

The Hostage streaming vf complet gratuit

The Hostage

The Hostage

The Hostage is a 1967 Crown International low-budget motion picture starring Don O'Kelly, James Almanzar and Joanne Brown, with Leland Brown, John Carradine, and Harry Dean Stanton. The plot centers on a young boy who becomes a hostage after he is accidentally closed inside a moving van..

The Hostage

The Hostage

In this political thriller, set within an unnamed country, revolutionaries try to prevent their leader's execution by kidnapping the president's daughter. A brave hostage pilot, breaks out and heroically saves the girl as the revolutionary leader is killed..

The Hostage

The Hostage

When three year old Willy wanders away from home he falls among thieves. They are forced to kidnap him. The police ask Dickie, his elder brother and his friend, Johnny to help in the search. Johnny's friends all join in and meet with varied adventures. The children find Willy in a disused warehouse but cannot rescue him. Three more are caught by the gang who lock them in with the now unconscious gang leader and escape with the jewels. The police, alerted by the children, capture the gang, recover the jewels and finally rescue the children, including Willy.

The Hostage

The Hostage

The Highlanders and Lowlanders are sworn enemies until Lieutenant Kemper, the son of Brigadier Kemper, the leader of the militaristic Lowlanders, is held hostage by the Highlanders until his father's army has retreated to its own boundaries. Much to his surprise, the lieutenant is treated with kindness and consideration by his captors, especially by Boyadi and his beautiful daughter Nathalia, whom he learns to love. Thus, instead of obeying his father's command to escape at an appointed time when the Lowlanders plan to violate their pledge and storm the fortress, he keeps his promise to his captors and remains a prisoner..

The Hostage

The Hostage

The Hostage is about a gang of high-end thieves who plan to break into a really rich businessman's house, hack into his computer, and download all his money. Ted Prior plays a down-on-his-luck former special forces soldier who signs on with this crew so he can make some quick cash for him and his daughter. Things go wrong, though, and the guys are holed up in the mansion, holding the businessman hostage, while the feds have them under siege outside, led by agent Cynthia Rothrock. Will the thieves get away with the cash?.

Gladbeck : Un hold-up sans précédent

Gladbeck : Un hold-up sans précédent

Lors d’une chaude journée d’été en 1988, un vol à main armée dans une banque tourne mal. Les deux braqueurs Rösner et Degowski prennent en otage les employés de la banque. La chasse à l'homme qui s'ensuit tourne au désastre. Les forces de l’ordre prennent des mauvaises décisions et leurs opérations d’amateur sont obstruées par les médias du pays qui se précipitent pour avoir les images les plus morbides et des interviews en direct avec les ravisseurs. Alors que Rösner, force motrice du duo, orchestre de sang-froid leurs 54 heures de gloire, son complice Degowski tire un sinistre plaisir à manipuler les médias. Mais Degowski est aussi imprévisible que violent....

La Tour Eiffel en otage

La Tour Eiffel en otage

Un malfaiteur a décidé de prendre la Tour Eiffel en otage, et il exige une rançon en menaçant de la faire sauter. La mère du président des États-Unis se trouve parmi les otages. Les accès à la tour sont protégés par de puissants lasers..

The Hostage Heart

The Hostage Heart

When billionaire industrialist goes into a hospital for a heart operation, some people who claim to be revolutionaries enter the operating room and draw guns and holds the man and the entire surgical staff hostage. They then demand 10 million dollars. The administrator calls the police and the FBI. The police claim jurisdiction over the matter and the man in charge is intent on taking them even if some of the hostages get killed. Eventually they learn that some of the people in hospital are with them..

Hostage in the Jungle

Hostage in the Jungle

Ingrid Betancourt was the world’s most famous hostage. On February 23rd 2002, Ingrid, a presidential candidate in Columbia’s elections, was kidnapped by the left-wing FARC rebel group along with her assistant and friend Clara Rojas. She was held for over six years in the jungle. This is the first documentary account of what happened in the jungle in her words and those of fellow hostages. In a truly remarkable interview Ingrid relives stories of escape and betrayal, love and hate, terror and extraodinary courage..

Held Hostage: The Ordeal in Amenas

Held Hostage: The Ordeal in Amenas

Held Hostage is the real and terrifying story of ordinary foreign workers who came face to face with Al Qaeda at the In Amenas gas plant in Algeria in January 2013. The attack left over 37 foreign hostages dead, including people from the U.S., U.K., France, Japan, and Norway. As the horrific events unfolded over four days in the full glare of the world's media, Algerian special forces and helicopter gunships attacked the site in an effort to end the crisis. Bringing together exclusive interviews with survivors and their families, expert analysis of the key events, and powerful dramatic reconstruction of the terrifying four-day siege, this documentary raises many unanswered questions: How did a convoy of terrorists manage to travel undetected across hundreds of miles of desert and gain control of one of Algeria's most important and valuable gas facilities? And who was ultimately responsible for the safety of the workers?.