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The Photographer

The Photographer

1948 ARC Identifier 46998 / Local Identifier 306.131. FEATURES THE PERSONALITY, PHILOSOPHY, TECHNIQUES AND ARTISTRY OF EDWARD WESTON, AS SHOWN THROUGH SCENES OF THE ARTIST AT HOME, ON LOCATION AND AT WORK WITH HIS STUDENTS. U.S. Information Agency. (1982 - 10/01/1999) Made possible by a donation from Simon Phipps.

The Photographer

The Photographer

A young Photographer, who has considered himself to be an outsider amongst modern society, has an unexpected epiphany that sheds a new light on how he looks at modern society..

The Photographer

The Photographer

A reclusive photographer finds himself confronted with a disturbing reality, after he becomes obsessed with following a young woman. Should he act and risk being discovered?.

The Photographer

The Photographer

When the Nazis murdered Faye Schulman’s family, she survived because she could operate a camera. She later joined the resistance and became one of the only known Jewish partisan photographers of WWII..

The Photographer

The Photographer

Moy, a former refugee and genocide survivor retraces his photographic past and reconnects with the loved ones he left behind. This story is about his remarkable journey in search of closure..

The Photographer

The Photographer

Marina, 15 years old, is speaking on facebook with her best friend Olivia about a strange photographer seen the day before. Suddenly she receive a snapchat from unknown number showing a picture of her window taken from the outside….

The Photographer

The Photographer

A murder story with a comedic twist. A famous photographer uses his models for more than taking pictures. He needs them as victims to satisfy his blood-lust. Each murder becomes more bizarre than the next..

The photographer

The photographer

La famille de Cai Xiangren gère un studio de photographie à Shenzhen. Ce photographe talentueux, spécialiste du «body art», est l’époux d’une jeune femme entièrement dévouée à son travail dans le secteur financier. Leur fils, quant à lui, consacre une grande partie de son temps au développement de logiciels de photographies. Les disputes au sein de la famille sont permanentes. Cette situation va finalement révéler un secret dissimulé depuis une dizaine d’années..

The Last Photograph

The Last Photograph

Un acte de vol banal a mis la vie de Tom Hammond en vrille. Volé dans sa librairie est le bien le plus précieux de Tom, une photo de lui avec son fils Luke. Leur dernier moment de bonheur partagé. The Last Photograph se déroule entre Londres en 2002 et une nuit noire en 1988 lorsque le vol Pan Am 103 a explosé du ciel au-dessus de Lockerbie....

Le Photographe de Mauthausen

Le Photographe de Mauthausen

Avec l’aide d’un groupe de prisonniers espagnols à la tête de l’organisation clandestine du camp de concentration de Mauthausen, Francisco Boix, prisonnier travaillant dans le laboratoire photographique du camp, risque sa vie en planifiant la sortie secrète de certains négatifs. Ils montreront au monde les atrocités commises par les nazis dans l’enfer du camp de concentration autrichien. Des milliers de négatifs qui témoignent de toute la cruauté d’un système pervers. Les photographies que Boix et ses compagnons ont réussi à sauver ont été déterminantes pour condamner les hauts responsables nazis lors des procès de Nuremberg en 1946. Boix était le seul Espagnol à avoir assisté aux audiences..

The Rich Have Their Own Photographers

The Rich Have Their Own Photographers

A deeply inspirational film about the life and artwork of America's premiere social documentary photographer, Milton Rogovin. In 1957, The Buffalo News declared Milton Rogovin "The Top Red in Buffalo" and his life was turned upside-down. Effectively, his political voice was silenced as society shunned him and his friends disappeared. In reality, he was an optometrist promoting workers' rights..