

The Nature of the Beast voirfilms

The Nature of the Beast

The Nature of the Beast

A boy reads about the attacks of a unknown animal on livestock in the town. He plans to run his own investigation. The so called beast however is also used as a metaphor for every day problems the townsfolk face..

The Nature of the Beast

The Nature of the Beast

The Nature of the Beast explores the life and case of a woman, Bonnie Jean Foreshaw, who was subjected to years of abuse, as a child and in three separate marriages. At the age of thirty-eight, Ms Foreshaw was found guilty of first degree murder when, in a moment of panic, she accidentally shot and killed a pregnant woman in an attempt to protect herself from a man who was physically assaulting her at a gas station in Hartford, Connecticut. Both her assailant and victim were complete strangers to Ms. Foreshaw. Although the man later testified in court that he had pulled the pregnant woman in front of him as a shield when he saw Ms. Foreshaw take out her hand gun, she was nevertheless found guilty of pre-meditated murder. Ms. Foreshaw is now serving the longest prison sentence of any woman in Connecticut—45 years—without the possibility of parole..

Nature of the Beast

Nature of the Beast

Darryl is an ex-con fresh out of the joint. He doesn't want any trouble. His old buddy Leo has double-crossed the wrong walrus. Two old friends, one strange night of demons from the past..

Nature of the Beast

Nature of the Beast

In an era of PR and spin, Dennis Skinner is a thrillingly authentic political figure: fearsome, principled, and uncompromising, he has been sticking up for the interests of the people of his constituency in Bolsover since 1970. An ex-miner, he was represented his community through the industrial action of the 1970s, the closure of the mines, and the slow drift to the ‘centre-ground’ within Labour politics. Famous for his sharp wit and unyielding style, Skinner has remained true to his roots, fighting for the disadvantaged and often getting himself into trouble in Parliament. The story of both a towering figure, and the fortunes of progressive politics in Britain over the last half-century..

Nature of the Beast

Nature of the Beast

After centuries of investigation, the reason dinosaurs vanished remains one of the most perplexing questions in all of science. After all, they dominated the world for over 140 million years. How these strong, adaptable creatures became extinct is a subject that has filled books, magazines, movies and dreams. Many theories have been developed. Beginning in 1980, Nobel-prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez suggested that a massive comet or meteor was to blame. Other scientists pointed to scenarios such as violent volcanic activity, or perhaps a virulent dinosaur disease. Discover the latest theories about what killed the "Terrible Lizards," an event that left the earth ripe for the rise of another amazing species...human beings..

Le Cœur de la bête

Le Cœur de la bête

Rich et Julia sont fiancés et ont prévu de se marier très prochainement. Julia décide d'emmener Rich passer quelques jours à la campagne avec sa famille, afin de le présenter à tous ses proches et de finaliser les derniers préparatifs de la noce. Tout irait pour le mieux si Rich, qui a en apparence tout d'un homme parfait, ne cachait un secret. Tous les mois, les soirs de pleine lune, il se transforme en loup-garou....

The Dinosaurs!

The Dinosaurs!

An American television miniseries produced by PBS in 1992 featuring some of the then-modern theories about dinosaurs and how they lived..