

The Last King sokroflix gratuit

The Last Kingdom

The Last Kingdom

En Angleterre, au IXème siècle, Uhtred, le fils d'un noble, kidnappé par les Vikings lorsqu'il était enfant, doit choisir entre son pays natal et le peuple qui l'a élevé..

The Last Kingdom : Sept rois doivent mourir

The Last Kingdom : Sept rois doivent mourir

Pendant un siècle, la guerre a fait rage entre les habitants de l'île de Bretagne et les envahisseurs danois. Aujourd'hui, la paix s'installe au sein d'un pays presque unifié, puisque seul le seigneur Uhtred de Bebbanburg, qui règne sur la Northumbrie, doit encore prêter allégeance à la couronne. À la mort du roi Edward, cette harmonie fragile se trouve menacée par la rivalité de ses deux héritiers potentiels, Aethelstan et Aelfweard, qui revendiquent le trône...Dans le même temps, les côtes voient débarquer le roi-guerrier danois Anlaf, venu semer la désolation et exploiter les dissensions à son avantage. Tandis qu'Aethelstan se fait des ennemis dans toutes les îles britanniques, Anlaf rassemble les personnalités hostiles au roi au sein d'une grande alliance qui risque de mettre à mal le rêve d'union de l'Angleterre. Lorsque Uhtred est pressenti pour les rejoindre, il doit choisir entre ceux qui comptent le plus à ses yeux et sa vision d'un royaume uni..

Last King of the Cross

Last King of the Cross

L'ascension de John Ibrahim, d'immigré pauvre, sans éducation, sans argent et sans perspectives, à celui de magnat de la nuit le plus célèbre d'Australie, dans le quartier de Kings Cross à Sydney..

Le Dernier Roi d'Écosse

Le Dernier Roi d'Écosse

Jeune médecin écossais tout juste diplômé, Nicholas Garrigan débarque en Ouganda en quête d'aventure et décidé à venir en aide à la population. Peu après son arrivée, il est appelé sur les lieux d'un accident: le nouveau leader du pays, Idi Amin Dada, a percuté une vache avec sa Citroën DS. La façon dont Garrigan maîtrise la situation, son calme et sa franchise surprennent Amin Dada. Fasciné par l'Histoire et la culture écossaise, il trouve le jeune homme sympathique et lui propose de devenir son médecin personnel. Séduit par le charisme du chef de l'État, le jeune médecin rejoint le cercle présidentiel au sein duquel il mène grand train. Bombardé confident du dictateur, piégé au cœur de la mégalomanie meurtrière d'Amin Dada, Garrigan, témoin d'enlèvements et d'assassinats, devient malgré lui peu à peu complice d'un des plus terrifiants régimes africains du XXème siècle..

The Last King

The Last King

A descendant of the Maharaja Ranjit Singh attempts to recover the fabled Koh-I-Noor diamond from Britain's crown jewels when they make a tour stop at a Toronto museum..

The Last of the High Kings

The Last of the High Kings

It is 1977, Dublin rocks to the music of Thin Lizzy and the world is stunned by the death of Elvis Presley. Frankie, caught between acne and adulthood, has just completed his final exams in school. Convinced he will fail, he survives the summer organising a beach party, having lustful thoughts about two girls he believes are unobtainable and fending off the advances from a visiting American family friend, all whilst coping with his oddball family..

The Last Lost Kingdom

The Last Lost Kingdom

Following in the footsteps of his father, Folco Felzani embarks on an epic journey on foot in search of Mustang, the last lost kingdom, in northern Nepal. The story of a king without a kingdom. The adventure of a son without a father..

The Last Journey of the Magna Carta King

The Last Journey of the Magna Carta King

Ben Robinson retraces the dramatic last days of King John, England's most disastrous monarch, and uncovers the legend of his lost treasure. Ten days took King John from ruler of an empire to sudden death, and left the kingdom in ruins. John is famous for the creation of Magna Carta, which inspired our modern democracy. Ben follows in the footsteps of the King's epic last journey, from the treacherous marshes of East Anglia, through Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, to his final resting place in Worcester. He is joined by medieval historian professor Stephen Church. Together they examine the truth behind the legend that has lived on for 800 years. Did the crown jewels really end up in the mud of the Wash? Was the King poisoned? Does he deserve his reputation as our most disastrous monarch? Thanks to unique documents, we can tell this epic tale in the King's own words..

Talking to the Air: The Horses of the Last Forbidden Kingdom

Talking to the Air: The Horses of the Last Forbidden Kingdom

The world’s most magnificent horsemen face an unsure future in one of the planet’s last great equine cultures. The Tibetan Buddhist region of Mustang in the High Himalaya is the Last Forbidden Kingdom and their unique heritage and remarkable spiritual bond with the horse is under threat. In a land where a man’s wealth can still be measured in horses, death defying races are the colorful back-drop for this story of the ascent of civilization in the high Himalaya. With lush cinematography, and insightful intervieww, the film also recounts the little known story of the CIA’s covert operations in Mustang, and features rare archival footage of the Dalai Lama’s flight on horseback over the Himalaya.  The scholarly and perceptive voices of Dr. Sienna Craig - author of "Horses Like Lightning" and Mikel Dunham, author of "Buddha's Warriors" turn this lens to issues of globalization, fragile border politics and the precarious future for Mustang’s distinctive equine culture..

Danny Adler: Trespassin' at King Records - The Last Session on Brewster

Danny Adler: Trespassin' at King Records - The Last Session on Brewster

Danny fulfilled his great ambition to play and record in his native Cincinnati's King Records studio. On this unique video, he illegally enters the derelict King building in order to commune with the spirits of the great King Records artists from the past -- and, in so doing, becomes the last musician to ever record at the original studio on Brewster Avenue in Cincinnati's Evanston neighborhood. Video ncludes tracks written by Danny and others that were inspired by his King heroes such as "Cincinnati' Fatback".