

The Third Murder voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Third Murder

The Third Murder

Le grand avocat Shigemori est chargé de défendre Misumi, accusé de vol et d’assassinat. Ce dernier a déjà purgé une peine de prison pour meurtre 30 ans auparavant. Les chances pour Shigemori de gagner le procès semblent minces, d’autant que Misumi a avoué son crime, malgré la peine de mort qui l’attend s’il est condamné. Pourtant, au fil de l’enquête et des témoignages, Shigemori commence à douter de la culpabilité de son client..

Murder: The Third Voice

Murder: The Third Voice

When Rafe Carey’s body is washed up by the River Tweed, it looks like he’s drowned in a tragic accident on a day of extreme weather. He and his brother-in-law Leo Durridge were swept away when the section of riverbank they were fishing from collapsed. Leo fought his way to the shallows and is in hospital with cuts and bruises - Rafe wasn’t so lucky. But when detective Corinne Evans investigates, she finds the cause of Rafe’s death isn’t drowning at all - he’s been stabbed through the heart, and Leo is the prime suspect. While he claims that he and Rafe were the only ones by the river on that stormy day, but a witness says he heard three voices, and forensic examination of the scene reveals three sets of bootprints..

Selling Murder: The Killing Films of the Third Reich

Selling Murder: The Killing Films of the Third Reich

A film about the secret films of the Third Reich trying to convince the public and the Nazi party members on euthanasia having to to with the "T4" program. The killing of handicapped people. The most important aspect of the T4 program is the gas chambers created to murder, successful, and used to a larger capacity in the death camps later on..

Kindaichi Case Files: The Third Opera House Murders

Kindaichi Case Files: The Third Opera House Murders

Invited for a anniversary celebration, Kindaichi, Miyuki and inspector Kenmochi re-visit the Opera House. There they discover that a play of "The Phantom of the Opera" is being rehearsed again. However, it doesn't take long when members of the acting troupe are killed by the "Phantom". Kindaichi will once again have to solve a murder series in the Opera House..

The Murderers Are Coming

The Murderers Are Coming

Brecht's play Fear and Misery of the Third Reich consists of a series of playlets, portraying National Socialist Germany of the 1930s as a land of poverty, violence, fear and pretence. Nazi antisemitism is depicted in several of the sketches, including "the Physicist", "Judicial Process", and "the Jewish Wife"..