

The Magician voirfilms

Le Magicien

Le Magicien

Depuis qu'il a été enfermé dans une prison sud-américaine pour un crime qu'il n'avait pas commis, le magicien Anthony Blake vient au secours de celles et ceux victimes, comme lui, d'injustice. Artistes ou proches, il aide les innocents, soutenu par son ami Max Pomeroy et son fils Dennis ainsi que son assistant Jerry Anderson. Pour ce faire, il bénéficie de toute sa palette d'illusionniste et d'une fortune personnelle (en partie héritée), avec jet-privé, de sa compagnie « The Spirit »..

The Magicians

The Magicians

Bientôt diplômé, Quentin Coldwater a du mal à se projeter dans son avenir en laissant de côté la magie qui le passionne depuis sa tendre enfance. A sa grande surprise, le jeune homme est admis à Brakebills, une école secrète qui forme les futurs magiciens. Il y fait la connaissance d'Alice, Penny, Margo et Eliot , avec lesquels il entretient des relations tantôt complices et souvent conflictuelles. Ensemble, ils vont pourtant devoir faire face à de grands dangers, des forces maléfiques venues de contrées insoupçonnées. Pendant ce temps, Julia, la meilleure amie de Quentin, qui a échoué aux tests d'admission de Brakebills, suit son propre chemin. Un chemin obscur et dangereux qui pourrait la mener à sa perte….

The Magician

The Magician

Un magicien/alchimiste, cherchant à créer la vie, découvre qu'il a besoin du "sang d'une vierge" pour poursuivre ses expériences. Il envoie son assistant nain pour choisir la bonne fille..

The Magician

The Magician

Following the dealings of Melbourne-based hitman Ray as seen through the eyes of his ex-neighbour and friend Max, an Italian film student. Max and his camera witness Ray's work life as it unfolds from day to day, giving an insight into a world we rarely see, and at the same time developing an unusual friendship with his subject..

The Magician

The Magician

Une princesse de la dynastie Joseon se rend auprès de la dynastie des Qing afin de se marier. Sur le chemin de là, elle rencontre un jeune magicien et tombe amoureuse de lui..

The Magician

The Magician

The scene opens on a theatrical stage. The magician enters from the wings, and making a bow to the audience, removes his coat and hat and they disappear mysteriously in the air. He then takes a white handkerchief from his pocket, holds it over his knees, and his long trousers disappear, and behold! he is clad in knickerbockers. He next makes a pass with a magic wand and a table suddenly appears before the audience, on which is a large pile of tissue paper. The magician takes up the paper and shakes it a few times and three live geese fly out upon the floor. This is a highly pleasing and mystifying subject..

The Magician

The Magician

A modern reimagining of the trick film, combining the love of spectacle, the artist's process and the dark state of today's politics..

The Magician

The Magician

Award winning Short film by Sarah-Jane Potts. A woman is saved by an unexpected encounter. Director/writer Sarah-Jane Potts says; "Tennessee Williams said, 'The world is violent and mercurial, it will have its way with you. We are saved only by love. "There is no love without connection and there is no connection without kindness." This film is my ode to kindness, and kindness is magic.".

The Magician

The Magician

For more than a year in the early 1980s, police at Scotland Yard watched the build-up of a potentially massive threat to the stability of British society – a flood of the most perfect counterfeit currency ever produced. Unchecked, the tide of fake money could have destabilized the economy, the Bank of England and even the Government..

The Magician

The Magician

The Gang engage Marvo the Magician for Peewee's birthday party, but unfortunately all his magic misfires, and he loses Stodger in his special cabinet. Still searching for Stodger, Marvo makes himself disappear..

The Magician

The Magician

"When Neil's wife pressures him into visiting Wanda, a psychic with unconventional methods, he is forced to confront his biggest fear. ".

The Magician

The Magician

Ace Cooper, a stage magician, not only performs updated stage illusions and escapes for the crowds, but fights crime through a combination of stage props and his ability to "reveal the magic within" to use real magical powers..

The Magician's House

The Magician's House

The Magician's House is a quartet of children's fantasy books by William Corlett. Two mini-series were produced in 1999 for British television, which were directed by Paul Lynch. The series featured Jennifer Saunders and Stephen Fry voicing some of the animal characters. The books were published in the early 1990s, and named as follows: ⁕The Steps up the Chimney ⁕The Door in the Tree ⁕The Tunnel behind the Waterfall ⁕The Bridge in the Clouds Although in a rural setting, this series' focus on subjects such as industrial development and the combining of present-day and past settings in the plotline gives it a feeling tending more towards urban fantasy than simply contemporary fantasy. In addition, though there is no specific mention of Welsh myths and legends, the strong part nature plays in the stories and the settings bring to mind other British children's authors. Authors like Alan Garner, who is perhaps best known for The Owl Service and Elidor, and Susan Cooper, famous for The Dark Is Rising sequence of books, who allude more specifically to British myth and legend in their writings..

L'Éléphante du Magicien

L'Éléphante du Magicien

Peter est à la recherche de sa sœur disparue depuis longtemps. Lorsqu'il croise la route d'une diseuse de bonne aventure sur la place du marché, une seule question lui vient à l'esprit : sa sœur est-elle encore en vie ? En guise de réponse, la voyante invite Peter à suivre une mystérieuse éléphante. Le jeune garçon se lance alors dans un périple mémorable au cours duquel il devra accomplir trois tâches en apparence impossibles qui, par magie, vont bouleverser sa ville..

Les plus grands secrets de la magie... enfin révélés

Les plus grands secrets de la magie... enfin révélés

Du lancer de couteaux à la disparition d'un éléphant sur un plateau clos, l'animateur explique les prouesses réalisées par les plus grands maîtres de l'illusion. Chaque tour est filmé, puis décrypté. Seuls le talent et les compétences exceptionnelles des magiciens gardent leur mystère..