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The Iceman

The Iceman

Tirée de faits réels, voici l’histoire de Richard Kuklinski, surnommé «The Iceman», un tueur à gages qui fut condamné pour une centaine de meurtres commandités par différentes organisations criminelles new-yorkaises. Menant une double vie pendant plus de 20 ans, ce pur modèle du rêve américain vivait auprès de sa superbe femme, Deborah Pellicotti, et de leurs enfants, tout en étant secrètement un redoutable tueur professionnel. Lorsqu’il fut finalement arrêté par les fédéraux en 1986, ni sa femme, ni ses filles, ni ses proches ne s’étaient douté un seul instant qu’il était un assassin. Pourquoi l’est-il devenu, et comment a-t-il réussi à continuer pendant si longtemps ?.

The Iceman

The Iceman

George Gervin was a scoring machine for basketball's San Antonio Spurs in the early 1980s. Plucked out of obscurity by an astute agent, Gervin was overshadowed by bigger names in the NBA despite having led the league in scoring for four years..

The Iceman

The Iceman

Series charting the life of a mafia hitman known as the iceman. In new unseen footage this documentary allows his story to be to,d in his own words..

The Iceman and the Psychiatrist

The Iceman and the Psychiatrist

For the third time, HBO cameras go inside Trenton State Maximum Security Prison--and inside the mind of one of the most prolific killers in U.S. history--in this gripping documentary. Mafia hit man Richard Kuklinski freely admits to killing more than 100 people, but in this special, he speaks with top psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz in an effort to face the truth about his condition. Filled with more never-before-revealed confessions, it's the most chillingly candid Iceman special yet as it combines often-confrontational interview footage between Kuklinski and Dietz with photos, crime reenactments and home movies that add new layers to this evolving and fascinating story..

Le marchand de glace est passé

Le marchand de glace est passé

L'histoire se passe en 1912, dans Greenwich Village et en particulier dans le saloon bas de gamme de la ville. Les clients, des alcooliques chroniques, passent leur temps à tenter d'oublier leur existence et à se faire payer des verres. C'est dans cette atmosphère décadente que vont évoluer de nombreux personnages..

The Iceman Cometh

The Iceman Cometh

Theodore Hickman, un vendeur de quincaillerie, se rend tous les ans au bar du front de mer de Harry Hope datant de 1910 pour ses beuveries périodiques. Mais lors de cette visite, il a décidé d'essayer de sauver les clients du bar de leurs « chimères menteuses »..

The Iceman's Ball

The Iceman's Ball

Clark & McCullough are arrested for disturbing the peace. They steal the police car and return it to the station. The new police commissioner believes that they are real policemen and they get back the patrol car. Out on the beat, the duo chase women rather than criminals, just like real cops..

The Iceman Tapes: Conversations with a Killer

The Iceman Tapes: Conversations with a Killer

Richard Kuklinski was a devoted husband, loving father--and ruthless killer of over 100 people. You'll meet him in this powerful documentary that features one of the most vivid and disturbing interviews ever recorded--taped behind the walls of the prison where Kuklinski is serving two consecutive life sentences for multiple homicide..

The Ultimate Iceman: Chuck Liddell

The Ultimate Iceman: Chuck Liddell

As cold and destructive in the Octagon as his nickname, 'The Iceman', would indicate, UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Chuck Liddell's concussive knockout power has struck fear in the hearts of opponents for close to a decade. Witness his journey from promising newcomer to his unquestioned status as the premier pound for pound fighter in the mixed martial arts world today..

The Iceman Confesses: Secrets of a Mafia Hitman

The Iceman Confesses: Secrets of a Mafia Hitman

Richard Kuklinski was a devoted husband, a loving father...and a ruthless killer. A decade after HBO last visited him in prison, the convicted murderer, who freely admits having whacked more than 100 people in cold blood, takes viewers back inside his cold, calculating mind. In this follow-up to America Undercover's 1992 film The Iceman Tapes: Conversations with a Killer, Kuklinski provides all-new insights about his exploits as one of the Mafia's most notorious assassins...and reveals some shocking confessions for a number of previously unsolved murders..

The Iceman Interviews

The Iceman Interviews

Making news in February 2003, Kuklinski accepted a plea bargain for a concurrent 30-year term to his 60-year prison sentence and implicated Sammy "The Bull" Gravano in the crime. THE ICEMAN INTERVIEWS - this new special edition is guaranteed to run chills up and down your spine all over again..

Ötzi the Iceman and the Copper Age World

Ötzi the Iceman and the Copper Age World

History documentary. Over five thousand years ago in the Tyrolean Alps, a hunter was shot to death in a high mountain pass. His body would be covered by a glacier and preserved until its discovery in 1991. What can this unprecedented level of preservation tell us about not only Ötzi the Tyrolean Iceman… but the Copper Age world that he came from?.

Iceman: The Story of Lewis Gordon Pugh

Iceman: The Story of Lewis Gordon Pugh

Lewis Pugh has 10 seconds before he plunges into the freezing Arctic Ocean, where he swims a kilometre across Antarctica, wearing nothing but a Speedo and a swim cap, a feat never thought possible. 'Ordinary' humans would probably die within minutes in this icy water! How can his naked body cope with these conditions for so long? And why on earth would anyone want to do such a crazy thing?.

Iceman Murder Mystery: Lost in the Ice

Iceman Murder Mystery: Lost in the Ice

As the earth heats up, rapidly melting glaciers are exposing long lost relics and releasing corpses from their icy tombs. Perhaps the most famous, frozen for more than 5,000 years on a remote mountain pass is Otzi, the iceman. Who was this man that lived nearly a thousand years before the pyramids and why did his life end in violence? Now, after nearly a decade of forensic analysis, new updates emerge in the cold case of Otzi..

Iceman 2

Iceman 2

La garde impériale et ses trois amis d'enfance traîtresses qui ont reçu l'ordre de le traquer sont accidentellement enterrés et maintenus dans le temps. 400 ans plus tard passent et ils sont décongelés en continuant la bataille qu'ils ont laissés derrière.

Les Guerriers du temps

Les Guerriers du temps

Lancé à la poursuite d'un dangereux renégat, un garde impérial de la dynastie Ming est pris au piège d'une machine à voyager dans le temps. Les deux hommes se retrouvent prisonniers dans la glace durant 300 ans avant de se réveiller à Hong Kong, traçant chacun un chemin totalement opposé. Vertueux, le garde fait la connaissance d'une prostituée au grand coeur et devient son homme de main. Fasciné par la découverte des armes à feu, le renégat élimine tous les criminels sur son passage avec une seule idée en tête : retourner dans le passé pour y conquérir le pouvoir..