

The Bags sokroflix gratuit

The Bags

The Bags

The Bags is the story of evil killer plastic bags that terrorize a small town after being unleashed by an unsuspecting shop clerk. Together, a rag tag group of young people will use their individual skills to defeat the evil killer plastic bags, or die trying..

The Shopping Bags

The Shopping Bags

The Shopping Bags was a Canadian television series that aired on the W Network in Canada and on Fine Living in the United States. Launched in 2002, the series focused on consumer affairs and better shopping. Each week the program looked at several goods and services to discover which one was the best. This was also done to guide viewers towards which product or service may best suit their needs. The program looked at day-to-day shopping and big ticket items, as well as having a final "Shopping Thought" at the end of each program. The Shopping Bags was produced in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada by Worldwide Bag Media Inc. and distributed by Picture Box Distribution. The hosts and show creators are award-winning journalists Anna Wallner and Kristina Matisic. The show first aired on the W Network, a television channel in Canada aimed at women. The program was also broadcast on Fine Living in the United States, a channel aimed at both male and female viewers. In 2005, a companion book to The Shopping Bags television show was written by Wallner and Matisic and published in 2006. The book is titled The Shopping Bags: Tips, Tricks, and Inside Information to Make You a Savvy Shopper..

Doctor Woman: The Life and Times of Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw

Doctor Woman: The Life and Times of Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw

Elizabeth Bagshaw was a forerunner of the women's movement. As one of the first women to practise medicine in Canada, she had to overcome society's bias against women in medicine. During her seventy-year career she helped to instigate change in public opinion on that issue, as well as the issue of birth control. The film captures the personality of this remarkable woman through a contemporary interview and re-enactments of episodes from her youth. The sepia tones of the re-enactments are in keeping with the film techniques of the time, giving the viewer a strong sense of the period. The film is of special interest to persons interested in the evolution of women's roles in Canadian society..

Her Legend

Her Legend

Do Jin-Hoo est le successeur d'une marque de haute couture coréenne. Le destin de deux femmes changent lorsque leurs vies croisent celle de cet homme qui, à l'apparence, détient tout....

La Nuit des sacs plastiques

La Nuit des sacs plastiques

A 39 ans, Agathe n'a qu'une idée en tête : avoir un enfant. Elle va retrouver son ex-compagnon, Marc-Antoine, un DJ marseillais, et tente de le convaincre de reprendre leur relation. Des sacs plastiques prennent alors vie et attaquent la ville..

Un sac de billes

Un sac de billes

Au début des années 1940, dans une France occupée par les forces nazies, vit la famille juive Joffo. Heureuse et tissée serrée, elle voit son avenir s’assombrir lorsqu’on la force à porter l’étoile jaune. Craignant le pire, les parents organisent la fuite des leurs en zone libre, dans le sud du pays. Maurice, douze ans, et Joseph, dix ans, partiront donc seuls afin de maximiser leurs chances de retrouver leurs frères aînés déjà installés à Nice..

Bagdad Café

Bagdad Café

Touriste allemande en voyage aux États-Unis, Jasmin, après une violente dispute avec son mari, arrive au Bagdad Café, motel poussiéreux entre Disneyland et Las Vegas. Brenda, la patronne, au bout du rouleau, règne sur tout un petit monde de routiers et de marginaux. Peu à peu, Jasmin, qui fait un grand ménage dans la demeure, est appréciée de tous; elle remet même le café à flot grâce à «Magic», une boîte de magie avec laquelle elle monte des tours, assistée de Brenda. Une solide amitié va naître entre les deux femmes….

Bagha Jatin

Bagha Jatin

Jatindranath Mukherjee is an Indian independence activist. He is the principal leader of the Jugantar party that is the central association of revolutionary independence activists in Bengal..