

Sweet Liberty voirfilms

Sweet Liberty

Sweet Liberty

Michael has written a schollarly book on the revolutionary war. He has sold the film rights. The arrival of the film crew seriously disrupts him as actors want to change their characters, directors want to re-stage battles, and he becomes very infatuated with Faith who will play the female lead in the movie. At the same time, he is fighting with his crazy mother who thinks the Devil lives in her kitchen, and his girlfriend who is talking about commitment..

Le Doux Mot de Liberté

Le Doux Mot de Liberté

L'action se situe dans un pays d'Amérique Latine dans les années 70 et relate un épisode du mouvement révolutionnaire. Il s'agit de libérer de prison des dirigeants de ce mouvement. La mission semble quasi impossible, alors on décide de creuser un tunnel jusqu'aux cellules des prisonniers politiques..