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The Billionaire

The Billionaire

The Billionaire raconte la vraie histoire d'Aitthipat Kulapongvanich, le plus jeune milliardaire de Thaïlande. À 19 ans, le jeune décide d'abandonner ses études pour monter sa propre entreprise, Taokaenoi Food & Marketing, qui commercialise aujourd'hui des chips d'algues, vendu dans le monde entier..

The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

Sebastian Klein is the bastard son of the Klein family. Rumor has it, he's a good for nothing loser who just got released from prison. No girl in their right mind would marry him, until Natalie Quinn does. Little does she know... she actually married a secret billionaire! What will happen when she finds out the truth? The better question is... why is Sebastian Klein hiding his identity in the first place?!.

The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

Sebastian Klein, known to most as the illegitimate son of the prestigious Klein family, has been plagued by rumors suggesting he's nothing more than a loser who recently emerged from a stint in prison. Society, guided by these harsh tales, deemed him an undesirable match for any sensible young woman. That was until Natalie Quinn defied expectations by marrying him. Little did she realize the astonishing truth concealed beneath the surface: she had, unknowingly, wed a covert billionaire..

La Belle et le Milliardaire

La Belle et le Milliardaire

Pour que son frère ne perde pas son job, Addison accepte d'être l'assistance d'un milliardaire exigeant en voyage. Leur relation est tendue jusqu'au moment où ils décident de regarder au-delà des apparences..

Milliardaires, le règne des geeks

Milliardaires, le règne des geeks

Découvrez comment la technologie est devenue l’industrie dominante dans le monde, depuis l’aube d’Internet jusqu’à nos jours : Cette mini-série dépeint les histoires originales et les voyages turbulents des titans de la technologie qui façonnent notre monde depuis les débuts d’Internet jusqu’à nos jours. Découvrez comment, à travers l'intelligence, la vision et le sens des affaires de jeunes gens comme Jeff Besos et sa femme qui ont créé Amazon, Bill Gates avec Microsoft, des startups en plein essor dans la Silicon Valley comme celle des 2 jeunes gars qui ont lancé Google, puis enrôlé divers personnes, Mark Zuckerberg pour Facebook. Ensuite, Elon Musk a remporté le tout premier succès d’une entreprise privée construisant des fusées et bien plus encore..

Icahn: The Restless Billionaire

Icahn: The Restless Billionaire

Explore the contradictions at the heart of famed financier Carl Icahn. A polarizing figure described as both an activist investor and a ruthless corporate raider, Icahn rose from modest beginnings in Queens to become one of the richest men in the world, embodying the American Dream. Yet, he openly criticizes corporate excess and the huge wealth inequality gap..

Ghanoom the Billionaire

Ghanoom the Billionaire

Ghanoom and his friends work as filmmakers, he tries hard to succeed but he fails in everything he does. Ghanoom discovers that he gets a big inheritance from his grandmother. But to get the inheritance, he faces a unique challenge and incapacitating conditions. On the other hand, a gangster tries to stop him from getting the millions..

The Billionaires' Tea Party

The Billionaires' Tea Party

After Barack Obama swept to power promising a new era of hope and change, the emergence of a citizens protest movement called the Tea Party threatened to derail his agenda. Was this uprising the epitome of grassroots democracy? Or was it an example of "astroturfing" - the creation of fake grassroots groups, designed to put corporate messages in the mouths of seemingly independent citizens?.