

The Prankster sokroflix gratuit

The Prankster

The Prankster

To the outer world CHRIS KARAS is a shy, handsome, "A" student, the son of a hard-working Greek contractor. But to his closest confidants he is none other than the celebrated Prince of Pranksters, a secret society dedicated to combating the inequities of high school through masterful acts of subterfuge..

Edge City: The Story of the Merry Pranksters

Edge City: The Story of the Merry Pranksters

This is a documentary on Ken Kesey and the group of hippies that "followed" him in the late 50s/60s. They had this yellow painted school-bus with a plate "Further" on its front and travelled the whole US spreading LSD and their concept of individualism, self-invention and freedom. The documentary shows a lot of the footage that was shot on 16mm during the travels with the bus, and a ton of interviews with friends and family of Ken Kesey..

The Art World's Prankster: Maurizio Cattelan

The Art World's Prankster: Maurizio Cattelan

One of the most provocative and elusive figures in contemporary art finds himself the subject of Maura Axelrod's film. Catapulted to worldwide notoriety in 1999 by The Ninth Hour, a sculpture of Pope John Paul II toppled by a meteorite, Maurizio Cattelan's work has bordered on criminal activity (breaking into a gallery and stealing another artist's work) and regularly defies good taste - Him features Hitler in prayer and sold earlier this year for a whopping £12,000,000. Building his career on evasion, trickery and subversion, Cattelan is perhaps not the most reliable of interviewees, but ex-girlfriends, family members, collectors and dealers build a compelling and intimate portrait of an enigmatic figure. Bold, witty and playful as a Cattelan work itself, is this film really all it seems?.

Twists and Turns

Twists and Turns

It is a story of the wire man who carried the protection of himself against associates to the point of absurdity, having altered his wife, his dog in a barbed wire, and he fenced off himself from the outwards things..