

The Life Before This voirfilms

Le Fruit de l'évolution : Sans le savoir, j'ai obtenu une vie de gagnant

Le Fruit de l'évolution : Sans le savoir, j'ai obtenu une vie de gagnant

Seiichi Hiiragi est un lycéen qui dans son école est tout en bas de la hiérarchie sociale. Lui et tous ses camarades sont un jour transportés dans un autre monde. Comme dans son ancienne vie, notre héros se retrouve isolé et n'a comme seul compagnon qu'un gorille qu'il vient de rencontrer. Tous deux trouvent un jour un "Fruit de l'évolution" qui va changer leurs vies... Quel futur attend notre duo atypique ?.

Is There Life Before Death?

Is There Life Before Death?

We all live in continuous hypnosis, and those people who awake from the dream and start to live their own lives frighten the rest of us. This film documents András Feldmár's thoughts, thoughts that make listeners very uneasy, thoughts that prompt us to search our souls. Through his thoughts we become acquainted with a man who continually searches his own soul and has a way of thinking that makes us very uneasy..

Life Before Life

Life Before Life

The newborn butterfly Bruno flies into the wide world to look for something better, not realizing that he was born at the best place ever. A vicious bush is drawing Bruno like a magnet. And just before landing on a leaf, Bruno is eaten up. Only the wings remain fall from the leaves. Through a mist, they are taken to another world. Bruno’s adventures in the other world end up with a lecture about LIFE AFTER LIFE Bruno’s unexpected question “Aren’t you wrong, isn’t it life before life that you’re trying to prove?” becomes fatal. The scientist gets so angry that he falls onto the floor, lifeless.The angry audience kills Bruno as well. Through the mist, the pieces of both, the scientist and Bruno, fall into the next world. After landing, by chance, on the same flower, they recognize each other. During a brief conversation, they realize that in a way both of them were right..

La Vie devant soi

La Vie devant soi

En 1975. Dans un logement vétuste de Belleville, madame Rosa, une ancienne prostituée de 67 ans, rescapée d'Auschwitz, a ouvert «une pension sans famille pour les gosses qui sont nés de travers», autrement dit une maison clandestine où les filles de la rue abandonnent leurs enfants non désirés. Débrouillard et sensible, Momo, un des pensionnaires, l'aide dans ses tâches quotidiennes. Il lui rend de menus services et raconte son amour pour cette maman, la seule qu'il lui reste....

Hans, Life Before Death

Hans, Life Before Death

Hans: Het Leven voor de dood (Hans, Life Before Death) is a documentary feature film about the life of the young composer Hans van Sweeden (1939-1963) and those who knew him intimately. The film is about the harrowing life of the musician, poet and actor Hans van Sweeden (1939-1963), who ended his life at the age of 24. Simultaneously, the film offers a poignant portrait of his contemporaries in the turbulent fifties and sixties and the children of the Nazis. It won the Golden Calf for Best Feature Film in 1983. Award of the Dutch film critics, 1983; the Belgian film critics Award, 1984; Best Dutch Documentary 1980-1990. (Wikipedia).