

The Outcast voirfilms

The Outcast

The Outcast

Grâce à la tromperie de son oncle tordu, le major Cosgrave, Jet a été escroqué de la propriété de son père et qualifié de paria. Il passe le reste du film à essayer de retrouver son droit d'aînesse et d'effacer son nom. Les deux femmes dans la vie de Jet sont Judy Polsen, qui le poursuit depuis si longtemps qu'il finit par la rattraper, et Alice Austin, la fiancée du Major Cosgrave..

Hitori no Shita – The Outcast

Hitori no Shita – The Outcast

Chulan est devenu un « outsider », un individu possédant certaines capacités hors du commun, depuis qu’il a croisé la route de Bao Bao, une jeune fille qui détient le secret de la vie éternelle. Tous les deux s’apprêtent à participer à un grand tournoi au cours duquel ils en apprendront plus sur leurs pouvoirs et leur finalité….

The Outcast

The Outcast

Set in post-war Britain, ten year-old Lewis Aldridge is grief-stricken as he struggles to cope with the death of his beloved mother. Left under the care of his emotionally distant father Gilbert, whom he barely knows and who quickly remarries, Lewis is forced to bury his feelings..

Les Bannis

Les Bannis

Etats-Unis, 1869. 4 ans après la Guerre de Sécession, 2 hommes, que tout oppose, se retrouvent contraints de faire équipe : le premier, Earl Corey, est un ancien propriétaire terrien sudiste de Virginie, l’autre, Jemal David, est un esclave affranchi nordiste. Ils voyagent ensemble à travers l'Ouest américain et deviennent chasseurs de primes. Bien qu’ils se haïssent cordialement, au bout du compte, ils n’ont personne d'autre dans la vie….

The Outcast

The Outcast

The prologue shows the life of a trapper, living in the solitude of the forest. He digs a bear trap, which is covered with boughs and grass. An Indian girl, armed with a bow and arrow, creeps close to a wild turkey, which she brings down. As she runs forward to gather up her prey she falls into the trap. Evans, the trapper, finds her there and on lifting her from the pit, finds that she has sprained her ankle, and takes her to his cabin, and makes her as comfortable as possible. As the shades of evening fall and the pain subsides, the girl drops into a slumber, and loath to awaken her, Evans leaves her in possession of his cabin and, wrapped in a blanket, sleeps outside. In the morning, the girl having recovered sufficiently, he lifts her to his horse, and mounting behind her, proceeds to the Indian camp. On the way he is attacked by a trio of Indians, who fire at him from behind a tree, and the trapper brings down one of his assailants..

Le conte des parias

Le conte des parias

En cette fin du XIXe siècle, deux êtres solitaires vivent chacun de leur côté dans un recoin de Londres, la grouillante capitale de l'immense Empire britannique. L'un est un diable, revenu de tout, qui n'attend plus rien de la vie ; l'autre est une petite orpheline enjouée malgré les terribles vicissitudes la vie. Puis un jour, leurs chemins se croisent et ces deux reclus décident de lier leurs destins et de partir à l'aventure....

Les Parias

Les Parias

Après avoir été victimes d’une blague humiliante, deux meilleures amies, Mindy et Jodi, s'unissent avec les parias du lycée et commencent une révolution sociale pour obtenir leur revanche sur la très populaire Whitney..

Le Banni des îles

Le Banni des îles

En Malaisie, Peter Willems, protégé du vieux capitaine Lingard, est un homme faible, désespéré, trop sensible aux influences néfastes. Un jour, motivé par la cupidité, mais aussi par l'amour que lui inspire une jolie jeune femme, il trahit son protecteur et s'enfuit. Accompagné de sa belle, il se cache sur une île..

The Outcasts

The Outcasts

The Outcasts was a 1961 Australian television mini-series. A period drama, it was broadcast live, though with some film inserts. All episodes survive as kinescope recordings.

Les Bannis de la Sierra

Les Bannis de la Sierra

Pour se venger des malfrats qui ont attaqué leur banque, les habitants les bannissent aux portes de leur petite ville, dans le désert aride. La marche est leur unique salut mais en chemin, alors qu'ils se situent au niveau de la dangereuse chaîne de montagne Rocheuses, une tempête les surprend et les précipite dans un refuge abandonné sans la moindre vivre....

The Outcast and the Bride

The Outcast and the Bride

Siegmund Lubin's 1903 film illustrating The Outcast and the Bride survives and is the only vestige of Lubin's myriad attempts at coordinating sound and film extant today. With words by Howard Wall and music by Allen May, the song was published in Philadelphia by Joseph Morris. The morality tale of two friends, Kate and Alice, was a perfect vehicle for an illustrated song...Shot in Lubin's glass-enclosed studio atop 912 Arch Street, the film was originally 250 feet. The surviving footage at the Library of Congress contains six shots utilising four different sets but seems to be missing footage..

The Outcasted

The Outcasted

A film that raises concerns about the mental, physical and sexual Health issues faced by the ‘the Third Gender of India’. The social determinants that affect Transgender Health in India as a result of social rejection. The film also highlights the noble work of two Indian NGOs that work for providing Health care services to the Transgender community in India..

The Outcasts

The Outcasts

Roaring through the streets in dirty denims and leather, The Outcasts present a menacing appearance to the respectable folk of East Anglia. Theirs is an alternative world of wild parties, arrest and sudden death. This film shows a group most people would cross the street to avoid. It's a life which borders on the edge of society and the law, but one which is governed by strict rules and traditions. There are two faces to The Outcasts. One exists in the pounding of heavy metal music and the exhaust fumes of powerful customised motorbikes. The other lies in the day-to-day grind, where even Outcasts have livings to earn, children to feed and bills to pay..

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

The owner of a gambling hall is entrusted with the care of a pretty young girl. He falls in love with her, but he must decide whether to let her go to his best friend, with whom he believes her to be in love, or to try to win her for himself..

The Adorable Outcast

The Adorable Outcast

A Pacific Island romance about a young adventurer, Stephen Conn, and his love for Luya. Only several scenes survive, although heavy nitrate damage is visible. It was shot on location in the Fiji Islands with interiors at Australasian's Bondi studios in Sydney. The film had many native extras and three American players (Burns, Roberts and Long). The script for the film was written by Norman Dawn from the novel, "Conn of the Coral Seas", by Beatrice Grimshaw..

Outcasts of the City

Outcasts of the City

In this drama, set just after the end of WWII, an American officer falls in love with a German woman. Their blissful affair is disrupted when her German ex-lover returns and tries to exact his jealous revenge upon the Yankee. When the ex-lover shows up dead, the American is blamed..