

The Anarchists sokroflix gratuit

The Anarchists

The Anarchists

Se déroulant sur six ans, ce qui commence comme un rassemblement ponctuel impulsif se transforme en un événement annuel sans cesse croissant attirant le parrainage d'entreprises de crypto-monnaie et mettant en vedette des conférenciers tels que Ron Paul et l'investisseur BitCoin Roger Ver. ensemble dans l'une des villes les plus dangereuses du monde, l'idéologie utopique se heurte à l'imprévisibilité de la nature humaine..

La femme de l'anarchiste

La femme de l'anarchiste

L'histoire de Manuela, une femme dont l'époux, Justo, se bat pour ses idéaux durant la guerre civile espagnole. Justo est alors déporté dans un camp de concentration mais poursuit sa lutte pour ses idéaux. Durant des années Manuela n'a aucune nouvelle de son mari, mais celle-ci ne perd pas espoir..

Les Anarchistes

Les Anarchistes

Paris 1899. Le brigadier Jean Albertini, pauvre et orphelin, est choisi pour infiltrer un groupe d’anarchistes. Pour lui, c’est l’occasion de monter en grade. Mais, obligé de composer sans relâche, Jean est de plus en plus divisé. D’un côté, il livre les rapports de police à Gaspard, son supérieur, de l’autre, il développe pour le groupe des sentiments de plus en plus profonds..

The Anarchist's Wife

The Anarchist's Wife

In this Vitagraph short, anarchism threatens to ruin lives and families. Luigi and Rosa are a couple with an adorable child, but trouble is afoot – Luigi has become an anarchist!.

Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle

Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle

The Chicago Haymarket tragedy, where a bomb thrown into the ranks of Police was followed by an eruption of panic and violence resulting in a trial and execution of presumably innocent workers' rights activists, is examined in this feature documentary film. Expert historians and professors present the history of the bomb, the anarchist movement of the 19th century, and the labor struggle of working people fighting for a shorter work day during the industrial might of America's Gilded Age..

The Anarchist's Birthday

The Anarchist's Birthday

A farmer is furious when he sees a witch on his land. In response, the authorities send him a well-meaning vicar. With the help of a depressed anarchist and two local layabouts, the five of them seek to destroy her..

Deep Nostalgia - The Anarchists

Deep Nostalgia - The Anarchists

At the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, much of Spanish territory was under anarchist rule for some time. This forgotten historical event is remembered through 3D animations of scans of demolished villages and moving photographs of anarchist supporters, which were “brought to life” with the help of the Deep Nostalgia™ tool..

Inside the Anarchist's Tool Chest

Inside the Anarchist's Tool Chest

After writing “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” in 2011 people kept asking what specific tools are in Christopher Schwarz's tool chest? What follows is a one-hour tour of the tools in his chest on a summer day in 2011..

The Anarchist's Dream

The Anarchist's Dream

Sam, a troubled actor playing the lead in a historical film in Barcelona, awakes to discover his nightmares are taking over his life, as he's dreaming his character's life- Martin, a 1930s jazz musician fighting in the Spanish civil war..

The Anarchists

The Anarchists

Set in 1920s Shanghai, the film recounts the activities of a group of young Koreans trying to destabilize Japanese control of their penninsula. Through an anti-occupation terrorist campaign, the five men hope to inspire a resurrection throughout their penninsular homeland..

The Anarchist's Mother-in-Law

The Anarchist's Mother-in-Law

The Anarchist's Mother-in-Law premiered on October 23, 1906. It featured director Viggo Larsen as the anarchist and Margrethe Jespersen as his wife. The movie is about a mother-in-law disturbing the house peace. (

Anarchist from Colony

Anarchist from Colony

Park Yeol est un partisan de l'indépendance de la Corée vis-à-vis du Japon. Il organise également le groupe anarchiste "Heukdohwe" et prévoit de tuer le prince héritier Hirohito..

Projekt A - A Journey to Anarchist Projects in Europe

Projekt A - A Journey to Anarchist Projects in Europe

PROJEKT A is a documentary that resists the common clichés about anarchism to instead show anarchist ideas of a society in which no one shall have the power to control knowledge, natural resources, land, soil or other people. After inspiring over 25,000 German cinema-goers, this award-winning documentary about anarchism and anarchist projects in Europe is now available on VoD! “Projekt A stirs up the audience and is grippingly shot, getting close to the kinds of tenacious people who are so vital to change in our society.” (kinokino) “…a cinematic portrait, not of anarchy, but of anarchists. A story, not of possibilities, necessities or even failure, but a depiction of achievements, initiative, action, ideas, as well as success.” ( Audience Award Filmfest Munich.

The One Good Turn

The One Good Turn

A political crime film in which a militant, anarchist father allows his political ideals to prevail over human dignity. The father uses his young daughter to carry out an attack on Princess Louise. After his wife foils the attack and he is arrested by the police, he steps back from his fanaticism and repents..

Wolz – Life and Transfiguration of a German Anarchist

Wolz – Life and Transfiguration of a German Anarchist

Soldier Ignaz Wolz returns from WWI with an immeasurable hatred of capitalist war profiteers. He decides to start his own revolution, but tries to stay away from the organized class struggle. He steals from the rich men and divides the wealth among the poor. One day, Wolz is arrested and sentenced to life in prison; seven years later he is released due to mass protests. More than ever, it is hard for him to fit in. He severs ties with his former companions, who reject his ideas, and leaves Germany..