

The Dark Room sokroflix gratuit

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

In hospital, photographer Jinx Kingsley wakes from a coma after a car crash - a failed suicide attempt, prompted by her fiance Leo jilting her to elope with Jinx's lifelong best friend, Meg. The discovery of Leo and Meg's bodies - brutally murdered in the same manner as Jinx's first husband - makes Jinx the prime suspect. Then, with the help of eminent neuroscientist Dr.Alan Protheroe, some memories begin to surface. Memories of desperation and paralysing terror..

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

In hospital, photographer Jinx Kingsley wakes from a coma after a car crash - a failed suicide attempt, prompted by her fiance Leo jilting her to elope with Jinx's lifelong best friend, Meg. The discovery of Leo and Meg's bodies - brutally murdered in the same manner as Jinx's first husband - makes Jinx the prime suspect. Then, with the help of eminent neuroscientist Dr.Alan Protheroe, some memories begin to surface. Memories of desperation and paralysing terror..

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

'Please don't slam your door - we have a delicate child', but when the baby cries, Deb ignores it. There is a secret which is destroying Deb's marriage to Greg. Only she can save it - only Deb can unlock The Dark Room..

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

“The Dark Room” is homage to a 16th century apparatus, camera obscura. I tried to create a uniquely cinematic sensory experience. The views of Pacific Ocean could provide the powerful sense of moving water as mass and volume..

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

A slightly disturbed young amateur photographer finds that his father has been secretly having an affair with his co-worker. Thus begins a spiral into blackmail, stalking, and voyeurism..

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

As murders grip a small town, a photog uncovers something sinister while developing photos for a local religious leader. As the body count rises, he is pursued by a mysterious woman, throwing his own sanity into question by his doctor..

John Robertson's The Dark Room

John Robertson's The Dark Room

The audience is trapped in a retro videogame with a sadistic, end-of-level boss. Escape and win £1,000 or be brutally murdered by the rest of the crowd! Will you: A) Find the light switch? B) Go north? C) Abandon hope? Brutal, hilarious, innovative..

La chambre noire

La chambre noire

France, 1910. While her mother seems to be suffering from an illness she wishes to hide, the young Cassandra feels a growing presence in the family home ... But what shadow is hidden in the silence of the dark room?.

La chambre obscure

La chambre obscure

In 14th-century France, Aliénor breaks with the codes governing girls’ behavior and does as she wishes. The King of France grants her the hand of her childhood love, but her new husband deserts her immediately after the ceremony. Undeterred, she sets out after him, traveling to Siena to bring him back..

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

Based on Jaouad Mdidech’s renowned account, La chambre noire is a powerful reconstruction and reflection on the horror of what Moroccans have called the “Leaden Years,” when the government enforced an oppression of Political dissenters..

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

Farhad and Aalah have begun their new season, and this is the beginning of some other changes that will put them in the face of new issues .....

The Dark Room and Eros

The Dark Room and Eros

One day, a middle-aged man comes to develop for Hideo Hamada, the store owner at an old photo studio. “I think you'll be surprised to see the photo, but don't say anything else,” the man leaves. Hamada is surprised to see the finished photo. There was a beautiful nude of a young woman who couldn't be imagined in this world. Hamada is instantly fascinated by the woman in the photo. The owner of the photo is Joji Kawai. He promised to "purchase" her little girl from her parents, Naomi (Iori Furukawa), and raise her to be her ideal woman and become a couple. Over time, Naomi has become just the ideal woman, as Jouji had expected. However, curious Naomi often invites a young man to his house. Joji is resentful and locks Naomi in his house. On the other hand, Hamada gradually escalated his feelings for Naomi in the picture, and finally got into the picture and began to talk about his love for Naomi..

La Chambre Noire

La Chambre Noire

L'écrivain Nakata vit avec le souvenir douloureux de la mort de sa femme fauchée par une voiture quelques années auparavant. Accident ou suicide ? Le doute persiste. Pour fuir tout sentiment de culpabilité, Nakata renonce pour toujours au mariage et à la paternité. Devenu libre, il se lance dans une quête obsessionnelle de sexe et consigne ses aventures sulfureuses dans un livre, "La chambre noire", véritable essai philosophique sur la sexualité, la procréation et le devenir du genre humain....

Les Mystères de Sherlock Holmes

Les Mystères de Sherlock Holmes

Étudiant en médecine à Édimbourg, le jeune Arthur Conan Doyle aide le Docteur Joseph Bell, un des plus grands chirurgiens de son temps, à résoudre des enquêtes policières. La police requiert effectivement ses services car, outre ses compétences médicales, Bell a un sens aigu de la déduction et de l’observation. Jeune homme plein de fraîcheur débarquant dans un nouveau monde avec ses idéaux, Doyle va se transformer au contact de Bell qui l'initie à ses méthodes d'investigation..