

The Face of Love sokroflix gratuit

The Relation of Face, Mind and Love

The Relation of Face, Mind and Love

Kang Tae-poong est un brillant architecte qui roule en Porsche. Il est victime d'un accident de voiture qui lui laisse des séquelles visuelles qui l'empêche de voir clairement les visages des gens. Un jour, il rencontre Wang So-jeong qu'il prend pour une fille splendide. En fait, ce n'est pas du tout une reine de beauté, elle est plutôt laide et très flattée de l'intérêt que lui porte le jeune et bel architecte. Il faut dire que c'est la première fois qu'un homme s'intéresse à elle. So-jeong travaille comme journaliste dans un journal consacré aux animaux de compagnie. Alors qu'une histoire d'amour commence entre eux, Tae-poong part en voyage d'affaires. Il retrouve une vue normale et lorsqu'il rentre, les ennuis commencent….

Love in the Face of Genocide

Love in the Face of Genocide

The Ezidîs (Yazidis) in Kurdistan have been the victims of massacres numerous times. This documentary follows their bards, the dengbêj, and examines how their songs tell stories of love and genocide..

Le Ruisseau, le Pré vert et le doux Visage

Le Ruisseau, le Pré vert et le doux Visage

Yehia est chef cuisinier et gère avec son fils Refaat, cuisinier passionné, et son cadet Galal, coureur de jupons, une entreprise de traiteur pour les mariages et autres événements. Karima, la nièce de Yehia est promise à Refaat mais celui-ci ‎est amoureux de Shadia, sans savoir que Karima est amoureuse d'un autre mais attend le moment propice pour le révéler. Lors d'un mariage paysan où Yehya et ses fils font la cuisine, Farid et sa riche épouse leur proposent de racheter leur commerce. ‎Devant le refus de Yehia, la proposition tourne à la menace....

Three Faces of Love

Three Faces of Love

Three stories of love starring Sharon Cuneta. The first, "I Love You, Moo-Moo" (directed by Leroy Salvador), is about a young bride who died on her honeymoon; the second, "Ang Silid" (directed by Lino Brocka) is about an interior decorator who investigates a forbidden room owned by a mysterious woman whose sister was murdered; and the third, "Katumbas ng Kahapon" (directed by Emmanuel Borlaza) follows a young woman torn between her abusive husband and her former lover who returned from the US..

Three Faces of Love

Three Faces of Love

When a gifted Japanese craftsmen dies, his three daughters are summoned to decide who will take over the family ribbon business in this family drama. Only one daughter cares to carry on her father's work, but she is met with resistance from her stepmother. One sister cares nothing for the artisan tradition, while the other is an icy opportunist whose only love is for money. It is the daughter who cares the most for her father's work who wanders away in a symbolic journey of self discovery..

The Two Faces of Love

The Two Faces of Love

Eleana is a prostitute who appears to have been abused when she was younger. During her daily encounters with various clients, she meets a young labourer called Christos whom she momentarily tries to develop a normal relationship with. Old habits die hard and she soon hits the streets again but it's too late, Christos has become infatuated with Eleana and plans to marry her. Gradually, the pressure and stress of the situation starts to take it's toll on Eleana's sanity and leads to a surreal, nightmarish climax!.

Another Face of Love

Another Face of Love

A newly graduated young doctor has hopes of making his way steadily in his country, or of traveling to another country in order to achieve his dreams. In the village, he wakes up from his rosy dream he lived before he traveled to a harsh reality, after he is accused of murder..