

The Secretary voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Secret Life of My Secretary

The Secret Life of My Secretary

En tant que directeur de l'équipe des médias mobiles 1 chez T & T, Do Min Ik doit être perfectionniste et excellent dans son travail. Il s'appuie toujours sur sa secrétaire, Jeong Gal Hee. Cette dernière effectue les taches les plus ingrates dans le but de renouveler son contrat qui arrive à terme. Cependant, comme toutes les secrétaires avant elle, son contrat d'un an n'est pas renouvelé et Jeong Gal Hee se retrouve sans emploi. C'est alors qu'un mystérieux homme attaque Do Min Ik devant elle. Do Min Ik, blessé à la tête, se retrouve alors incapable de reconnaître les visages qui l'entoure, tous sauf celui de son ancienne secrétaire Jeong Gal Hee....

The Secretary

The Secretary

A contemporary comedy-drama set against the background of rich southern elegance and the permissive swinging singles society of today. A successful young stockbroker, whose business is financed by his father-in-law, is frustrated by his wife's coldness. When an old friend from college, who teaches tennis to attractive young women and bored housewives, suggests that the stockbroker seek solace outside his marriage, the stockbroker begins an affair with his secretary. Meanwhile, the stockbroker's wife has an affair with her husband's old college friend..

A Very British Sex Scandal: The Love Child & the Secretary

A Very British Sex Scandal: The Love Child & the Secretary

Edwina Currie, Matthew Parris and Ian Hislop lead a cast of politicians and journalists sharing personal memories of Cecil Parkinson and the scandal that ended his political ambitions – a secret affair with his secretary Sara Keays that lasted 12 years and would threaten the stability of the Conservative government. A story of power, politics and personal consequences..

Qu'est-ce qui cloche chez la secrétaire Kim ?

Qu'est-ce qui cloche chez la secrétaire Kim ?

L'histoire de What's Wrong With Secretary Kim est adaptée d'un roman du même titre, écrit par Jeong Gyeong Yun. Lee Yeong Jun est un héritier de deuxième génération. Il est un homme beau, riche et intelligent, mais terriblement arrogant. Sa famille possède une grande entreprise où il occupe le poste du vice-président. Kim Mi So est la secrétaire de Yeong Jun depuis plusieurs années car elle correspond parfaitement à ses attentes. Sauf que cette dernière décide un jour de quitter son poste....

The Secretary

The Secretary

Ekaterina Morozova is an ordinary secretary at Investigative Committee of a small town. She is quite a professional at dealing with her working routine and there are no problems she couldn’t solve. Except the prob- lems of her personal life..

The Footprints of the Secretary

The Footprints of the Secretary

Luis Madero is a young professor of History at a prestigious high school. It is essentially phobic. Until Camila arrives and introduces herself as the assistant of Don Federico Madero, her grandfather. Luis does not want to know anything with that man who leaves him to look for him. Camila notices Luis of the death of Don Federico and the delivery of his unique inheritance; an old cane. From this moment strange things begin to happen in Luis's life; Someone is watching, they are following him and both will begin a path that puts them in the writings of Mariano Moreno, in the footsteps of the Secretary..

The Secretary

The Secretary

It tells the story of Julio Brigante, a prosecutors secretary of a high IQ, who goes to facts corresponding to his prosecutors office. The plot presents the cases that Brigante must reconstruct from the scene of the crime for the subsequent assembly of the judicial file. This "reconstruction" is projected from the imaginary of Brigante who, from evidence in the scene, imagines in his mind the passing of the facts..

Protect The Boss

Protect The Boss

No Eun Sol, la trentaine, est quelque peu désespérée par sa recherche d'emploi interminable. Elle pense avoir trouver un poste, mais son très fort caractère la pousse à remettre violemment son nouveau patron à sa place dans les toilettes d'un restaurant. Elle y rencontre alors Cha Ji Heon qui se retrouvera en mauvaise posture à cause d'elle. Bien que futur héritier d'une famille de chabeol (possédants plusieurs grosses multinationales), Cha Ji Heon est immature et irresponsable, souffrant d'une sorte de phobie sociale, il exaspère à la fois ses parents et ses collègues. De nouveau au chômage, Eun Seol va postuler à une offre de secrétaire et taper dans l'œil de Cha Mu Won, qui l'appréciera pour son caractère. Cousin et rival de Ji Heon, celui-ci est son parfait opposé. Surnommé le « prince de la finance », il est intelligent et sérieux, et espère récupérer la direction des entreprises familiales à la place de Ji Heon. Il choisira Eun Seol comme secrétaire pour son cousin et finira par s'éprendre d'elle, mais celle-ci se fera également courtiser par son patron qui tombera lui aussi sous son charme. Comment évoluera ce triangle amoureux ?.

The Wife and the Secretary

The Wife and the Secretary

A sensual drama that depicts the conflict between a chaste married woman and an office lady who is in love with her husband. A masterpiece that thrillingly depicts the destruction of the happiness of a loving couple through the tangle of love and hate between two mad women and a man. Hisae (Kaoru Sakurako) is in the midst of happiness after her husband Mitsuo (Tomohiro Okada), who works for a housing builder, built his dream home on the seaside due to his unusual career advancement, but it turns out that Mitsuo is involved in the company's tax evasion. When his colleague Nobuko (Rinako Hirasawa) acts threateningly after discovering the truth, he begins to be controlled by a disturbing shadow..

Me, my wife and the secretary

Me, my wife and the secretary

(Ahmed Fathi) is a screenwriter assisted by his wife (Hala). He wants her to quit her job and devote herself to helping him with his screenwriting work, but she refuses. His assistant takes advantage of the situation to try to drag him into a relationship and extort his money for her lover. His wife thinks that there is already a relationship between him and his assistant, and she is booked to travel on a train. The train has an accident and everyone thinks that she is dead..

The Secretary’s Scheme

The Secretary’s Scheme

Asami Miyake is a capable but mysterious secretary at Yanase General Law Office. Using an intimate relationship with an assistant lawyer, she steals his password to find the personal information of Yanase, the president. Masae Goto, the owner of an aesthetic salon, has a financial relationship with Yanase. She’s asked him to compensate her for a stock market loss, but suddenly receives a phone call from him that he can’t make the financial help..

Seven Secretaries

Seven Secretaries

7 femmes travaillant comme secrétaires pour les dignitaires, qui sont les dirigeants de la banque, du gouvernement métropolitain et de l'agence de police nationale, tentent d'aider les faibles de la société en déplaçant furtivement les dignitaires. Elles disposent d'un grand nombre d'informations confidentielles et de réseaux, et travaillent donc dans l'ombre pour aider les personnes qui souffrent d'un traitement injuste. Concept de ce drame : L'époque est sans leader, le chômage augmente, il n'y a pas d'avenir prometteur, nous devons donc déplacer nos leaders autant que nous le pouvons..