

The Old Devils voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Old Devils

The Old Devils

An adaptation of the novel by Kingsley Amis about a group of university friends reunited in retirement. Alun Weaver has found success as a celebrated London-based writer. After returning home to Wales with his alluring wife Rhiannon he reunites with old friends who chose to remain in the valleys. Long dormant romance are rekindled and rivalries resurrected in this turbulent story of ageing, friendship, lust, nostalgia and nationalism..

The Old Devils

The Old Devils

Dramatisation of Kingsley Amis’s novel, in which writer Alun Weaver returns to Wales to get reacquainted with his old university friends, ‘The Old Devils’..

Cette vieille canaille

Cette vieille canaille

Guillaume Vautier, un chirurgien de grand renom et d'un certain âge, s'est épris d'Hélène qu'il a un jour soignée. La jeune fille tient une baraque de tir à la foire de Neuilly. Mais Hélène est amoureuse d'un acrobate, Jean Trapeau. L'une de ses rivales provoque une altercation, qui conduit Hélène en prison. Vautier l'en fait sortir. Hélène se retrouve à dîner chez lui, tout émerveillée par la richesse de celui qui va bientôt devenir son protecteur. Craignant de la perdre, le chirurgien lui pardonne ses infidélités et va même jusqu'à les encourager....

Old Devil

Old Devil

"Diablo Viejo" was going to be a family road trip movie, but the production stops when the co-directors' 9 year relationship comes to an end. After the separation both put together their own version of the story with the pieces of a broken relationship and a frustrated documentary..

The Devil in Old Town

The Devil in Old Town

The town of Vila Velha is put under a reign of terror by a powerful colonel nicknamed "The Devil", who influences local politicians and hires gunslingers to shoot down those who stand up to him..