

The Seducer voirfilms

The Seducer

The Seducer

John Koch's second feature and follow up to "Je ne sais quoi" (2008), "The Seducer" (2009) is an adaptation and present-day re-imagination of Fyodor Dostoevsky's 1848 short story "White Nights." Through this tragic tale of love and loss the questions and consequences of seduction are explored. 163 years after the story's original publication, the fundamental conflict between masculine and feminine energies within it remains universal and as relevant as ever in contemporary life..

The Seducers

The Seducers

Jean Wells believes she kills a man during a hit-and-run one evening. A man named Joe appears and, in exchange for keeping silent about the murder, blackmails Wells. Wells begins to doubt the accident and struggles with her sanity..

The Seducer

The Seducer

Cosme, a 15-year-old boy, sets his sights and his libido on his new neighbor, Merche. After giving her a lift on his moped, and getting a glimpse of her underwear, he begins to look for excuses to wander next door. He manufactures illnesses to stay home from school and uses his free time to ogle her while she sunbathes outside. His efforts to sustain a relationship that leads to the bedroom are hampered by his amusing family, sabotaged by the maid, and jealously noted by his high school girlfriend..

The Seducers

The Seducers

Ulla, a prostitute is hired by the despicable Mudy, mother of the shy and mentally disturbed 20-year-old Tony with a tendency toward pyromania. She is invited on a sea cruise where she is meant to "take" his virginity. Also invited on the cruise are the provocative Paula and her husband Aldo, who are constantly striving to win the favor of a wealthy woman in hope of obtaining an oil concession. Despite her efforts, Ulla has no effect on the young man until the yacht stops on a Mediterranean island inhabited only by a goat herder and his wife, Beba. Tony is attracted to her, but little by little his mental disorders arise, and the story ends in tragedy..

Super Seducer 2 - The Dark Side of Seduction?

Super Seducer 2 - The Dark Side of Seduction?

The Dark Side of Seduction is the Super Seducer 2 documentary. Culled from over 200 hours of footage, the documentary follows Richard La Ruina and the team as they go from pre-production to completion. See behind the scenes footage and interviews with the cast and crew, as they struggle with making a sequel to one of the most controversial games ever. Get unparalleled access to the team, and gain insight into the process of making the world's biggest ever FMV game. The team battle with the question of whether they are doing something evil or actually doing something that will make the world a better place..

Les branchés à Saint-Tropez

Les branchés à Saint-Tropez

Charlotte et Antoine partent en vacances à Saint-Tropez avec Laura et Christian. Les deux couples se font prêter une villa par un ami de Laura, mais à peine sont-ils arrivés que les ennuis commencent. Alors qu'Antoine et Christian passent la nuit avec de jolies inconnues, leurs femmes décident de se venger et se retrouvent aux prises avec une bande de faux-monnayeurs..



Kwon Shi-Hyun a parié sa vie qu'il réussira à séduire Eun Tae-Hee, 20 ans, une jeune femme qui pense que les gens amoureux sont pathétiques..

Seducing Mr Perfect

Seducing Mr Perfect

Min Joon croit au grand amour. C'est pourquoi, elle a tendance à se consacrer entièrement aux hommes qu'elle fréquente. Cependant, ses relations ont aboutit à des ruptures. Un jour en allant au travail, distraite au volant de sa voiture, elle tamponne la voiture qui la précède. Un homme, Robin Heiden en sort et lui demande des comptes mais en anglais. Pour lui échapper, elle feint de ne pas comprendre l'anglais. Finalement arrivée à son bureau, elle découvre que l'étranger n'est autre que son nouveau boss M. Robin….



De retour en Italie après avoir passé 15 ans en France pour son travail de journaliste, Giuseppe est aussi motivé par le désir de retrouver Caterina, son ancienne petite amie. Cette jeune veuve vit avec sa fille Graziella, une adolescente, qui est fascinée par Giuseppe, et entame un jeu de séduction, ce qui conduit à une liaison amoureuse. Quand Caterina découvre le pot-aux-roses, elle consent cependant à partager l'homme avec sa fille..

Chained - The Seduction of Two Women

Chained - The Seduction of Two Women

This is a love story between Jin-kyeong who obsessively indulges in Min-ah’s body and Min-ah who feels love and friendship at the same time. Jin-kyeong mentally and physically comforts Min-ah who is going through a hard time after her boyfriend disappears. Min-ah is relieved Jin-kyeong is there. One day Min-ah meets Yoon-jae, a student and is mesmerized by the fact that he looks and smells like her ex-boyfriend. Yoon-jae seduces Min-ah and harasses her..

Ehrengarde ou l'Art de la séduction

Ehrengarde ou l'Art de la séduction

Dans un décor de conte de fées au royaume de Babenhausen, Cazotte, jeune expert autoproclamé en amour, est engagé par la grande-duchesse pour l'aider à s'assurer un héritier. Tout en cherchant la future princesse idéale, Cazotte enseigne au prince timide et introverti l'art de la séduction et de l'amour. Mais le plan tombe à l'eau lorsqu'un héritier est conçu en dehors des liens du mariage et que la famille royale doit trouver refuge au château de Rosenbad. Là, tandis que des rivaux internes sont sur le point de découvrir le stratagème, Cazotte lui-même tombe amoureux d'Ehrengard, la demoiselle d'honneur, et réalise qu'il ne connaît décidément rien à l'amour..

Seducing Country Girl

Seducing Country Girl

However, his father died in an accident while working in Geoje Island. Even her mother lives in Seoul and dies of a disease 2 years ago. Remaining alone, without family and relatives, is now living in Gangbuk, working at a restaurant. But even this is not easy. It is difficult to get a job because you came from the village. Besides, the men have a tough beauty. It can be sexual harassment wherever you go. However, Sumi, who suffers from her high school of life, has no choice but to help with the cost of living. Sexual harassment is also common in restaurants that are currently working. I can't stand it, and eventually I am cut off at the restaurant I am working for now. Even the rent is pushed out, and eventually, they are also kicked out of their homes. Taeho, a neighborhood friend who works in a restaurant, is Sumi's only friend. Taeho is working with Sumi and keeps Sumi in mind. It is recommended that you live with Sumi, who is not there when you go, in your home for the time being..

Sister-in-law's Seduction

Sister-in-law's Seduction

You only live once. Jeong-min lives everyday in gambling debt and sex. He finds out his rich twin brother is missing and plans to take his place but his plans get complicated when his brother's sister-in-law Sae-eun appears. Jeong-min and Sae-eun who loves him start living together. Will Jeong-min overcome Sae-eun's seduction and put his brother's wealth in his hands?.

Dark Seduction

Dark Seduction

Laura is a successful plastic surgeon who feels her life is somewhat empty. She meets a young nurse and falls in love and experiences sexuality to a extent not known to her. However, this spiral of desire and seduction is a dangerous game where no one is who they appear to be..