

The Colony voirfilms

The Colony

The Colony

2045, une nouvelle ère glaciaire a contraint les survivants à organiser une société sous terre : un réseau de colonies. Quand un avant-poste de rescapés, mené par Briggs, répond au signal de détresse de la colonie 5, une expédition spectaculaire au cœur de la neige commence afin de préserver l’humanité contre une menace encore plus sauvage que la nature… L’apocalypse n’est que le début….

The Colony

The Colony

Dix volontaires expérimentent pendant dix semaines une expérience de survie simulée sur ce potentiel désastre. Coupés du monde, sans eau courante, sans électricité, ni moyen de communication, ils doivent utiliser leurs connaissances, ainsi que les outils et les fournitures qu’ils trouvent dans une usine désaffectée afin de survivre ensemble. Tout ce qu’ils dénichent dans les environs peut leur être d’une grande aide surtout quand d’autres dangers viennent mettre en péril la survie de la colonie. Qui sortira vivant de cette expérience ? Pour les accros à la série The Walking Dead, la simulation commence maintenant !.

La mansion

La mansion

A man and his family move from a crime-ridden inner city suburb to a self-proclaimed violence-free haven overseen by a godlike businessman. However, they soon discover that life in The Colony is much more sinister than it first appeared..

The Colony

The Colony

An arrogant Malibu tycoon frantically tries to locate the files of a murdered psychotherapist before his enemies get their hands on them and destroy him in this failed pilot from the creators of "Dynasty.".

The Colony

The Colony

A Mi'gmaq man struggling with life off the reservation descends into drug-addled madness when his girlfriend leaves him for his best friend, turning his rage and despair against the only visible enemy: the swarm of cockroaches that have invaded his trailer..

The Colony

The Colony

This three-part video is loosely based on nineteenth-century depictions of a cluster of islands off of the west coast of Peru that are rich in guano, a powerful fertilizer. Exploring the drama of absurdity, greed, and human suffering—all for the brown gold of bird excrement—the film revisits three important episodes in the islands’ infamous history: the nineteenth-century imperial wars between Spain and its former colonies Peru and Chile; the horrific fate of the indentured Chinese laborers; and the US Guano Act of 1856 that authorized over one hundred claims for uninhabited islands, reefs, and atolls in the Pacific and Atlantic..

The Colony

The Colony

The Colony, which shares the screen and the character of Shirin Neshat's Land of Dreams, is about an immense research institute devoted to recording and archiving the dreams of the local population..

The Colony

The Colony

A railwayman from St. Kitts, a bus conductor from Jamaica, a family of singers from Trinidad and a nurse from Barbados ... Philip Donnellan's Birmingham-based film gives a voice to West Indian immigrants who movingly describe their experiences of trying to integrate into a surprisingly unwelcoming ‘mother country’. Shot in 1964 the film provides an important snapshot of Britain in the early stages of momentous social change and first-generation Afro-Caribbean immigration..

The Colony

The Colony

In this performance, as Mona struggles to reconnect with her estranged sister Hennie, she turns to the ant colony for inspiration. With more than 500,000 ant sisters migrating, raiding, and even reproducing as one superorganism, an army ant colony appears to Mona as the paragon of successful social existence. Informed by scientific research on ant colonies, The Colony ventures into speculative fiction and includes projected animations and imagery alongside live spoken and musical performance..

The Colony

The Colony

Two 21st Century families from Britain and Ireland are sent to see how they would cope had they been transported to New South Wales 200 years ago when it was a penal colony. Together with an Australian family and Aborginals they learn just how tough you needed to be to survive back then..

The Ant Colony

The Ant Colony

In an inner-city park, buzzing with wildlife but hemmed in by elevated freeways, a game is being played out on an ornate abacus. Within this space of controlled chaos, where the insects have taken over but are constantly disturbed by park-goers, the game is a bridge between the natural world and the industrialized world, the hive mind and the individual. It’s uncertain whether the participants are working together to solve a complex equation or if they are in competition. Or perhaps there was only ever one player, trying to see both sides?.

La Colonie

La Colonie

Dans un avenir pas si lointain. Après qu'une catastrophe mondiale a anéanti presque toute l'humanité, l'astronaute Blake est renvoyé sur Terre depuis la colonie spatiale Kepler et doit prendre une décision qui scellera le sort de la population sur les deux planètes..

Nudist Colony of the Dead

Nudist Colony of the Dead

Le juge Rhinehole ordonne la fermeture du camp de naturistes Sunny Buttocks, un affront à la communauté. Les membres du camp concluent un pacte de suicide, mais jurent de revenir pour se venger..

Between the Colony and the Stars

Between the Colony and the Stars

Estelar works in a psychiatric hospital and has visions of the past of the neighborhood where she lives and works: at Colônia Juliano Moreira, in Rio de Janeiro. During a water crisis in the state, she welcomes Kalil - her younger brother - to live in her house, once he has been approved at the public university to study music in her city. Amidst the political absurdities that surround Brazil, Estelar will realize that it takes courage to review her conservatives speeches and positions, that in the heart of the world reside all the differences, all times, abysses, mysteries between us..

The Widow Colony

The Widow Colony

The Widow Colony is a film that takes an in-depth look into the lives of the widows of the Sikh men who were killed in the anti-Sikh massacre of November, 1984. Director Harpreet Kaur explores the suffering of these women, their battle for justice and their struggle for survival in India..