

The Hamsters sokroflix gratuit

The Hamsters

The Hamsters

Rodolfo and Beatriz are the parents of teenagers Jessica and Juan. Together they form a perfect dysfunctional family. Rodolfo leaves for work every morning, but actually he’s unemployed. Beatriz, worrying that she is looking older, has a flirtation with her buff gym trainer. Jessica finds herself in a love triangle with her boyfriend and her best friend. And, Juan’s girlfriend has a little surprise for him. This is the life of an ordinary middle-class family in Tijuana. While living under the same roof, they scurry about their days, trying to hide their secrets from one another. A fresh, clever and humorous portrait of a modern family unit..

Billy, le hamster cowboy

Billy, le hamster cowboy

Billy a grandi dans le Far West, bercé par les récits captivants de son papa, ancien baroudeur. Il a déjà sa panoplie de Cow-Boy et surtout il a son envie, grande comme lui, de vivre la grande aventure dans ce terrain de jeux fabuleux qui lui tend les bras chaque matin : le Far West ! Alors il entraîne avec lui son inséparable ami Jean-Claude, le ver de terre, et sa complice Suzie, la petite fouine, et c’est parti ! Mais dans le Far West, comme dans la vie, rien n’est écrit d’avance, très vite ils se retrouvent face à des situations imprévues, parfois piquantes comme des cactus. En les surmontant côte à côte, en trouvant des solutions ensemble, Billy, Jean-Claude et Suzie transforment toutes les situations en tranches de vie inoubliables..



A poor wild-life writer named Hamsteri, who is obsessed with natural disasters, lives in a wooden cottage in the countryside with his only friend, Minnie the mouse. In the village he is considered a bit odd and he is indeed special! When a lottery-winning family moves in next door, Hamsteri gets the hoarding opportunity of his dreams and in the process changes the course of the lives of Rurik, a bookkeeper who has lost his will to live, his wife Tellu and their children. Thus begins hoarding for what Hamsteri imagines will be "the cruellest winter ever"..

The Hamster

The Hamster

When he tumbles out of a window, Hamster sets an avalanche of minor catastrophes in motion. It turns out that the small, local community is incapable of finding either a common language or a single set of values. The innocent are the ones who pay the price for this failure..



Un phénomène d’hystérie collective, une manie dansante pareille à celle observée en 1564 à Molenbeek, s’est déclenchée dans les Marolles. Des personnes « contaminées » se regroupent dans les rues pour danser frénétiquement. Ils n’ont rien en commun si ce n’est d’avoir assisté, de près ou de loin, à un attentat terroriste. « Hamsters », une fiction expérimentale improvisée avec les moyens du bord dans un quartier populaire de Bruxelles, mêlant acteurs amateurs et habitants..

Hamster Day

Hamster Day

The life of three friends - Stepanych, Serega and Kolyan one day turns into a fairy tale. One day they wake up in a luxurious hotel room, and not remember anything, they start looking for money to get drunk, and find a suitcase with a million dollars… Together with the money, events burst in, the cause of which they turned out to be..

Tales of the Riverbank

Tales of the Riverbank

"Hammy Hamster," created by CBC film editors David Ellison and Paul Sutherland in 1959, initially turned down by CBC, found success with the BBC, leading to thirteen episodes. Following international sales, Canada's CTV picked up the series after it won the Canadian Film Awards. The show, known for unique storytelling and effects, featured animal transportation via various means. Although Sutherland voiced many characters, his voice was replaced for UK and European markets. A second colour series, "Hammy Hamster's Adventures On the Riverbank," narrated by Johnny Morris, aired in the 1970s and was sold to 34 countries. The franchise spawned two syndicated sequels, "Hammy Hamster" and "Once Upon a Hamster.".