

The Betrayed voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Betrayed

The Betrayed

As Russian tanks advance over the plains of Chechnya, a group of Russian mothers search for the sons, conscripts from the ill-fated 131st Brigade, they believe have been captured by the Chechens. They place their trust in Colonel Kosov, a Russian liaison officer responsible for organising prisoner exchanges across the front line..

Melancholy of the Betrayed

Melancholy of the Betrayed

Noburu is a handsome designer who draws a high salary and has a good marriage with Aiko, whom he much loves. That is until Noburu witnesses Aiko enjoying an affair with her boss and looking very happy. Feeling betrayed, Noboru decides to get revenge on his wife..

The Betrayed Girls

The Betrayed Girls

Documentary about the child abuse revelations in Rochdale and other towns. Featuring the harrowing testimony of the victims and the shocking truth from those who spoke out, this film reveals how it wasn't just the professionals whose job it was to protect the girls who ignored their plight, but others did as well..

Betrayed: The Clergy Killer's DNA

Betrayed: The Clergy Killer's DNA

The Church, regarded as a bastion against evil, is afflicted by people perpetrating, aiding and abetting evil within its sanctuaries, parking lots and administrative offices. Individuals carrying out evil agendas are called Clergy Killers, a provocative term that is almost as shocking as the immoral and often illegal acts that Clergy Killers commit against pastors of congregations..

L'homme qui trahit la mafia

L'homme qui trahit la mafia

Un trafiquant de drogue américain a été assassiné ainsi que sa secrétaire et une hôtesse de l'air. La police française possède des informations laissant penser que les victimes appartenaient à un important réseau de trafic d'héroïne et l'enquête est confiée à l'inspecteur Claude Lambert. Grâce à des indicateurs et aux révélations de Bianchini, l'avocat des mafieux qui y laissera sa vie pour les avoir dénoncés, Lambert poursuivra les membres du gang..

The Betrayed

The Betrayed

It seems that misdeeds by inhabitants of the Dutch provinces make for believable stories, whether they are mysteries by Willem van de Wettering, or psychological thrillers by Simon Vestdijk, who wrote the book this film is based on. In the story, set in the 1950s, Hendrik Grond (Gijs Scholten van Aschat) has a good law practice, and a happy marriage which has produced a son. He is so contented that his world is completely shattered when, undetected, he catches his wife in bed with his law firm's senior partner. In fact, he has become quietly unhinged, and he arranges a series of "accidents" to ensure his revenge - becoming involved in the local underworld in the process. Will he succeed in committing a series of "perfect" crimes, or will the police inspector (Johan Simons) investigating these incidents get wise?.

The Betrayed Square

The Betrayed Square

The Arab Summer of 2011. Day after day, thousands of young Egyptian protesters flooded Tahrir Square in Cairo. Poet and sound artist Stéphane Montavon assembled a psychedelic collage composed of freely accessible images of the revolution..

To Betray

To Betray

He is a distinguished, respected family court judge. She is an honest and principled woman who has saved many marriages from destruction, made sure that many children receive the affection and love they deserve, and has always been on the side of justice..

The Betrayed Tigers

The Betrayed Tigers

An anonymous love letter leads Ball to believe that his ex-wife had had an affair with one of his bear friends before they divorced. Eager to know who the clandestine lover was, he arranges a get-together with his old gang, the "Six Tigers", hoping to find out the truth at the table..



Le parcours de la famille juive Braude lorsque les Juifs sont arrêtés et déportés du camp Berg, sur le navire Donau et jusqu'à l'extermination dans le camp de concentration d'Auschwitz..

Formosa Betrayed

Formosa Betrayed

In the early 1980s, an FBI Agent is assigned to investigate the murder of a respected professor. Through his investigation, he unearths a spider web of international secrets that has been thriving within college campuses across America for decades. His investigation takes him across the Pacific to the island nation of Taiwan, where with the help of the outspoken widow and an unlikely spy, he learns that the Professor's killing was not a random act, but a desperate move by a scandalous government intent on keeping its nefarious activities under wraps. Our detective soon finds himself on a collision course against the U.S. State Department, the Chinese Mafia, and the Nationalist Chinese Government - in a land where the truth is not what it seems and the only people he can trust, cannot be trusted at all. Inspired by actual events..

No Choice But to Betray the Earth!

No Choice But to Betray the Earth!

Lu Fan, a white-collar urban woman who has always considered herself a more ordinary woman than anyone else, is suddenly abducted by an alien one day. The alien, who claim to be from Saturn, tells the absurd reason for their invasion of Earth, and that the key to the invasion plan is to make Lu Fan fall in love with him and then betray the Earth. In the funny daily life with the Saturnian, aliens from various planets start to appear around Lu Fan one after another! These aliens have their own objectives, but because of their intertwined destinies, they all end up in Beijing. Lu Fan begins to realize that she is not as ordinary as she thought, and she slowly develops a crush on the Saturnian. How will she choose?.

JFK : L'Enquête

JFK : L'Enquête

Trente ans après son film JFK, Oli­ver Stone fait voya­ger les spec­ta­teurs à tra­vers les dos­siers récem­ment déclas­si­fiés de l’assassinat du Pré­sident Ken­ne­dy – le meurtre mys­té­rieux amé­ri­cain le plus consé­quent du XXème siècle. Avec le concours d’une équipe d’experts scien­ti­fiques, médi­caux et balis­tiques, d’historiens et de témoins, Oli­ver Stone pré­sente des preuves convain­cantes que dans l’affaire Ken­ne­dy, la « théo­rie du com­plot » est à pré­sent « com­plot accompli »..

Piégée par amour

Piégée par amour

Gwen est une mère célibataire qui alterne tant bien que mal entre son travail, ses cours du soir et l'éducation de son fils. Malgré cet emploi du temps surchargé, elle fait un jour la rencontre d'Ed Baker et c'est le coup de foudre. Leur relation se déroule à merveille jusqu'au jour où elle découvre qu'il est pasteur, marié et père ! Peu de temps après, la femme d'Ed est assassinée et tous les soupçons se tournent alors vers Gwen....

The Lost Cinema: Iranian Political Films in the 70s

The Lost Cinema: Iranian Political Films in the 70s

The Lost Cinema is a film essay on the Iranian New Wave, a film movement which blossomed in the 70s as a protest against a local film industry dominated by shallow, socially uninformed domestic films and excessive exhibition of Hollywood and European imports. Despite the movement’s contribution to the political awareness of the Iranian middle class, the New-Wave films, along with all other pre-revolutionary titles, were banned due to their non-conformity to the severely restrictive censorship codes imposed by the Islamic government after the 1979 Revolution. The ban has effectively shelved half a century of film heritage in Iran..