

The Modelizer sokroflix gratuit

The Modelizer

The Modelizer

A Hong Kong tycoon bachelor who only dates models meets his match when he stumbles across a Brazilian model who refuses to play by his rules, and ends up not only falling for her, but also discovering the meaning of love along the way..

Mokei Senshi Gunpla Builders Beginning G

Mokei Senshi Gunpla Builders Beginning G

Haru Irei est un jeune garçon adepte de la saga Gundam ; il tombe ainsi sous le charme des maquettes de robots de la franchise, mais il ne trouve en magasin qu'un robot inconnu, le Beginning Gundam, qu'il assemble avec son ami Kenta Sakazaki. Ce dernier l'entraîne alors dans un tournoi de Gunpla, durant lequel les participants s'affrontent via un simulateur de combat qui permet de virtuellement prendre les commandes de sa maquette dans un environnement 3D..

Top Model

Top Model

Maria Eduarda "Duda" Pinheiro is a successful top model. After being hired to model Covery brand clothes, she meets the Kundera brothers, Alex and Gaspar, owners of the company. Gaspar, a former beatnik, is over 40 but still practices surfing, lives in a beach-side house and raises five children: Elvis (named after Elvis Presley), Ringo (Starr), Jane (Fonda), Olívia (Newton-John) and (John) Lennon, all from different mothers who left them with him. Anastácia "Naná" Passos, Duda's friend and mentor, loves him platonically, and rivalizes with Mariza Borges over him. Alex by contrast is a yuppie. He and their mother Morgana have a love-hate relationship and rivalry with his brother over Morgana's attention and the company. Alex begins to love Duda, however she falls in love with Lucas, a graffiti artist who is on the run from the São Paulo police due to his involvement in a crime there. He is also searching for his real father, and thinks it's either Alex or Gaspar..



Song Kyung-rin is a fashion designer but after Jo Won Joon refusal of being her model, she have a taste of being a model and decided to become a model. Lee Jung just returned to Korea from America and he have an interest in modeling. Through fate, Lee Jung help out Kyung-rin and they fall in love. But behind Lee Jung returning to Korea there is a big, deep, dark secret and a plan for revenge.

A Model Family

A Model Family

Après avoir involontairement volé de l'argent à un cartel, un professeur fauché n'a pas d'autre choix que de devenir passeur de drogue pour sauver sa famille brisée..

Sweden's Next Top Model

Sweden's Next Top Model

A Swedish reality television show based on America's Next Top Model. 9 contestants compete for a top 3 spot to compete in Scandinavia's Next Top Model. These final 3 girls then join with Norway and Denmark's contestants..

18 Year Old Model Rika's Fancy Walk

18 Year Old Model Rika's Fancy Walk

At first, Yoo-jeong and Min-soo really loved each other. However, in a few months, there is a period of boredom between the two. Two people face each other and don't eat. Yoo-jeong confides her worries to her friend So-hyeon. But So-hyeon never misses the chance and confesses her feelings to Min-soo. Min-soo’s heart is shaken by So-hyeon. I'm meeting So-hyeon secretly. After a secret meeting with So-hyeon, he finds some time to relax..

Arnold Is a Model Student

Arnold Is a Model Student

Arnold is a clever student who has won many academic awards. One day, he meets Bee who has an underground business of helping students to cheat their exams. Bee asks Arnold to join his cheating ring and offers him a lot of money. While Arnold is considering working with Bee, at his school, many students are not happy with the school’s disrespect of their freedom and they organize a big protest..

The Next NEO Model

The Next NEO Model

Editor-in-chief, model, and photographer Johnny Suh, with his muse, supermodel Jungwoo, are in search of the new face for "JOHNNYZED". The models (NCT 127) are competing to become the next cover boy..

(Not A) Model Agency

(Not A) Model Agency

Denis is suddenly abandoned by a girl. He decides on an adventure and opens an escort agency with his friend Nikita to earn money and "buy" Nastya's love. Suddenly, things are going uphill, and the guys are getting more and more involved in business. And along with a lot of money and new acquaintances, a series of endless problems breaks into their lives..

Nude Model

Nude Model

A third-rate photographer who snaps and sells nude pictures, can't get over the woman who left him after amazing sex. One day, he works with a model named Su-jin to meet the deadline. She is daring. She claims to comfort the wouded man and starts to seduce him. He falls for her. But one day, his ex-lover comes back and Su-jin witnesses their intercourse. She falls asleep in the bathroom and the photographer realizes her loves her....

L'Artiste et son modèle

L'Artiste et son modèle

Été 1943, dans la France occupée, non loin de la frontière espagnole. Marc Cros, célèbre sculpteur, vit une retraite paisible avec sa femme Léa, anciennement son modèle. Fatigué de la vie et de la folie des hommes, il est à la recherche d’une inspiration nouvelle, mais rien ne semble le sortir de la monotonie ambiante. En hébergeant Mercé, une jeune espagnole échappée d’un camp de réfugiés, le vieil artiste découvre une nouvelle muse et retrouve le goût du travail. Il démarre alors la sculpture de sa dernière œuvre….

Top Model

Top Model

Un riche industriel entreprend une partie d'échecs avec une hôte de charme dans sa villa. L'enjeu est de taille, s'il gagne, il emmènera la belle au lit. Si elle gagne, l'homme devra se suicider... Le jeu est long et souvent interrompu par les interventions de sa femme et de la secrétaire de l'industriel, elle aussi amoureuse de lui..

A Model Life

A Model Life

Dirty Sexy Things was a British concept documentary series that aired on E4 about eight models preparing for eight shoots which culminated in an exhibition for fashion photographer Perou. A promo for the show began airing on E4 at the end of June 2011. The show is sponsored by Rimmel London. The series featured eight episodes, the first of which aired 10pm Monday 4 July 2011 on E4 and again on Saturday 9 July on Channel 4..

Le Voyage d'une jeune top model

Le Voyage d'une jeune top model

A 13 ans, Nadya enchaîne les castings. La jeune Sibérienne s'est exilée à Tokyo avec l'aval de sa famille, voyant dans le mannequinat l'opportunité d'échapper à une vie de misère. Grâce à son visage enfantin, elle a été sélectionnée par Ashley, une ancienne top-model devenue dénicheuse, et par son associé, le doucereux Tigran. Elle ne doit pas prendre plus d'un centimètre de tour de taille sous peine d'être renvoyée chez elle criblée de dettes. Plongée dans un quotidien dénué de glamour et en proie aux ambitions de ses agents, l'adolescente, innocente starlette en herbe, garde le sourire. A travers son expérience, les deux réalisateurs dressent un tableau accablant du monde de l'image..