

The Last Rebel voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Last Rebel

The Last Rebel

Set in 1865 in southwest Missouri, at the close of the Civil War the film follows the adventures of two Confederate men and a black man who they rescue from a lynching..



What does it mean to be 'Radicalized for Good.' This is an experimental fashion film that asks the question, what if we as a people were radicalized to do good? Would our world be a different place? [Overview Courtesy of Coney Island Film Festival].

Hirokin: L'épée des opprimés

Hirokin: L'épée des opprimés

La planète Aradius est devenue un désert stérile. Ses habitants, les Arides, sont sous le joug du Griffon, un sanguinaire tyran humain. Hirokin, guerrier solitaire au passé sombre, est laissé pour mort au milieu de l’étendue désertique après avoir tenté de sauver sa femme et son fils des mains des sbires du Griffon. Secouru par une tribu Aride, il fait la connaissance de Moss, leader de la rébellion. En suivant les enseignements de ce dernier, Hirokin va choisir d’accomplir sa destinée en combattant pour la liberté des opprimés….

The Last of the High Kings

The Last of the High Kings

It is 1977, Dublin rocks to the music of Thin Lizzy and the world is stunned by the death of Elvis Presley. Frankie, caught between acne and adulthood, has just completed his final exams in school. Convinced he will fail, he survives the summer organising a beach party, having lustful thoughts about two girls he believes are unobtainable and fending off the advances from a visiting American family friend, all whilst coping with his oddball family..