tribunals held in 30 cities around the world, providing testimonials of the war crimes committed by the US and it’s allies in the war in Iraq. This culminating session was held in Istanbul in 2006..

Le tribunal sur le Congo

Le tribunal sur le Congo

En plus de 20 ans, la guerre du Congo a déjà fait plus de 6 millions de victimes. La population souffre de cet état d’impunité totale, les crimes de guerre n’ayant jamais fait l’objet de poursuites judiciaires. Cette région recèle les gisements les plus importants de matières premières nécessitées par les technologies de pointe. Dans son "Tribunal sur le Congo", Milo Rau parvient à réunir les victimes, les bourreaux, les témoins et les experts de cette guerre et à instituer un tribunal d’exception du peuple du Congo de l’Est. Un portrait bouleversant de la guerre économique la plus vaste et la plus sanglante de l’histoire humaine..

The Pacific War and the International Military Tribunal

The Pacific War and the International Military Tribunal

In 1941, overpopulated Japan faces an economic boycott and its armed forces push further to the south. And despite negotiations between Japan and the U. S. A. war is declared with the attack on Pearl Harbour. Victories follow for Japan on land and sea and her forces push forward to the borders of India. But gradually the tide turns in favour of the Allies and after the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is compelled to accept the Potsdam Declaration and by the order of the Emperor agrees to unconditional surrender. Under the supervision of the occupation forces the International Military Tribunal opens in Tokyo to try the Japanese war leaders. Established in the cause of justice, and to prevent future aggressive wars the trials drag on for two and a half years. And on December 23, 1948, General Tojo and six other war leaders mount the thirteen steps to the gallows at Tokyo's Sugamo prison..

May It Please the Court

May It Please the Court

Noh Chak-hee, l'avocate émérite du grand cabinet Jangsan, se retrouve soudain commise d'office. Dans ce drama juridique, on suit sa relation avec Jwa Si-baek, avocat commis d’office excentrique, alors qu’elle s’occupe d’une affaire de meurtres en série..

Les Sept de Chicago

Les Sept de Chicago

Quand la manifestation pacifique a dégénéré en affrontement violent avec la police, elle a donné lieu à l'un des procès les plus retentissants de l'histoire du pays..

Le Diable pour alibi

Le Diable pour alibi

À l'aide de reconstitutions et de vidéos amateurs, ce documentaire dramatique étudie le cas de possession présumée d'un jeune garçon… et le meurtre brutal qui en a découlé..

American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally

American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally

L'histoire vraie de Mildred Gillars alias "Axis Sally", une actrice américaine qui s'est installée dans les années trente en Allemagne nazie. Elle anime une émission de radio à destination des troupes anglo-saxonnes afin de saper leur moral et de diffuser un discours antisémite et hostile au président en place, Franklin D. Roosevelt..

Nuremberg - Les nazis face à leurs crimes

Nuremberg - Les nazis face à leurs crimes

Le 20 novembre 1945 commence, au palais de justice de Nuremberg, le premier procès intenté par une instance judiciaire internationale. Sur le banc des accusés : 24 responsables du IIIe Reich nazi. Ce film, montage des principaux moments du procès, place le spectateur au coeur des audiences....

The World Was His Jury

The World Was His Jury

A sea captain stands trial for manslaughter after 162 people are killed in a fire aboard his cruise ship. Director Fred F. Sears' 1958 drama stars Edmond O'Brien, Robert McQueeney, Paul Birch, Mona Freeman and Karin Booth..

Tribuna – Happy Rebellion

Tribuna – Happy Rebellion

The film was prompted by the fact that in the capital of Slovenia, one of the republics of the former socialist state of Yugoslavia, a magazine was published that saw nine bans or confiscations – more than any other newspaper in the communist Europe. A thorn in the side of the authorities for thirty years, this student magazine brought together young intellectuals who detected possible democratic shifts in the public sphere. Never strictly political, their rebellion invariably had to do with culture and its latest practices in the more liberal countries..



The short film Tribune is the most heartfelt film I've ever made. A wonderful experience with a first-class teamwork. The only movie whose screenplay was written by someone other than myself. Thank you to Adel Tabrizi, who gave me his screenplay that year, and thank you to Saba Ghasemi, who brought us all together as a producer to create an interesting experience for all of us..

Le Défenseur ingénu

Le Défenseur ingénu

Un avocat minable se voit confier le cas d'un homme qui a librement avoué avoir tué sa femme. il fait montre de tellement d'incompétence qu'il arrive à le faire acquitter..

Divine Decision: Double Down

Divine Decision: Double Down

The seven-year-itch hits the marriage of Joe and Emily while Tony's wife Amana is being pursued by her rock star ex-boyfriend who Tony's company manages. Will both their marriages disintegrate when they return to the Marriage Tribunal?.

The Tribune

The Tribune

The film deals, in a historical context, with the stories of a number of Al-Azhar sheikhs who held its pulpit, what Al-Azhar was exposed to during the British occupation period, and how it confronted the attempt to control its sovereign decisions..