

The Gilded Age

The Gilded Age

The Gilded Age

Aux États-Unis, le Gilded Age désigne la période de prospérité qui suivit la guerre de Sécession. En 1882, la jeune Marian Brook quitte la Pennsylvanie après la mort de son père pour s'installer avec ses tantes aristocrates à New-York. Accompagnée par Peggy Scott, une écrivaine en devenir, Marian va découvrir la haute société et se retrouver au milieu d'un conflit entre une de ses tantes et leurs voisins, l'ambitieux magnat des chemins de fer George Russel et sa femme Bertha..

The Gilded Age

The Gilded Age

In the closing decades of the nineteenth century, during what has become known as the Gilded Age, the population of the United States doubled in the span of a single generation. As national wealth expanded, two classes rose simultaneously, separated by a gulf of experience and circumstance that was unprecedented in American life. These disparities sparked passionate and violent debate over questions still being asked in our own times: How is wealth best distributed, and by what process? Does government exist to protect private property or provide balm to the inevitable casualties of a churning industrial system? The outcome of these disputes was both uncertain and momentous, and marked by a passionate vitriol and level of violence that would shock the conscience of many Americans today..