

The Sun King streaming vf complet gratuit

Les Rois du soleil

Les Rois du soleil

Une tribu Maya, menée par leur leader Black Eagle (Aigle Noir), tente de rejoindre le Texas depuis le Mexique dans un effort pour sauver ce qu'il reste de leur civilisation..

The Sun King

The Sun King

Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?.

Doraemon: Nobita no Taiyô'ô densetsu

Doraemon: Nobita no Taiyô'ô densetsu

Doraemon et ses amis ouvrent une faille dans le temps et voyagent au Pays de Mayana, une civilisation maya perdue dans la jungle. Là, Nobita connaîtra son parfait double, le prince Thio, héritier du trône. Les deux décideront d'échanger des papiers pour essayer de sauver au Pays de Mayana des griffes de l'infernale sorcière Ledina et ses forces perverses..

Egypt's Sun King: The Mystery Tombs

Egypt's Sun King: The Mystery Tombs

In 2011 a team from the University of Basel made two astonishing discoveries in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. By chance they came across a new tomb that was the first to contain a body since the discovery of Tutankhamun. Then they discovered that the tomb beside it, which had never been excavated before, held the bodies of around 50 people. But who were all the people in these two linked tombs? This film follows the archaeological detective story to uncover the answer. It pursues the trail that leads to one of Egypt's greatest pharaohs, Amenhotep III - and to the women he was close to. And the film also reveals the astonishing project behind the re-emergence nearby of the largest temple ever built in ancient Egypt - the lost mortuary temple of the same pharaoh, Amenhotep III..

1715: The Sun King is Dead

1715: The Sun King is Dead

What happens after the death of an immortal? Following the longest reign in world history, King Louis XIV - the Sun King - passed at 76 in the Chateau of Versailles. Long rumored to be blessed with eternal life, Louis' death caused controversy that would change Europe forever. This is the story of the Sun King's death, and its aftermath..

Del Rey and the Sun Kings: Battleship Potemkin

Del Rey and the Sun Kings: Battleship Potemkin

Musician Jackson Del Rey takes the classic Sergei Eisenstein film Battleship Potemkin and reinvents it for the modern age by creating a brand-new soundtrack and infusing it with his own brand of magic. The result: A historic film that feels as current as any modern-day oeuvre. Tracks include "Drama in the Harbor," "All for One and One for All: The Rebellion Begins," "Squadron Sighted: Prepare for Action" and more..

The Greatest Journeys on Earth: France - Journeys of the Sun King

The Greatest Journeys on Earth: France - Journeys of the Sun King

Janson Media - At the end of the 17th century, in the reign of Louis the Fourteenth, the marshes and woods of a little burg neighbouring Paris became the site of the most monumental architectural caprice in the history of France. Versailles! Soon Europe's monarchs and the entire civilized world will turn an envious, incredulous eye to Versailles, with its superb gardens, handsome chateau and the never-before-seen ostentation flourishing in the court of the Sun King. -.

The Sun King

The Sun King

"Among ...Sadeghi's most iconic projects during his time at Kanoon was Malek ol-Khorshid (King of the Sun, 1975), a magical animation inspired by the tenth-century Persian epic The Shahnameh (The Book of Kings)." (from Ubu Web).

The Sun King

The Sun King

While changing the pipes in the tanningbeds at Golden Sun, Tommy meets the owner. A middleaged former Miss Fyn called Susse. Slowly an unusual love affair begins. Tommy's two friends Ole & Flemming give him tips on how to give Golden Sun some masculine appeal. Susse just happens to have a sleazy lawyer that does not appreciate the new look..

The Sun King ~Le Roi Soleil~

The Sun King ~Le Roi Soleil~

The play begins with the Fronde against Cardinal Mazarin. Young Louis is the consecrated King at Reims. But his power has been confiscated by his mother, Anne of Austria, and the Cardinal, who doubt his ability to rule France alone.....

All for One - D'Artagnan and the Sun King

All for One - D'Artagnan and the Sun King

It is 17th-century France, where Louis XIV, the "Sun King," reigns. The Musketeers, who answer to the king, diligently train themselves day in and day out to protect their liege and the state. Each of these highly skilled warriors also has a unique personality: Porthos is courageous and daring, Athos is calm and reassuring, Aramis is a ladies' man like none other in his time, while d'Artagnan is our invincible hero. All, meanwhile, are utterly proud and brave warriors..

Oath of the Midnight Sun - Gustav III: A Battle by a Proud King

Oath of the Midnight Sun - Gustav III: A Battle by a Proud King

In the midst of Sweden's rise to power, King Gustav III was the "darling of the rococo" who brought to flower the gorgeous Nordic culture. Set in the turbulent 18th century Europe, where power and intrigue swirled around him, this musical depicts his love, friendship, and courageous battle for his beliefs on a grand scale, involving a variety of characters..

Les aventuriers du système solaire

Les aventuriers du système solaire

En Corée du Sud, une bande d'enfants et leur institutrice rencontrent des extraterrestres bienveillants venus les avertir d'un danger menaçant leur pays : des envahisseurs hostiles se sont alliés à la Corée du Nord communiste en fournissant de nouvelles armes à Kim Il Sung..

La Fille du Roi

La Fille du Roi

Le Roi Louis XIV cherche à devenir immortel. Pour cela, il va voler la force de vie d'une sirène, mais ce projet va être compromis par l'apparition de sa fille illégitime..

Le Roi singe  2

Le Roi singe 2

Sous la dynastie Tang, le prêtre Xuanzang est envoyé vers l'ouest pour récupérer les écritures saintes du Bouddhisme. Sur son chemin, Xuanzang libère par accident Sun Wukong, le Roi Singe, emprisonné depuis 500 ans. La virulence et la puissance du Roi Singe sont connues de tous. En aucun cas, il se soumettrait à un prêtre. Pourtant, dans un équilibre fragile, le Roi Singe se battra aux cotés de Xuanzang. Ce sera un combat à la recherche de la vérité et pour faire régner la paix..

Godzilla contre Megalon

Godzilla contre Megalon

Devant l'accroissement de la pollution des mers, le roi de Seatopia décide de prendre des mesures : envahir le monde de la surface en envoyant le monstre Megalon. Pour aider Megalon, des agents sont envoyés dérober un robot qui servira de guide d'attaque au monstre : Jet Jaguar. Megalon détruisant tout sur son passage, on décide d'appeler Godzilla à l'aide pour vaincre le monstre....

Le Roi des singes

Le Roi des singes

Sun Wukong, le Roi des singes, règne sur la paisible montagne des fleurs et des fruits. Désireux de trouver une arme digne de lui, il se rend auprès du Roi Dragon des mers orientales qui accepte de lui céder la règle magique à dompter les flots s’il peut s’en saisir. Mais la règle soutient le palais qui s’écroule, et le Roi va demander vengeance à l’Empereur de Jade qui règne sur la cour céleste..