

The Clinic voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Clinic

The Clinic

The Clinic is a multi award-winning Irish primetime television medical drama series produced by Parallel Film Productions for RTÉ. It debuted on RTÉ One in 2003 to positive reviews and proved to be one of the network's most popular shows. The drama ran for seven seasons between September 2003 to November 2007. The last ever episode aired on RTÉ One on Sunday 15 November 2009 and on YLE1 in Finland on Wednesday 25 November 2009. The complete series of The Clinic was released on DVD in November 2010 by RTÉ..

The Clinic

The Clinic

Alors qu’elle passe la nuit dans un motel avec son fiancé, Beth, une jeune femme enceinte, se réveille quelques heures plus tard dans une baignoire de glace et constate qu’on lui a enlevé son enfant. C’est le début d’un long cauchemar..

The Clinic

The Clinic

Lorsqu'une femme se réveille inopinément d'un coma après une procédure expérimentale, elle doit reconstituer son passé tout en recherchant sa fille disparue dans un hôpital sinistre qui ne la laissera pas partir..

The Clinic

The Clinic

A short film and digital resource to highlight the need for more inclusive healthcare in Canada, and provide resources and tips for medical professionals seeking to make their offices and clinics more inclusive for 2SLGBTQ+ patients..

The Clinic

The Clinic

This short explores a woman’s physical and mental deterioration while critiquing the way in which both are often « treated » by modern medicine. (paraphrased from femme flicke issue #6).

The Clinic

The Clinic

New veterinary school graduate Dr. Andrew McDonald encounters many challanges on his first day as an intern at a rural but busy veterinary hospital. Along with the beasts, there is legendary chief veterinarian Dr. Cyrus Gachet, the cynical senior surgeon Dr. Kyle Southern, and a pretty young vet Dr. Emma Matthews. There is a ferret, a wounded cat, a St. Bernard dog, two horses, a deer and a fire to endure..

The Clinic

The Clinic

Documentary telling the story of the rise and fall of the Tavistock Centre's Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), now one of the most controversial units in the NHS. Through the powerful testimony of insiders and patients, this film from the Exposure strand provides a vivid insight into what led to its closure amid a continuing and highly charged debate around gender identity in the UK.

La clinique de la Forêt-Noire

La clinique de la Forêt-Noire

Cette série met en scène le quotidien de l'équipe médicale et des patients d'une clinique située dans la Forêt-Noire. La famille du Professeur Klaus Brinkmann règne en maître dans cette institution où se côtoient et s’emmêlent les histoires d’amour de l’équipe médicale et les angoisses des patients. Tout est aseptisé et respire le propre dans cette série allemande. Le personnel est agréable, la nature est verdoyante..

The Bad Skin Clinic

The Bad Skin Clinic

The Bad Skin Clinic présente le Dr Emma Craythorne, dermatologue et chirurgienne, et son équipe, qui rencontrent des patients souffrant d'affections cutanées débilitantes dans leur clinique de Harley Street. Au travers de brèves procédures ou d'opérations pionnières, la série donne un aperçu du travail effectué par le Dr Craythorne pour transformer la vie de ses patients..

Umi no Ue no Shinryojo

Umi no Ue no Shinryojo

Le docteur Kota Sezaki travaille sur un bateau clinique qui fait le tour de la mer intérieure de Seto. Il a du talent en tant que médecin, mais il a la faiblesse de tomber facilement amoureux des femmes. Quand il atterrit sur une île, Kota tombe amoureux d'une femme de cette île. Néanmoins, le Docteur Kota Sezaki est rejeté à chaque fois et, les yeux larmoyants, passe à l'île suivante..

The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic tells the story of a unique medical institution that has been called a "Medical Mecca," the "Supreme Court of Medicine," and the "place for hope where there is no hope." The Mayo Clinic began in 1883 as an unlikely partnership between the Sisters of Saint Francis and a country doctor named William Worrall Mayo after a devastating tornado in rural Minnesota. Since then, it has grown into an organization that treats more than a million patients a year from all 50 states and 150 countries. Dr. Mayo had a simple philosophy he imparted to his sons Will and Charlie: "the needs of the patient come first." They wouldn't treat diseases...they would treat people. In a world where healthcare delivery is typically fragmented among individual specialties, the Mayo Clinic practices a multi-specialty, team-based approach that has, from its beginnings, created a culture that thrives on collaboration..

The Bad Foot Clinic

The Bad Foot Clinic

Severe fungal foot and nail infections, warts, corns, webbed toes, bunions and verrucas are all in a day's work for leading podiatrist Marion Yau and her GP husband Dr Kenny. Together, they tackle extreme and debilitating foot conditions..

The Auto Clinic

The Auto Clinic

Self-service gas bars aren't a modern phenomenon, as evidenced by this visionary cartoon. The Auto Clinic is automated... everyone is treated alike by the three gas pumps until a pretty customer comes along, then they all turn on the charm... but when a cigar-smoking troublemaker comes along, they give him the "treatment." Krazy Kat protects his anthropomorphic service station from the gangster. Lots of bizarre visuals in this one!.

Baby Makers: The Fertility Clinic

Baby Makers: The Fertility Clinic

Filmmaker Richard Macer spends three months in the Hewitt Fertility Centre in Liverpool, one of the largest fertility clinics in Britain. He meets gynaecologist Professor Charles Kingsland, who believes that not being able to have a child is a disease that blights society..