

The Occupants voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Occupants

The Occupants

A supernatural thriller directed by Todd Alcott who co-wrote the script with Holly Golden, and features Michael Rady and Toby Huss. Golden produced the film along with Ilan Arboleda. The film revolves around Lucy, who has a new husband, a new home and a new baby, but old ghosts won't let her be. She has dedicated her life to helping families break the cycle of abuse, so when she and her husband, Wade, see the echoes of a violent family tragedy in their home, Lucy tries to help the tortured souls break free of their torment and move on. She finds, however, that these ghosts don't want her help -- they want to lead Lucy and her family to their doom..

The Occupant

The Occupant

Une jeune romancière débarque à Hong Kong pour étudier les superstitions chinoises. Elle trouve un appartement très peu coûteux grâce à Wong, un agent immobilier. Mais très vite, des événements étranges se produisent....



Dans un futur proche, le Premier ministre norvégien, écologiste convaincu, annonce l’abandon, au profit d’énergies alternatives, de l’exploitation des énergies fossiles qui ont fait la richesse norvégienne. Mandatée par les États de l’Union européenne, la Russie décide aussitôt d’occuper le pays et d’y relancer les forages pétroliers. En quelques heures, Oslo et ses provinces sont mises sous tutelle. Sans chars ni bruits de bottes, la Russie étend son emprise, mettant désormais politiques et citoyens norvégiens face à un dilemme : résister ou collaborer ? Résister, au risque de tout sacrifier à des idéaux patriotiques et démocratiques abstraits, ou s’accommoder de cette omniprésence russe qui perturbe si peu, en apparence, l’ordre des choses ?.

Chez moi

Chez moi

Quand un publicitaire au chômage décide d'espionner les nouveaux occupants de son ancien domicile, la situation tourne vite au cauchemar..

Occupation of the New Airport

Occupation of the New Airport

One year after the hospital occupation incident, Saburo Musashi (Sho Sakurai) of the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Investigation Division has another "worst day" ...! Kanagawa Prefecture's first international airport "Kanagawa New Airport" is suddenly occupied by an armed group wearing a beast mask!.

The Girl with the Occupied Eyes

The Girl with the Occupied Eyes

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who, even when out and about, was always distracted. Eyes fixed on her phone, she didn’t notice the world around her or anyone who wanted to play. What could be done to “disoccupy” her eyes?.



After the premiere, the theatre group gathers in a bar to celebrate. However, the cheerful gathering is interrupted by a drunken Soviet officer. He insists on selling a can of petrol. However, when he senses the awkwardness, the hidden hatred, the cowardice, the timidity of the people there, he begins to enjoy the situation with his intrusiveness. When he takes his pistol out of its holster, things start to get crazy. The people in the bar suddenly become “freedom fighters” against the Russian occupation..

L'Occupation en 26 images

L'Occupation en 26 images

Set in Dubrovnik, this drama chronicles a friendship between three men, that began just before World War II. One of the men is of Italian origin, another is the wealthy heir of a shipping fortune, and the third is the son of a Jewish antique-store owner. Before the war, they are fast friends, enjoying one another's company at carnivals and at a private fencing club. However, when the war comes, the Italians and Germans move in to create the Independent State of Croatia. The Italian friend becomes a fascist and courts and marries the sister of his rich friend. Soon enough, atrocities are being committed, and anyone suspected of Jewish or Serbian parentage or anti-fascist leanings, is killed..

Hébron, Palestine, la fabrique de l'occupation

Hébron, Palestine, la fabrique de l'occupation

Ségrégation, surveillance, filmage intensif : depuis près de 60 ans, une rue d'un kilomètre de long à Hébron, la plus importante ville de Cisjordanie est au coeur de toutes les discussions. Cet axe mène au Tombeau des Patriarches où repose le prophète Abraham - pour les juifs - et Ibrahim - pour les musulmans..

Reconstruction of Occupation

Reconstruction of Occupation

Documentary filmmaker Jan Sikl came across several hours of footage showing the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in private film archives. 53 years later, historical memory awakens from a long slumber with this reconstruction of the occupation, a cinematic adventure of a truly archeological nature..

L'Occupation intime

L'Occupation intime

Comment les événements de l'Occupation de 1940-1945 ont-ils été vécus, par ceux qui les ont subis ou initiés, civils et militaires, obscurs et privilégiés, Français et Allemands ? Le regard que pose sur cette période le vingt-et-unième siècle — qui a engrangé à présent plus de soixante ans d'acquis de recherches — a changé. Bénéficiant du recul toujours plus grand des historiens, qui ont mis en valeur combien ces années sombres avaient pu être tributaires d'enjeux de mémoires mouvants, on est passé d'une perception en noir et blanc à une multitude de nuances. Ce film composé d'images d'archives en couleurs et en très grande partie inédites, ainsi que de nombreuses chansons d'époque bénéficiera de cette nouvelle profondeur de champ et invitera à découvrir les mille et une facettes de la vie sociale, culturelle et... intime de cette période troublée..

Occupation 1968

Occupation 1968

Documentary about the Occupation, as seen through the eyes of the occupiers. Five countries from the Warsaw Pact occupied Czechoslovakia in 1968. Fifty years later, five directors from these five countries shoot five short films about the invasion from the perspective of the people who played the part of the occupiers..

Mysterium Occupation

Mysterium Occupation

Interlocking narratives, told out of chronological order, about partisans in the Second World War who are a band of nihilistic marauders, roaming the countryside and dispensing what they see as justice to those they consider collaborators with the enemy..

Amour et sexe sous l'Occupation

Amour et sexe sous l'Occupation

Amour et sexe sous l'Occupation interroge le mystère brûlant des relations intimes hétérosexuelles et homosexuelles en temps de guerre... et nous montre combien la proximité avec la mort renforce l'aspiration à la passion, au plaisir, à la transgression comme dernier sursaut de liberté, au désir comme ultime appel à la vie. Près de deux cent mille naissances seraient le fruit de l'union entre des femmes françaises et des soldat allemands. Les conquêtes allemandes n'étaient pas seulement féminines. Dans le Paris de l'Occupation rôdent toutes sortes d'homosexuels qui pactisent avec l'occupant, de Genêt à Cocteau. Le sort des tondues est la punition de la France qui s'est couchée et qui a couché avec l'ennemi..

Continûment Occupé des Choses de l'Amour

Continûment Occupé des Choses de l'Amour

A woman sweeps the floor, then hands the broom to a man: he sweeps a bit, and hands it back to her. In this film, named after Vasari’s biography of Giorgione, man and woman reenact Manet and Titian, switch places, and in so doing, exchange their nudity and the gaze that seeks it. In voiceover, a woman reads a letter telling of her efforts to sign up her daughter in daycare ; other kafkaesque situations follow, drawing wth humour the picture of a life of submission to an absurd administrative power. In the frame, birds and their choreographies echo the wanderings of the two characters in the Camargue countryside. (Nathan Letoré).

Occupation, the 27th Picture

Occupation, the 27th Picture

We encounter the controversial Croatian film director Lordan Zafranovic in voluntary exile in Prague. The film follows his rise from a talented outsider to the celebrated Yugoslav director of the acclaimed war film, 'An Occupation in 26 Pictures'. His life story is an unconventional depiction of a rise and fall that reveals compromises made in order to survive artistically during communism, as well as the missed opportunities and miscalculations that led to his inability to adapt in later years. Is the charismatic Zafranovic a national traitor or a victim of historical circumstances in which the only thing he wanted to do, in his own words, was to be himself and make films?.

The Occupant

The Occupant

The short documentary was edited from video footage of Russian military phone Lieutenant Yuri Shalayev. He is a graduate of the Moscow Higher Command School, commander of the motorized infantry platoon of military unit 71718, stationed in Chechnya, and a representative of the Russian infantry elite. This is a film-essay about how he lived and served in Russia before the "military special operation". How he came to Ukraine to fight. And how, in the end, the war ended for him as a prisoner..

The Occupation Years

The Occupation Years

Tells of the years during the allied occupation of Iceland from 1940-1945. While a number of scenes depict daily life in Iceland (a combination of live footage and staged sequences), a substantial part of the film is concerned with military activities in Iceland and abroad, and the political development which lead to the proclamation of the Republic of Iceland in 1944. The film includes archive footage from English, American, German and Norwegian sources and incorporates interviews with people who lived through the era..

Hilversum Occupied and Liberated, 1940-1945

Hilversum Occupied and Liberated, 1940-1945

Hilversum Occupied and Liberated, 1940-1945 is a film that gives an impressive look at the daily life of Hilversumers during the German occupation. Special attention is given to the exuberant way in which the inhabitants welcomed their liberators in May 1945..