

The Tracker sokroflix gratuit

Poursuite en Arizona

Poursuite en Arizona

Jeune diplômé en droit, Tom retourne en Arizona chez son père, Noble Adams, un ancien shérif. Or quatre bandits viennent de s'évader, et shérif actuel sollicite son vieil ami pour qu'il les poursuive avec lui. Tom exige de se joindre à eux..

Double traque

Double traque

Lorsque la ravissante Kim Chang est enlevée lors d'une attaque sanglante, le détective privé en disgrâce Connor Spears est engagé par son frère Rick pour la sauver des mafias russe et chinoise en guerre..

The Trackers

The Trackers

A rancher comes home and finds that his son has been murdered and his daughter kidnapped by a bandit gang. He hires a professional tracker with a reputation for finding his quarry to help him find the gang and rescue his daughter..

The Two in Tracksuits

The Two in Tracksuits

Un fils quitte son travail et est persuadé par son père de partir pour un chalet dans les montagnes reculées. Ensemble, ils parviennent à passer leurs journées en portant de vieux maillots laissés par une grand-mère décédée. L'été suivant, les deux quittent à nouveau la chaleur étouffante de Tokyo, comme s'ils s'échappaient vers le chalet de montagne. Cependant, l'été prochain est très différent....

The Last Trackers of the Outback

The Last Trackers of the Outback

For millenniums, Aborigines used tracking to survive. Their ancient skills now help police capture murderers and save people's lives. Will modern technology replace an art based on the intimate bond between man and nature?.



Tracker is a 2001 Canadian science fiction television series starring Adrian Paul and Amy Price-Francis. The series is based on a short story by Gil Grant and Jeannine Renshaw. The pilot episode and two other episodes were edited into the film Alien Tracker..

Deadly Trackers

Deadly Trackers

Jeff sets out to murder each one of the five outlaws who robbed, raped and killed his poor sister. He lays a fragment of her poncho on each of his victims' dead bodies as a mark of his revenge in a gripping, exciting tale..

Man Trackers

Man Trackers

Molly Killbride, daughter of the inspector in the Royal Mounties, is in love with trooper Jimmy Hearn, but her father prefers that she marry Harry Morgan, a wealthy young civilian. Morgan, however, is allied with a gang of outlaws headed by Hanley, and when Morgan taunts Jimmy into a fistfight the gang causes him to be railroaded to prison for felonious assault..

Bush Shrink

Bush Shrink

In an unstable African country, US psychiatrist Martin Cypher teams up with a street-smart poacher to save his patient and her uncle Kingsley, who runs a diamond mine, from some rebels led by white mercenaries, who took them for ransom..