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The Appointment

The Appointment

Dans l’incapacité d'assister au récital de violon de sa fille, Ian, son père, est hanté par une série de cauchemars prophétiques qui semblent annoncer une tragédie imminente. Les forces obscures se rassemblent-elles pour se déchaîner contre lui ?.

The Appointment

The Appointment

A woman is writing anti-God editorials for her local newspaper. One day a mysterious visitor comes to her office with a message from the Lord. He tells her that on September 19th at 6:05pm she is going to die. Is this a hoax? Or the truth? She has eight days left...and the suspense begins..

The Appointment

The Appointment

Doug Klar is not happy how his life is going. His job pays barely enough for rent and food. He thinks his girlfriend, Andrea, is disappointed with him. And he is about to be evicted from his apartment. After all this Doug just wishes to die. However his life turns around when he wins the Mega Millions for $31,000,000.00. Now his life has been turned around for the better. But his appointment with a man name Mr. Calaway will turn his life around again..

The Appointment

The Appointment

Ian splits his time between working his dead end warehouse job and taking care of his ailing mother. The stresses of everyday life, alongside Anna's illness, have created a rift between the two that is seemingly insurmountable..

The Appointment

The Appointment

A darkly comic thriller, Alexandre Singh's "The Appointment" is a tale of doubling and mistaken identity that embraces the fantastical and supernatural qualities of Gothic literature, from E. T. A. Hoffmann to Roald Dahl. The protagonist is Henry Salt, an enfant terrible of letters who we meet as he wakes from a nightmare and discovers a confounding entry in his diary: “12 o’clock at the restaurant La Folie.” But who is Henry meeting? And why doesn’t he remember making this appointment? When no one appears at the scheduled time, Henry becomes obsessed with trying to uncover this person’s identity. Charging through a series of dreamlike encounters, he discovers that the truth is more disturbing than he could have imagined..

The Appointments of Dennis Jennings

The Appointments of Dennis Jennings

Dennis Jennings est un rêveur introverti, somnambule à travers la vie. Il est serveur professionnel et a une petite amie tout aussi ennuyeuse, Emma. Dans une tentative de libérer ses sentiments refoulés d'isolement, il commence à voir un psychiatre, pour découvrir que le médecin est un peu moins intéressé par ce qu'il a à dire. Le film a remporté l'Oscar du meilleur court métrage d'action en direct..

By Royal Appointment: Shops Serving the Queen

By Royal Appointment: Shops Serving the Queen

It may not surprise you to learn that among the hundreds of companies that the royal family patronise are eight champagne houses. But also on the list of royal warrants, there’s a scaffolding company, a sacks supplier, a broomstick maker and Weetabix (so now we know what the Queen has for breakfast). With the exception of new technology firms, they’re all well established companies, many dating back to the 1800s and even the 1700s..

Appointment With The Wise Old Dog

Appointment With The Wise Old Dog

David Blum, the internationally respected musician and writer, produced this film as he neared death from cancer. Blum believed that his inner discoveries and experience could help others realize their own spiritual strengths in a time of crisis..

The Appointment

The Appointment

Grecia, a transgender woman, writes a letter to her friend Jeanine. From remembering her childhood to her daily struggles, Grecia gives us a glimpse into the life of a transgender woman navigating the cruel streets of Tijuana, Mexico..

The Appointment

The Appointment

Francesco, hurt by the discovery of his girlfriend's betrayal, is craving for meeting his contender. They both think to be strangers to each other, but they're wrong. In a desperate afternoon, the boy is going to face his pending issue with his antagonist, confessing anything he was tortured by to someone who is going to be more than a psychologist..

The Big Appointment

The Big Appointment

Amir and Reza Sooti in their youth promise to meet each other 20 years later on a special day and by putting an advertisement in the newspapers. On that special day Reza comes but Amir is late but they meet later while don't know each other and this lead to more adventures..

Appointment at the Mill

Appointment at the Mill

Josef Sváb-Malostranský unrolls a poster in front of a mill with the words Czech Cinematograph. All the actors in the film gather around him. An old philanderer meets up with the miller's wife in front of the mill. He is about to embrace her when her husband appears. The philanderer gets a good hiding..