

The Red Dragon voirfilms

Fist of the Red Dragon

Fist of the Red Dragon

Nouvelle interprétation du mythique sifu Wong Fei Hong. Cette fois-ci, c'est du point de vue de So le mendiant (autre figure emblématique du folklore chinois) que l'histoire va se dérouler. Sur fond de guerre de l'opium, un prince Mandchou va utiliser l'accoutumance de Su à la drogue pour le mettre en travers de Wong, son ennemi juré. Heureusement, Fei-hong (pour les intimes) va contrecarrer cette tentative d'assassinat et va en profiter pour seuvrer notre pauvre Su. Ensemble, ils pourront lutter contre les meffets de la drogue en tuant l'un de ses instigateurs.

La Légende du Dragon Rouge

La Légende du Dragon Rouge

En Chine, Hung Xi Guan, un moine shaolin désespéré par la mort de sa famille, se révolte contre l'autorité impériale. Avec son jeune fils, qu'il initie aux arts martiaux, il se lance à la recherche des meurtriers..

Marco Polo Junior Versus the Red Dragon

Marco Polo Junior Versus the Red Dragon

Marco Polo Junior Versus the Red Dragon was Australia's first animated feature film,[2] released in 1972 and directed by Eric Porter. The two sequence directors were Porter's animation director Cam Ford (who had previously worked on the Beatles' Yellow Submarine) and Peter Gardiner..

Enter the Red Dragon

Enter the Red Dragon

The Red Dragons were formed amidst security altercations and piles of broken glass in the summer of 1988. The Red Dragons first full length video, RDS/FSU/2002, was a comprehensive look at one of skateboardings most infamous crews..

Hardcore Tabletop Presents: The Red Dragon Inn

Hardcore Tabletop Presents: The Red Dragon Inn

Welcome to the Red Dragon Inn, the best place to party after a bout of adventuring. Tonight, eight of the toughest heroes from across the land have been invited to a tournament where they'll need to drink, gamble, and fight their way to the end. Only one hero will have the fortitude needed to be crowned the victor and walk away with the grand prize..

Claws of the Red Dragon

Claws of the Red Dragon

When the CFO of a Chinese multinational tech giant is arrested on Canadian soil and faces extradition to the United States, the claws come out in a heated political battle over which nation will rule the 5G cyber space. "Claws of the Red Dragon" is based on true events..

The House of the Red Dragon

The House of the Red Dragon

In the 1890's, Suzie, an 18-year-old Chinese stowaway, leaves her hiding place on a ship after it docks in San Francisco, only to find herself in the middle of the tong wars and a witness to the murder of a runaway "love-slave." She makes her escape and finds work at the Mandarin Club, owned by her distant uncle Wong, who heads the Red Dragon tong..

Le Sens du devoir 4

Le Sens du devoir 4

Cynthia Khan, flic à San Francisco, est chargée de retrouver Luk, un petit dealer, témoin de l'assassinat d'un policier et vraisemblablement, détenteur de photos compromettant un important trafiquant de drogue. Elle n'est pas la seule à suivre la piste....

Dragon Gate Posthouse 3: Red Turban

Dragon Gate Posthouse 3: Red Turban

Native Title: 龙门驿站之红头巾 Also Known As: Long Men Yi Zhan Zhi Hong Tou Jin , 龍門驛站之紅頭巾 Director: Poon Man Kit Genres: Action, Thriller, Historical, Mystery Tags: Village Setting, Desert Setting, Flashback To Past, Web Movie, Death, Murder, Investigation, Martial Arts, Drama, Romance (Vote or add tags).

Le Sens du devoir 3

Le Sens du devoir 3

Après une intervention musclée en pleine rue, Yeung, jeune policière en uniforme, est mutée dans la section criminelle dirigée par son oncle. Ce dernier voulant maintenir sa nièce à l'écart de tous les dangers, il lui demande d'escorter un policier japonais venu à Hong Kong pour enquêter sur un couple de dangereux braqueurs. Une mission en apparence tranquille qui va vite tourner au carnage..

The South Shaolin Master

The South Shaolin Master

The narrative centres on a nomadic opera troupe who travel to various towns as part of their nationwide tour and astound the locals with their skills. When visiting a coastal town, one of the young performers becomes involved in a market brawl after two local bullies begin to push their weight around. The righteous young performer is saved from a vicious beating at the hands of the thugs by a mysterious fighter who uses his sublime abilities to save the day. He gradually reveals to his new friends that he is a former Shaolin student and a staunch patriot - readily opposing the Manchu rulers. In a finale filled with glorious fight action, the time for revenge is realised and the battle between good and evil once again takes place..

Magnicient body guards

Magnicient body guards

Orchidée Lan demande au jeune maître Ting Chong le léopard (Jackie Chan) de l'aider à traverser le Mont des Nuages, repère de bandits, pour sauver son frère malade. Maître Ting fait donc appel à l'aide de Zhang le sourd et Tsang Wu-Yi l'échorcheur pour combattre les quatre gardiens de ce lieu : le lettré, le moine, le vieux loup et le lotus d'or. Trahi, il se retrouve devant le roi du Mont des Nuages Zhu Wu, mais le frère malade se révèle être le véritable Zhu Wu qui récupère sa place grâce à ce plan habile..