

The Nativity voirfilms

The Nativity

The Nativity

Drama revealing the human story beneath the classic biblical tale, from the courtship of Mary and Joseph in Nazareth to the birth of Jesus in a Bethlehem stable..

The Nativity

The Nativity

The Nativity is seen through the eyes of three young visitors from the 20th century who are transported back through time to the Holy City.

La nativité

La nativité

En rentrant de sa journée aux champs, Marie apprend que son père a consenti à son mariage avec le charpentier Joseph, qu'elle connaît à peine. Peu après, l'archange Gabriel annonce à la jeune fille qu'elle porte en elle le fils de Dieu. À son retour de chez sa cousine, où elle avait trouvé refuge, son ventre arrondi provoque un scandale. Joseph, qui menace de la répudier, reçoit en rêve la visite de Gabriel, qui l'informe de sa mission et le rassure sur la vertu de sa promise. Le bonheur du couple enfin soudé est de courte durée. En effet, Hérode, qui craint la réalisation de la prophétie de l'Ancien Testament annonçant la venue d'un nouveau roi, resserre son emprise sur ses sujets. Au même moment, un recensement national force Joseph à marcher avec sa femme jusqu'à Bethléem, direction également prise par trois mages guidés par une étoile..

Sacré Noël! : Drôle de chorale

Sacré Noël! : Drôle de chorale

En cette période de fêtes, les élèves de Sainte-Bernadette font route vers le Pays de Galles pour participer au concours de chant national "Un chanson pour Noël". Leur nouvel instituteur, M. Peterson, a la délicate mission de tempérer l'enthousiasme de ses élèves, mais doit composer avec un assistant ingérable, M. Poppy, qui l'embarque bien malgré lui dans une de ses folles aventures....

The Flint Street Nativity

The Flint Street Nativity

With angels crying in the toilets all because of a jealous Angel Gabriel, it could only be the eagerly awaited performance of the Primary school nativity play - this time with a twist! The UK's finest comedy actors take the leading roles as the eight year old performers. Through the inevitable mishaps, misunderstandings, young egos, fears of failure and fallings out, the children's characters evolve into mirror images of thier parents, the nativity play's audience. You'll be drawn into the amusing and enchanting worlds and minds of young children and reminisce about your own childhood performances!.

The Story of the Nativity: The Truth of Christmas

The Story of the Nativity: The Truth of Christmas

Most Christians think they know the truth about the birth of Jesus Christ and the circumstances surrounding his miraculous conception. But how much of what we know is fact -- and how much is commonly misunderstood fiction? This probing look at the Nativity story not only includes interviews with authors, religious leaders and other scholars; it also takes viewers to the Holy Land sites where the events were said to take place..

The Nativity: The Life of Jesus Christ

The Nativity: The Life of Jesus Christ

Cette adaptation colorée et inspirante de la plus grande histoire racontée suit la vie de Jésus-Christ de sa naissance à son enfance. Au fur et à mesure qu'il grandit dans la virilité, son message spécial est entendu par beaucoup. Cependant, tous ne deviennent pas des adeptes et sa vie se termine brutalement. Regardez et écoutez pendant que ce film vous ramène aux endroits où tout a commencé et entendez les mots intemporels qui, aujourd'hui encore, touchent les cœurs humains, défient les esprits brillants et fournissent un plan de vie aujourd'hui avec le Maître. Son sacrifice ultime, sa résurrection et son ascension au ciel ont inspiré des millions de personnes à suivre ses enseignements pendant plus de deux mille ans..

The True Story of the Nativity

The True Story of the Nativity

Israel, Egypt and Jordan serve as the backdrop for this modern investigation of one of the earliest stories ever told. A marriage of history and technology reveals details about the origins of Christianity while viewers time travel to the birth of Christ and the Holy Family's escape from the murderous Herod. Evidence from the Holy Land and contemporary scientific discoveries lend clarity to the ancient events that forever changed humanity..

Greatest Heroes and Legends of The Bible: The Nativity

Greatest Heroes and Legends of The Bible: The Nativity

It's been called the greatest story ever told, and with good reason. For all Christians, the story of Christmas, the story of Jesus' birth represents a new birth of hope for humanity, but it has also attracted millions of non-Christians because of its great beauty. Now, with this animated film, you can reintroduce your family to this classic Biblical tale. The Nativity is one of the twelve programs in the Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible series. This program features: All-new animation, an introduction by Charlton Heston, and "Simon & Gimmel -Your Faithful Guides," two animated characters who lead viewers through the story and make it accessible for all ages, especially ages 4 to 11..

The Nativity Cycle

The Nativity Cycle

The Christmas story, presented in the form of a medieval York mystery, or miracle play, by a cast of junior school children. They follow the text, in verse and prose, used by strolling players five centuries ago when a miracle play meant the portrayal of the mystery of Christ's birth. The story is divided into scenes, with costumes and settings patterned after biblical times. Between acts a children's "angel choir" sings familiar Christmas carols to introduce each scene..

Why The Nativity

Why The Nativity

Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, noted pastor, author, and theologian Dr. David Jeremiah provides answers to the most thought-provoking questions surrounding the most pivotal moment in human history-the birth of Jesus Christ..

The Animated Nativity

The Animated Nativity

Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds. The cunning plan of King Herod does not deceive the devoted wise men, but ultimately it is the Angel who intercedes to warn Joseph and Mary to flee into Egypt..