

The Leap Years voirfilms

The Leap Years

The Leap Years

Li-ann, a dreamer, is a strong believer of the soul mate theory and rejects all men, especially her best friend KS, till she falls in love with Jeremy, at first sight. They tour Chinatown, Singapore, together on February 29 1980. Unfortunately, she is heartbroken when he tells her he is engaged. He decides to make up to her by meeting her same time, same place, every leap year. Their love spans twenty years, as they realize the pain of love until they take the leap of faith...and the leap of love....

Année Bissextile

Année Bissextile

Laura a 25 ans. Elle est journaliste, célibataire et habite un petit appartement à Mexico. Après une longue série d'aventures sans lendemain, Laura rencontre Arturo. La première fois qu'ils font l'amour, Arturo a pour Laura des gestes qui la bouleversent. Ils débutent une relation intense, passionnelle et sexuelle, où plaisir, douleur et amour se mêlent. Au fil des jours, qu'elle raye consciencieusement sur son calendrier, le passé secret de Laura refait surface, poussant Arturo à l'extrême..

A Leap Year

A Leap Year

On the streets of the regional city, a cheerful holiday bustle reigns. The apartment of the Kupriyanovs is also noisy — friends of their youngest daughter Yulka are preparing for the New Year. The old driver Leonid Kupriyanov will not have to celebrate the holiday with his family, he should go on the next trip. Preparing for the New Year, none of the heroes imagined what dramatic events would fall on them, how difficult and unexpectedly the destinies of three families would intertwine, how difficult it would be to recover from their experiences ....

Leap year

Leap year

Elderly Victor painfully experiences the death of his beloved wife with his son. Once in their lives, a social worker Irina appears, revealing the unexpected truth about each of them..

Putin. Leap Year

Putin. Leap Year

Vladimir Putin is the first President of Russia in the new century. The first attempt of Russian documentary filmmakers to create a real portrait of the head of state. The first person of the country, as his relatives see him. The authors recorded the life of the hero from the first days in the Kremlin as acting President until May 7, 2001, the anniversary of his official inauguration, after winning the presidential election on March 26, 2000..

Leap Year Girl

Leap Year Girl

In a leap year in the 21st Century, actress Emi returns home for the first time in 12 years. Almost thirty but still far from being a popular star, she finds that the only thing unchanged back home is the view of old countryside. She finds all her friends older, properly grown up, and married with children. There are also matters to think of, such as money and age. She is not getting any younger. But Emi still believes that she is no ordinary person. She still believes in miracles. She is not going to change. Some day she will be transformed into someone really special. Depicting the dilemma, hope and fear that many women feel as they are about to turn thirty, this charming film features inspiring performances by the young cast..