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Silvia Broome est une brillante interprète new-yorkaise de l'Onu. Par hasard, elle surprend une conversation évoquant l'assassinat imminent du président africain Zuwanie. Comme ce dictateur doit bientôt venir rendre des comptes devant les Nations unies sur les méfaits de son régime totalitaire, Silvia avertit la police. Mais elle se heurte à Tobin Keller, un agent du FBI très sceptique, qui préfère vérifier minutieusement son témoignage. Lorsqu'un photographe français connaissant bien les exactions de Zuwanie disparaît après le rendez-vous que Silvia lui avait donné, Keller se demande à qui il peut faire confiance....

The Interpreter

The Interpreter

80-year-old Ali Ungar comes across a book by a former SS officer describing his wartime activities in Slovakia. He realises his parents were executed by him. He sets out to take revenge but finds instead his 70-year-old son, Georg, a retired teacher. Georg, who had avoided his father all his life, decides to find out more about him and offers Ali to be his interpreter..

La Maison Allemande

La Maison Allemande

Eva Bruhns est sur le point de se fiancer lorsqu'elle est engagée en tant qu'interprète lors d'un procès contre des dignitaires nazis. Ses parents et son futur fiancé s'y opposent, mais Eva leur tient tête et se fie à son intuition. Très vite, elle découvre qu'elle est bien plus intimement liée à ce procès qu'elle ne l'aurait imaginé..

The Interpreter

The Interpreter

She knows what she wants and is determined to go after it. Qiao Fei is a French postgraduate student who dreams of becoming a professional interpreter. Her mentor during her schooling in Paris is Cheng Jia Yang, the son of a foreign minister and a genius French interpreter. Their budding romance is complicated when Qiao Fei’s ex-boyfriend, Gao Jia Ming, happens to be Jia Yang’s adopted brother, and Jia Yang’s family thinks Wen Xiao Hua is much more suited for Jia Yang’s station in life. With the support of his friend, Wang Xu Dong, can Jia Yang stand up to his family and follow his heart?.

The Interpreters

The Interpreters

The Interpreters follows the lives of Iraqi and Afghan interpreters, and the American veterans they worked with. In many cases, interpreters face danger in their countries because of their affiliation with the US war effort. This is the story of how they are rebuilding their lives..

Frey: Part II - The Architectural Interpreter

Frey: Part II - The Architectural Interpreter

In this second film, Frey further develops a design style that blends industrial techniques with his love of nature. He also falls in love with the possibility of shaping a brand-new city. Returning to Palm Springs, Frey's new design language is Desert Modernism, beginning with his own house, Frey I, a renowned Modernist landmark..

The Covenant

The Covenant

Lors de sa dernière mission en Afghanistan, le sergent John Kinley fait équipe avec l'interprète Ahmed pour arpenter la région. Lorsque leur unité tombe dans une embuscade au cours d'une patrouille, Kinley et Ahmed sont les seuls survivants. Alors que des combattants ennemis les poursuivent, Ahmed risque sa vie pour transporter Kinley, blessé, en sécurité. De retour sur le sol américain, Kinley apprend qu'Ahmed et sa famille n'ont pas obtenu la possibilité d'entrer aux Etats-Unis comme promis. Déterminé à protéger son ami et à rembourser sa dette, Kinley retourne dans la zone de guerre pour récupérer Ahmed et les siens....

Our Interpreter

Our Interpreter

Lin Xi who's known as the "witch" in the translation industry reunites with ex-boyfriend Xia Yicheng. Eight years ago, she broke up with him for the sake of fulfilling her mother's wish for her to become a professional interpreter for the United Nations. Eight years later, Lin Xi has become the youngest chief interpreter at Huasheng while her ex Xiao Yicheng has become the chief technology officer of a communications company, which also makes him her potential client. In order to land a contract with Xiao Yicheng, Lin Xi has no choice but to keep dealing with him. She helps his company go public and even though it seems that Xiao Yicheng is out to get revenge on Lin Xi, he actually doesn't have the heart to be mean to her. Work rekindles their passionate relationship and Xiao Yicheng gradually comes to understand that reason she broke up with him. Together, they work hard to realize their dream of "speaking for the country"..

Akbar the Interpreter

Akbar the Interpreter

Akbar has just lost his job when he meets a foreign tourist woman named Catherine and starts working as her guide. This proves to be troublesome since his wife and his former co-workers try to end his new relationship..



Dou Qiao is a genius negotiator who is the star of the US-China Business Council. Male lead Xie Xiaofei also works as a negotiator, but is actually the sole heir of a wealthy Chinese-American corporation who wants nothing to do with the family business. He vents his frustrations on Dou Qiao, though their bickering relationship soon takes a romantic turn. The couple separates after Dou Qiao discovers the Xie Family had a hand in her parents’ deaths, only to meet several years later as negotiators of rival firms..

La Traductrice

La Traductrice

Ira est russe, tout comme Ivan Tashkov. Elle a 23 ans, habite Genève avec sa mère et ne connaît pas vraiment son pays natal. Lui, c'est le parrain présumé de la Mafia russe, en prison en attente d'un procès politico-économique. Traductrice de l'avocat qui assure la défense de Tashkov, Ira ne va pas tarder à tomber sous l'influence de cet homme puissant, cultivé, qui semble deviner ses pensées. Et Tashkov, de son côté, comprend rapidement comment il peut manipuler cette jeune fille à la recherche de ses racines et d'un sens à donner à sa vie..

Fire City: End of Days

Fire City: End of Days

Vine, a disillusioned demon, is forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl. Demons have been living secretly among humans for centuries. It was a fragile balance that has now been shattered when their life source is destroyed. The demon population must rise up and take all necessary steps for survival or their species will cease to exist. The battle for the Earth has begun. Vine, a disillusioned demon, secretly lives with others of his kind in the world of humans sustained by their misery. Forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl, the delicate balance between human and demon kind is threatened, which may result in war..

Trois exercices d'interprétation

Trois exercices d'interprétation

Trois films basés sur trois conversations avec l'écrivain et philosophe russe Vladimir Solovyov. Les exercices d'interprétation consistent en une trilogie minimaliste sur le cinéma et la littérature, la vie sociale et spirituelle..

Interpreting Hyun-ju

Interpreting Hyun-ju

Sun-Young, who is an elementary school teacher, cares about Hyun-Ju who is always alone. Sun-Young begins to pull her aside, talk with her, and listen to her honest words. But as time goes by, things happen differently from her words…….