

The Moment of Truth sokroflix gratuit

The Moment of Truth

The Moment of Truth

The Moment of Truth was a game show based on the Japanese format Happy Family Plan that was produced by LWT and was broadcast on ITV from 5 September 1998 to 29 September 2001. It was hosted by Cilla Black. A similar show, Celebrities Under Pressure followed two years after The Moment of Truth ended. The format was strikingly similar, except that celebrities partook in challenges on behalf of the family, rather than a family member..

First Squad - Le Moment de Vérité

First Squad - Le Moment de Vérité

Sur le front de l'Est, le conflit perdure entre les armées allemandes et soviétiques, contraintes à une guerre de position pendant l'hiver. Parallèlement à ce combat, une autre bataille se joue à coup de pouvoirs occultes: Du côté des SS, l'Ahnenerbe se lance dans la résurrection du baron von Wolff, un chevalier tué en Russie, il y a 700 ans avec ses hommes. Le renfort d'une armée de morts vivants devrait faire basculer la balance du côté allemand.Pour contrer ce plan, la section 6 des services secrets soviétiques compte sur sa pièce maîtresse, Nadia, une jeune fille dotée de pouvoirs paranormaux. Envoyée sur le front, sous couverture, Nadia est cependant victime d'une attaque aérienne, qui la laisse amnésique et coupée de sa base. Elle est en plus pourchassée par des tueuses de l'Ahnenerbe , qui cherche à éliminer tous les membres de la section 6..

The Accident: A Moment of Truth Movie

The Accident: A Moment of Truth Movie

Lizzie and Janie are best friends, bonded like sisters, who share many things in common: crushes, gossip, and a taste for liquor. Although they manage to sneak alcohol at home and in water bottles at school, they never get caught. One night, while at a per-graduation party, Lizzie, Janie, and their friend Kate get completely drunk, and Lizzie decides to drive Janie home. While blasting the music in the car, with rain pounding on the windshield, Lizzie crashes the car. She escapes with a concussion, but Janie isn't so lucky - she dies in the twisted metal. What happens is a depiction of the aftermath of tragedy, and the recovery process of an alcoholic. Gruesome dramatization of a horrific car accident, and depiction of a DWI trial..

Moment of Truth: Into the Arms of Danger

Moment of Truth: Into the Arms of Danger

A teenage girl runs away from home after her mother's fiance attempts to molest her. On her own in the city, she is taken in by a man who convinces her to work as an exotic dancer. After discovering what led her daughter to run away, her mother begins a frantic mission to save her daughter..

The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie

The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie

Carol (Fisher) has had a rough time - a recent divorce, 2 young boys to raise, and close call with cancer. All of this emotional strain has brought about a strong desire in her to find the child she gave up for adoption 18 years prior. This is the story of her journey..

La Minute de vérité

La Minute de vérité

Pierre, médecin, s'apprête à fêter ses dix ans de mariage avec Madeleine qui est comédienne. Il est appelé en urgence suite à la tentative de suicide d'un peintre et découvre que Madeleine avait une liaison avec lui..

Kwon Ji Yong (권지용) Act III: Motte

Kwon Ji Yong (권지용) Act III: Motte

Kwon Ji Yong is a full length documentary that reveals the real Kwon Ji Yong AKA G-Dragon, the leader of one of the most successful K-pop bands in history, BIGBANG. As the camera follows him throughout his last solo tour before he heads to the military, never-before-seen intimate footage bears naked the inner struggles and the challenges of living under the microscope..