

The Express voirfilms

Le crime de l'Orient-Express

Le crime de l'Orient-Express

Le luxe et le calme d’un voyage en Orient Express est soudainement bouleversé par un meurtre. Les 13 passagers sont tous suspects et le fameux détective Hercule Poirot se lance dans une course contre la montre pour identifier l’assassin, avant qu’il ne frappe à nouveau. D’après le célèbre roman d’Agatha Christie..

Long Arm of the Law IV : Underground Express

Long Arm of the Law IV : Underground Express

The final entry in Michael and Johnny Mak's Long Arm of the Law series, Underground Express once again tells a story of gangsters versus police, focusing on the difference between how both factions act depending if they're coming from Hong Kong or Mainland China..

Le Pôle express

Le Pôle express

Un jeune garçon qui se met à douter de l'existence du père Noël monte dans un train mystérieux en partance pour le pôle Nord. À mesure que le Pôle Express s'enfonce dans des contrées enchantées, l'aventure est au rendez-vous et les jeunes passagers prennent conscience de l'étendue de leurs dons..

Le Crime de l'Orient-Express

Le Crime de l'Orient-Express

En décembre 1935, le célèbre train de l'Orient-Express quitte Istanbul à destination de Calais, qu'il atteindra au terme de trois jours de voyage. Pressé de rentrer à Londres, Hercule Poirot, le détective belge, a pu trouver une place au tout dernier moment. Le train s'ébranle. L'un des passagers, Ratchett, un riche Américain, vient trouver Hercule Poirot et lui raconte qu'une terrible menace pèse sur sa propre personne. Au matin, Ratchett est retrouvé mort, le corps lardé de coups de couteau. L'assassin est forcément parmi les voyageurs puisque le wagon à destination de Calais est verrouillé et séparé du reste du train. C'est alors qu'Hercule Poirot entre véritablement en scène, à la recherche du moindre indice qui lui permettrait de retrouver la trace du meurtrier….

Sugarland Express

Sugarland Express

Clovis Poplin s'apprête à être libéré de prison. Mais sa femme l'incite à s'évader pour aller récupérer leur enfant dans la ville de Sugarland. S'engage alors une course poursuite effrénée entre le duo, qui prend en otage un policier, et les autorités..

Pardon the Expression

Pardon the Expression

Pardon The Expression! is an ITV sitcom made by Granada Television, that was first broadcast from Wednesday 2 June 1965 to Monday 27 June 1966. The sitcom was one of only four spin-offs from the highly popular soap opera Coronation Street. Pardon the Expression itself had a spin-off: Turn out the Lights broadcast in 1967. There wasn't to be another spin-off until the 1980s with The Brothers McGregor, which reused two characters who appeared in a single episode. Leonard Swindley was the central character. Formerly the manager of the fashion retail store "Gamma Garments" in Coronation Street, in this series he is the deputy manager of the department store Dobson and Hawks. His boss in the series was Ernest Parbold played by Paul Dawkins who was replaced by Wally Hunt played by Robert Dorning in series 2. Other regulars were Betty Driver as canteen lady, Mrs Edgeley and Joy Stewart as Miss Sinclair, the boss's secretary..

The Crossing Over Express

The Crossing Over Express

Hank gets ready. He has the money with him, he just has to fill out the form with Eddie. Then everything is ready for his appointment with Dr. Gale Gustberg, a very peculiar woman who plies her "trade" in a white truck and solves crossword puzzles in her very own way. A few final instructions and off we go for the thoroughly skeptical Hank. He gets two minutes..

Nanny express

Nanny express

Après le décès de son épouse, David doit élever seul ses deux enfants, Ben et Emily. Ces derniers mènent la vie dure à leurs nounous, qui finissent par partir les unes après les autres. Mais l'arrivée de Kate Hewitt, une baby-sitter plus tenace que les autres, va tout bouleverser....

The Trolls and the Christmas Express

The Trolls and the Christmas Express

The Trolls and the Christmas Express is an animated classic about six roguish trolls who are determined to sabotage Christmas by infiltrating Santa's village disguised as elves. After a week of wreaking havoc but still not completely ruining Christmas, they are about to give up when they get a devilishly clever idea. On the day before Christmas Eve they get the reindeer dancing and singing songs all night long. The poor reindeer are so tired the next day that they cannot find the energy to pull Santa's sleigh. Christmas looks like it has finally been ruined - but everyone knows you can't stop Christmas! The elves quickly devise a plan to link the train from Santa's village with tracks that travel all over the world. Santa can deliver the toys using the Christmas Express..

The Pony Express

The Pony Express

The Pony Express is a silent 1925 Western film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film was directed by James Cruze and starred his wife Betty Compson along with Ricardo Cortez, Wallace Beery, and George Bancroft..

The Dawn Express

The Dawn Express

A Nazi spy ring is after a chemical formula that increases the power of ordinary gasoline for U.S. Army aviation use. Two U.S. chemical companies are developing the formula, with each working on half for security purposes. The spies get half the formula and know that either of two chemists, Robert Norton or Tom Fielding, knows the rest. They capture Fielding, through a ruse by gang member Linda Pavlo, and threaten the life of his sister Nancy and his mother if he does not give them the formula. To protect his friend Fielding, who does know the formula and is engaged to Nancy, Tom pretends to know the secret and boards the Dawn Express plane with the spy leader and his gang..