

The Living Corpse voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Curse of the Living Corpse

The Curse of the Living Corpse

The wealthy patriarch of the Sinclair family lives in mortal fear of being buried alive because he suffers from a rare condition that causes him, at times, to appear lifeless. So, when he dies, his relatives learn that his will stipulates that nobody will see a penny unless they follow a strict set of orders which would allow for him to "return from the dead." When the relations refuse to comply with his wishes, he returns from the grave and proceeds to exact his revenge on his insubordinate kin, killing each of them in precisely the ways they most fear..

The Living Corpse

The Living Corpse

The central character of the play, Fedor Protasov, is tormented by the belief that his wife Liza has never really chosen between him and the more conventional Victor Karenin, a rival for her hand. He wants to kill himself, but doesn't have the nerve. Running away from his life, he first falls in with Gypsies, and into a sexual relationship with a Gypsy singer, Masha..

The Living Corpse

The Living Corpse

Based on the play of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. The Russian nobleman Fyodor Vasilievich Protasov cannot put up with the hypocrisy of his environment, but is powerless to fight it. He begins to drink, leaves the house and gradually falls. The behavior of Protasov helps to bring his wife Liza closer to a longtime friend of the family, Viktor Karenin. Unable to endure the lies and humiliation associated with the upcoming divorce proceedings, Fedya pretends to commit suicide and seemed to forever leave his family. It is only due to the accident that it becomes known that Fedor Protasov is alive. Liza, reconciled with the death of her husband and became the wife of Karenin, is summoned to court on charges of duality. To stop the stupid and deceitful comedy of the court and rid the shame of innocent people, Protasov shoots himself..

Dracula au Pakistan

Dracula au Pakistan

Vers la fin des années 1960, dans son laboratoire, le Dr. Tabani pense avoir découvert la formule de la vie éternelle. Mais l'expérience le transforme en vampire. À la nuit tombée, Tabani part s’abreuver du sang de ses victimes, seul élixir ayant le pouvoir de le rendre éternel..

The Living Corpse

The Living Corpse

Based on the play of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. According to Fyodor Protasov, the surrounding life is riddled with dirt and falsehood. He does not want to participate "in all this dirty trick", he does not have the courage to fight it, and he chooses the third way — to stage suicide..

The Living Corpse

The Living Corpse

Famed director Zhu Shilin tries his hand at a horror film! The beginning of The Living Corpse immediately sets the tone with a folk duet clearly inspired by the popular 1956 musical Songs of the Peach Blossom River. The duet, in addition to Zhu's frequent use of long, empty shots and crisp editing, gives this horror film a traditional poetic charm and a strong folk flavor. Mise-en-scene and sound effects create a terrifying atmosphere, and successfully communicate the ghostliness of a world without ghosts..

A Corpse Living

A Corpse Living

"The Living Corpse" - Fedor Protasov is tormented by the thought that his wife Liza never really made a clear choice between him and Victor Karenin, a more conventional rival for her hand. He wants to kill himself, but doesn't have the nerve. Running away from his life, he falls in with Gypsies, and into a sexual relationship with a Gypsy singer Mascha. Meanwhile, his wife Liza, presuming him dead, marries the other man, Victor..

Le Massacre des morts-vivants

Le Massacre des morts-vivants

Au cœur de la campagne anglaise, George (Ray Lovelock) et Edna (Christina Galbo), deux compagnons de route, se retrouvent happés par une attaque de morts ressuscités par les radiations ultra-soniques d'une machine agricole, destinée à anéantir les insectes..