

The Escort voirfilms

Trois: The Escort

Trois: The Escort

Pour rembourser une lourde dette, Trent Meyer choisit de devenir escort boy, une solution radicale et efficace. Mais les conséquences sont plus dures que prévues, surtout lorsqu'il s'aperçoit que dans cet univers sombre, le prix de l'amour est bien lourd à payer….

The Escort

The Escort

A young woman works as a secretary for a high class escort service, and is drawn into the intrigues of a client and the man who has fallen in love with her..

The Escort

The Escort

A psycho escort (Shauna O'Brien) sets her sights on a married woman (Landon Hall). Revenge, blackmail and murder follow in this steamy late night thriller. There were several sequels..

The Escort

The Escort

When Eric pays an escort, Veronica, for 60 minutes of her time he intends to use this opportunity to convince her to quit this line of work. But Veronica is no damsel in distress and what ensues is a verbal battle of wits as sparks fly and the pair attempt to win their argument all the while peeling away the layers of who they really are. What they find out about themselves and the secret Eric holds will ensure nothing remains the same again. Told in real-time and set entirely in one location with only two characters 'The Escort' is a film about relationships today and the intimacy which is lost in the social media age. Written by Phoenix Waters Productions.

The Escort

The Escort

Un escort professionnel tombe amoureuse de sa cliente, une femme d'affaires solitaire qui est empêtrée avec son ex-mari infidèle..

The Escort Wife

The Escort Wife

A wife who just had a miscarriage finds out that her husband is having an affair with a high-end escort. She turns into prostitution and will take her revenge on her....

Escort Girl pour payer ses études

Escort Girl pour payer ses études

Cassie et Alyssa quittent le lycée pour intégrer l’université de Tate Riley. Sur le campus, elles rencontrent Gabby, une amie d’Alyssa, qui propose tout de suite à Cassie de devenir cheerleader. Celle-ci accepte, mais annonce à Gabby qu’elle va devoir arrêter ses études pour trouver un emploi. En effet, son père ne donne plus de nouvelles et ne réglera pas les frais de scolarité du deuxième semestre. Gabby propose alors à Cassie de fréquenter un ancien étudiant de la faculté pour gagner de l'argent, comme le font d’autres cheerleaders. Cassie met alors à jour un réseau d’escort girls dirigé par la coach des cheerleaders, Stéphanie..

The Escort III

The Escort III

The veteran detective Grabovsky investigates the mysterious murder of a business beauty, Julie Clark. The main suspect becomes her colleague, the young architect Jim Corrigan..

The Story of The Escort Cosworth

The Story of The Escort Cosworth

Everything Ford had hoped for - and more, much, much more. Not many cars become legends the moment they roll out of the factory but Ford's Escort RS Cosworth is one of them. Hand-built to take on the emerging Japanese dominance in World Rally, the "Cossie" proved a success on the forecourt as much as on the World's rally stages. But what is the true story behind this memorable car? Was the prototype really a hacked-about Sierra? Was it really driven incognito up and down the A12 This fascinating 1990s film, finally available on DVD, holds all the answers as the men behind the project explain its development… and the men behind the wheel show us what it was made of!.

The Escort Returns

The Escort Returns

Mourning the loss of his love, Scott wants nothing to do with women anymore but his wife's spirit is determined to make sure all his sexual fantasies are eternally fulfilled and sends him erotic visitors until he is able to return to the land of the living..

Mauvaise passe

Mauvaise passe

Pierre est écrivain. Il est seul à Londres, une métropole qu'il ne connaît pas, prend des notes, les déchire, tente d'écrire un roman. Tom est escort-boy pour dames. Gigolo, il se prostitue. Pierre ne le découvre que plus tard, alors que Tom l'a entraîné à son insu dans une soirée, rétribué par deux clientes. Pierre est surpris, choqué mais aussi séduit, parce que cela lui fait peur, parce que c'est à l'opposé de la vie dans laquelle il étouffait. Et comme font souvent les gens qui ont été trop raisonnables, il va aller trop loin..

The Grump: In Search of an Escort

The Grump: In Search of an Escort

Grump's life follows the same familiar routines: spring is here and the early potato harvest is ripening. But Grump crashes his beloved Ford Escort and the car has to be scrapped. A new, modern vehicle is no match for quality and the nearest Escort, a 1972 model, can be found in Germany. When the Grumps's sons refuse to help, he must travel to Germany alone..

The Girlfriend Experience

The Girlfriend Experience

Adaptation en série du film de Steven Soderbergh, "The Girlfriend Experience" explore les relations de call-girls avec leurs clients, auxquels elles offrent plus que du sexe, mais une intimité proche de celle qu'ils peuvent avoir avec leurs épouses ou compagnes..