

Syrup sokroflix gratuit



Alors qu'il trouve une idée qui pourrait lui rapporter des millions, Scat, un jeune diplômé de marketing, doit faire confiance à son associé, le beau Pete, pourtant près de le trahir. D'après l'oeuvre de Max Barry..

Sirop d'amour

Sirop d'amour

Rachelle se bat pour maintenir l'éntreprise familiale réputée pour le sirop d'érable qu'elle produit. Mais les chiffres continuent de baisser et Rachelle fait appel au Dr Derek Spears, professeur d'arboriculture, pour soigner le verger et redresser l'affaire. L'urgence est grande car que le Festival du sirop d’érable approche. Ils mettent en commun leurs connaissances respectives et il s'avère que leur relation professionnelle pourrait bien connaître une conclusion plus douce....



In this wry comedy, the self-deceiving exploits of Lasse (Peter Hesse Overgaard), are shown, as he more or less innocently runs small cons on the people in his life, all the while sponging off of his girlfriend in a bohemian quarter of Copenhagen. He is a no-count, but fairly handsome young stud who imagines that he is some sort of art promoter, or is perhaps even a video artist himself..

Slingbacks and Syrup

Slingbacks and Syrup

Deep in the rural "northeast Queendom" of Vermont lies the Hot Damn Trailer Park in the mythical town of Beaver Pond. Slingbacks and Syrup tells the true tale of a young man who moved to Vermont to study neurobiology and instead discovered The House of LeMay, a family of outrageous drag queens who changed his life. This exciting new documentary, explores the citizens of Beaver Pond, the creative team that rose above their roots to develop this unusual stage troupe, and the positive impacts that they have made upon their community through laughter and leadership. The House of LeMay is a comedic drag performance team that has been creating laughter in Vermont for over 10 years. The House of LeMay developed from its origins at a private birthday party to become a well known performance group..

Onion Syrup

Onion Syrup

In this musical comedy, three friends are all looking for something. John (Victor Quintero) loses his job and needs money, Jackson (Sam Johnston) loses his drug connections, and needs drugs, and Barry (Michael Blevins) loses his girlfriend, and needs a woman. After many separate attempts to get what they want, they join forces and form a band called Onion Syrup. They recruit a singer named Nicky (Jenna Miller) and before long they're playing in bars around the country. But what John, Jackson, and Barry soon find out, is that what they wanted, they really didn't need, and what they needed, they had all along..

Real Maple Syrup

Real Maple Syrup

A group of old high school friends reunite for a road trip into wine country. But a harmless weekend takes a dark turn when they make an unexpected stop at a quaint farm..