

The Minister sokroflix gratuit

My Dad's the Prime Minister

My Dad's the Prime Minister

My Dad's the Prime Minister is a British sitcom written by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman. It centres around the life of the Prime Minister, his family and his spin doctor. Its main cast include Robert Bathurst, Joe Prospero, Carla Mendonça, Brian Bovell and Emma Sackville. It was filmed at Bushey in Watford, and extras included students of the nearby Bushey Hall School and Bushey Meads School. Series 1 was shown on BBC 1 as part of CBBC, in April and May 2003. Season 2 was shown later in the evening on BBC 1, in November and December 2004. Series 1 focused more on Dillon, while the second season had greater coverage of the life of the Prime Minister. Series 1 was released on DVD and video, but currently Series 2 remains unreleased..

The Prime Ministers - The Pioneers

The Prime Ministers - The Pioneers

Ce documentaire emmène le public à l'intérieur des bureaux des premiers ministres israéliens à travers les yeux d'un initié, Yehuda Avner, qui a servi comme aide-chef, rédacteur de discours à Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin et Shimon Peres.

The Minister

The Minister

In a futuristic 1999, a highly trained Vietnam veteran, now evangelical minister, goes on a mission of holy vengeance after his wife and child are brutally murdered..

The Minister of Defense

The Minister of Defense

NFL Hall of Famer Reggie White was known as much for his dogmatic religiosity as for his devastating sacks at the time of his tragic death in 2004 at 43. However, during a little-known interview shortly before his passing, White questioned his indoctrination and revealed his journey to discover the meaning of his faith. Including intimate interviews with his son, Jeremy, the superstar defensive lineman’s story deftly explores the cultural complexity of evangelical Christianity..

The Accidental Prime Minister

The Accidental Prime Minister

Based on the memoir by Indian policy analyst Sanjaya Baru, The Accidental Prime Minister explores Manmohan Singh's tenure as the Prime Minister of India, and the kind of control he had over his cabinet and the country..

The Minister

The Minister

A look into the life of the newly elected Prime Minister of Iceland, who starts losing his grip on reality and the effect that has on his family and the Icelandic nation..

The Little Minister

The Little Minister

Dans un petit village d'Écosse où il vient de prendre ses fonctions, un jeune prêtre rencontre une jolie gitane qui bouleverse sa vie. Tiré d'un roman de J.M. Barrie (le père de "Peter Pan"), ce drame offre l'un de ses premiers grands rôles à une Katharine Hepburn d'autant plus envoûtante que l'atmosphère typiquement écossaise apporte une touche de mystère..

Les Anges noirs

Les Anges noirs

Alberto Santana, détective, est froidement assassiné sous les yeux de sa femme et de sa fille, Céleste. Le seul indice laissé par le tueur est un énigmatique livret rédigé par un groupuscule religieux nommé The Ministers. Treize ans plus tard. Céleste est devenue inspectrice à la police de New York. Des meurtres de truands et de trafiquants de drogue sont perpétrés selon le même mode opératoire..

The Legislative Prime Minister - Shuge Liang

The Legislative Prime Minister - Shuge Liang

During the late Eastern Han dynasty, warlords fought for power and control, and Cao Cao held the Emperor captive as a means of controlling other lords. Zhuge Liang, a talented scholar, lived through this turbulent period, but did not prioritize fame and wealth. He was asked to help rescue a monastery from disaster and discovered that there were people within the monastery who were collaborating with the Yellow Turban rebels to kidnap young boys and girls. While assisting a kidnapped girl in finding her family, Zhuge Liang met Xiao Qiao from the Eastern Wu empire, and they fell in love despite her earlier engagement to Zhou Yu. Their love was complicated by these circumstances. Meanwhile, Liu Qi, Zhuge Liang's friend, was determined to contact other like-minded figures to rebel against Cao Cao and to kill him. Upon learning of a secret decree from the Emperor, Liu Qi and Zhuge Liang joined forces to plan their next move..

The Ministry of Time

The Ministry of Time

Le Ministère du Temps est une institution secrète qui s’assure que l'histoire de l'Espagne ne change pas, tout en protégeant le présent. Leurs patrouilles voyagent à travers le temps pour empêcher tout intrus du passé d’utiliser à leur avantage l’histoire. Sur leur chemin, ils croiseront des célébrités comme Dali, Bunuel ou Picasso, mais nos protagonistes voudront aussi voyager dans le temps pour découvrir ce qui est arrivé à leurs proches, même si cela signifie un petit arrangement avec les règles du Ministère..

The Little Minister

The Little Minister

In 1840 Scotland, a young lass named Babbie revels in the country life and frolics with the locals, simple weavers whose livelihood is threatened by increasing industrialization. When Lord Rintoul attempts to rout the rebellious weavers, Babbie always manages to send word in time to prevent their being taken by surprise. Gavin, new minister to the town, falls in love with Babbie, and his relationship with the young gypsy almost costs him his position. But what Gavin and his parishioners do not know is that Babbie is actually Lady Babbie, ward of Lord Rintoul..

Prime Minister and I

Prime Minister and I

Kwon Yul est le plus jeune premier ministre coréen nominé. C'est un bourreau de travail honnête et intègre, père de trois enfants et également veuf. Cependant, il n'applique pas la même énergie en ce qui concerne sa famille. Nam Da Jeong est une jeune journaliste maladroite travaillant pour la presse à scandale. A la suite de la nomination de Kwon Yul en tant que premier ministre, son patron lui demande d'enquêter sur sa vie personnelle, ce qu'il n'apprécie guère. Par la suite, une photo de Kwon Yul et Nam Da Jeong paraît dans la presse et ils vont devoir faire face à ce scandale. Nam Da Jeong, pour sauver la réputation de Kwon Yul, décide de se faire passer pour sa petite amie..

The Little Minister

The Little Minister

To start a little in advance of our story, Lord Rintoul, of the English nobility, finds a little Gypsy girl three years old, who had been deserted by her parents. Fifteen years later, Gavin Dishart, the Little Minister, receives an appointment, his first, at Thrums, Scotland. This was made possible through the self-sacrifices of his widowed mother, to educate him for the ministry. The community of Thrums is made up of weavers, who work hard, have little and accomplish much. They are ultra-religious and look upon their pastor with such reverence that he is a little lower than the angels. While naturally intelligent, they are grounded in dogma and intolerance. Just after the Little Minister takes charge of the "Auld Licht Kirk" and the Manse, the weavers resent a reduction, by the manufacturers, in their pay and a strike is declared..

The Last Minister

The Last Minister

When an active loser is appointed the Minister of Planning, no one can imagine what this will lead to. It turns out that the new minis- ter really wants to change people’s lives for the better and for this, together with the team, is actively promoting his own initiatives. True, these initiatives are not always reasonable, and the result is extremely unpredictable..

Menace sur la Maison Blanche

Menace sur la Maison Blanche

Alors qu’il doit participer à un important sommet international, le Premier Ministre belge est kidnappé avec sa famille. S’il veut sauver sa femme et ses enfants, il devra assassiner la Présidente des Etats-Unis. Suivi, filmé, écouté en permanence, il ne peut échapper à la vigilance de ses ravisseurs. La situation semble désespérée. Jusqu’où ira-t-il pour sauver sa famille ?.