

Suckers streaming vf complet gratuit

Love Is for Suckers

Love Is for Suckers

Une comédie dramatique romantique illustrant la romance de réalité sucrée et salée entre les meilleurs amis de 20 ans dans la trentaine qui n'ont ni romance ni flirt..

Everything Sucks !

Everything Sucks !

En 1996, à l'époque des cassettes vidéo, les marginaux des clubs audiovisuel et théâtre de l'école affrontent les hauts et les bas de l'adolescence..

Love Actually Sucks

Love Actually Sucks

It tells a variety of stories about love that has gone wrong: a brother and sister in an illicit relationship, a married painter who falls in love with his young male life model, a dance school teacher who is besotted with his senior student, and a lesbian couple, one of whom has role-play paranoia, and is caught in a complex love triangle..

The Suckers

The Suckers

A rich and powerful big-game hunter tires of tracking and killing animals, and gets an idea--he will invite the owners of a model agency he knows and two of their models to be guests on his estate for the weekend, and use them as the objects of his latest hunt..



Lorsqu'il était enfant, Ped est tombé amoureux de sa camarade de classe Ern, mais il a perdu tout espoir lorsqu'elle a déménagé à Bangkok. Maintenant au lycée, Ped et Ern sont réunis après que l'adolescente soit revenue dans sa ville natale. Koong, son meilleur ami, l'attire dans un plan en partie pour être cool et attirer des filles. Avec l'aide d'Ex, un camarade, ils vont former un groupe de rock ! Leurs talents musicaux ne sont pas grands, mais cela ne les empêche pas d'essayer. Toutefois, lorsque Ern décide de leur prêter ses compétences exceptionnelles de guitariste, l'affection qu'éprouve Koong pour Ern met une pression sur la survie du groupe, ainsi que sur son amitié avec Ped..

Clock Suckers

Clock Suckers

Clock Suckers was a Flash cartoon series created and written by Mike and Andy Parker, better known for College University, along with Michael William and Jason Kamen. A total of 13 episodes were made, which were released on a semi-monthly basis on CollegeHumor from March 16, 2007 to February 28, 2008. The show stars Ben (voiced by Mike Parker), a thirty-something slacker who inherits a time machine composed of a bathtub and a Simon game from his deceased grandfather. Along with his friends, Kate (voiced by Hollie Bertram) and Tanner (voiced by Andy Parker), Ben uses the time machine to travel through time, changing and altering the timeline along the way. The cast is rounded out by Grit, a sarcastic robot, and Rocco, a talking cat, both of whom Ben has also inherited from his grandfather..

Le Corniaud

Le Corniaud

Modeste représentant de commerce, Antoine Maréchal s’apprête à partir en vacances en Italie lorsque, en plein Paris, sa 2CV est mise en pièces par la Bentley d’un homme d’affaires, Léopold Saroyan. Antoine, désespéré, dit adieu à ses congés. Mais dès le lendemain, il est convoqué par Saroyan. Celui‐ci lui offre un billet d’avion pour Naples et le charge de récupérer une Cadillac pour le compte de riches clients américains. Ébloui, Antoine accepte, sans se douter un seul instant que la superbe voiture qu’il conduit dissimule une véritable fortune illégale. Un pactole que certains aimeraient beaucoup récupérer pour bénéficier d’une retraite dorée….

Sucker's Death

Sucker's Death

A small town somewhere in Poland. "Małolat", a member of a nationalist militia, is blackmailed into planting a bomb at an LGBT rally in Warsaw. However, he does not know that his gay brother will be at the demonstration. The mother of both characters will get involved in the whole situation. The young man faces a dramatic choice..

Il était une fois la révolution

Il était une fois la révolution

Mexique, 1913. Un pilleur de diligences, Juan Miranda, fait chanter un spécialiste en explosifs, John Mallory, pour qu'ils s'associent afin de dévaliser la banque centrale de Mesa Verde. Tous deux se trouvent plongés en plein cœur de la tourmente de la révolution mexicaine..

Sucker's Love

Sucker's Love

Opening with cheesy pop style text, tribute to Jean-Luc Godard’s film titles. This is a practice of stop motion with 35mm photo stills, inspired by Chris Marker’s La Jetée and the first ever film Race Horse from 1878. The movement of the 35mm still gearwheel is like the view from a train window leading the viewer down wormhole traveling through time. In those old family photos, the video follows the viewer’s perspective as if the original action of the image is restored. Memories cross three generation from1949 to 2008. Grandparent’s KMT era, parent’s wedding, babies, childhood, activities, current bad relation, all contemporary images is black & white, old photos with original color, the noisy soundtrack and sharp high pitch noise, gives the family trip a rejection..

Money Suckers

Money Suckers

So's family lives in financial despair. They always argue about money. One day So Kam Po accidentally picked up a briefcase which has $10 million inside. According to the law, Kam Po owns that 10 million if no one claims it in 6 months. Kam Po wants to pull his family together, so he buys a cafe from his brother Hoi. For the next six months, the family's relationships improve as they all chip in to run the cafe together. Time flies when you're having fun--and when there's a $10 million pot of gold at the end of your rainbow. Will So's pot of gold be there waiting for him once his waiting period is over?.