

The Battle of Love voirfilms

Love, Courage and the Battle of Bushy Run

Love, Courage and the Battle of Bushy Run

In 1763, Britain defeated France in the worldwide Seven Years War - referred to in the American Colonies as The French and Indian War. As a result, the French abandoned America, leaving the Native population who had sided with the French to fear the British would seek revenge. Ottawa Chief Pontiac convinced many tribes they needed to strike first. Some did so willingly, others were forced to fight. Their ultimate target was Fort Pitt. The combatants on both sides deployed unconventional and often brutal strategies and tactics. Colonel Henry Bouquet, with a ragtag group of British soldiers, Scottish Highlanders and American volunteers, was tasked with trying to save the hundreds of men, women and children facing certain death - or worse - in Fort Pitt. The little-known Battle of Bushy Run changed the course of world history... This is that story..

The Battle of Love's Return

The Battle of Love's Return

After a series of mishaps, a young man is fired from his job for failing to deliver a package. He goes on a journey to find himself, encountering various characters including a priest and the owner of a pornographic bookstore, who are seen in black and white interview segments..

The Battle of Love

The Battle of Love

Yeh Wei-fang, a rich young lady, flirts with her suitors and hopes it would make Shi Rongsheng, the cousin she loves, angry. But Rongsheng doesn’t pay attention to that, and lectures her for lacking self-respect. Tao Wen-ping, Rongsheng's friend, gets to know Wei-fang. He invites her to go to the resort house borrowed from Rongsheng, but is fooled by her. Wen-ping gets to know Fang's sister, Wei-ling, by chance. Sharing common interests, Wei-ling grows a secret love for him. Wei-fang's home has a JP’s son as a guest. Rongsheng invites Wen-ping to join. Wei-fang knows that Wei-ling likes Wen-ping, but she shows intimacy towards him. Another guest, the antiquary Prof Ho Chi-hua, arrives, he is infatuated with Wei-fang. Wei-fang shows zeal for both, who in the end quarrel and fight. Wei-fang finally declares her love for Rongsheng under the pressure from Wen-ping and Chi-hua, who had a fight over her. Rongsheng's evasiveness proves weak for Wei-fang's quest for his love..

Mes séances de lutte

Mes séances de lutte

Une jeune femme prétexte l’enterrement de son père pour retrouver un voisin plutôt charmant, et tenter de comprendre pourquoi elle a interrompu le rapport amoureux amorcé avec lui quelques mois plus tôt. Ils se retrouvent et rejouent la scène où sa dérobade a empêché leur histoire de commencer. Ils s’y essaient, se débattent, s’empoignent, tout en se rapprochant. Ils se frottent, se cognent l’un contre l’autre et s’amusent à dialoguer avec autant de fantaisie que de gravité, et à entrer dans une lutte de plus en plus physique. Ils vont finir par se lier l’un à l’autre au cours de séances quotidiennes qui ressemblent à un jeu. Par-delà leur joute verbale, cette confrontation devient une nécessité pour essayer de se trouver, un curieux rituel auquel ils ne peuvent échapper. Peu à peu, l’évidence qu’il faudra que quelque chose se libère entre eux pour que ces luttes soient enfin devenues une vraie lutte d’amour..

Love Battle

Love Battle

Tan, an actuary guy who even calculates the romantic relationship comes up with a new insurance policy called, “Love Insurance” after being hurtfully betrayed by his girlfriend. It is an insurance that guarantees to policyholders 100% returns of the payment with 30% of interests if they don’t break up for 2 years after signing the contract. After the release of the insurance, it receives lots of attention. However, board members of the company challenge him to find the data to prove that most of the policyholders will be breaking up soon. Jeed, a former matchmaker who was transferred under Tan joins him to collect the data, but she is a woman who believes that love cannot be measured, an extremely opposite value from Tan. As they take off their journey to figure out whether the policyholders will break up or not, their battle with their pride begins..

Battle of Love

Battle of Love

Wei Yangsheng went around looking for the whereabouts of his offspring's roots. When he came to the vicinity of Maoxi County, there was a loud voice outside the temple. It turned out that the nearby "Yunyu Villa" was pursuing a flower picker. Wei Yangsheng was misunderstood as a thief, so he fisted first. The owner, Nangong Yi, sees Weiyangsheng's talents at first glance, and he can't help but tolerate him not to kill, and instead he is imprisoned in secret. Wei Yangsheng was shocked for fear that the owner would have "special hobbies"..

20.000 Lieues sous les Mers

20.000 Lieues sous les Mers

Au 21ème siècle, la Terre est tombée sous la domination de l’Empire de Galvia (Gavian en VO), dirigé de main de fer par l'empereur Darius. Peu de personnes osent encore se rebeller contre lui. C'est le cas de Ricky et Ben, deux amis dont le navire est coulé par les hommes de Darius. Alors qu'ils sont tout prêts de perdre la vie, ils sont sauvés par l'équipage d'un sous-marin, le Nautilus. Celui-ci regroupe les rares personnes à lutter contre Darius et son empire. Son capitaine, Nemo, est un homme énigmatique dont les rapports avec sa fille, Sophia, sont plutôt froids. La jeune fille, qui vit aussi sur le Nautilus devient vite l'amie de Ricky..