

Stoned voirfilms



Une chronique de la vie sordide et de la mort mystérieuse du co-fondateur des Rolling Stones, Brian Jones, qui fut retrouvé au fond de sa piscine quelques semaines après avoir été évincé du groupe..



Jack is a motivated high school student who smokes cannabis for the first time, and falls in with a fast crowd. Will he wake up and realize what he's doing with his future before it's too late?.



Stoned begins in silence. An image of a Buddhist monastery—a long stone corridor lined with receding columns—appears to jerk forward and slightly recede, or move tremulously back and forth. The single high notes of a piano begin to sound in a halting counterpoint to the agitated image, which fractures into a grid of rapidly pulsating segments. Cho's flickering digital manipulations disrupt the viewer's experience of processional space; his complex layering of highly saturated images results in a weave of frenetically vibrating architectural elements..



"Stoned" is a 1980 made-for-TV movie featured in the Peabody Award-winning ABC Afterschool Special series. The film, starring Scott Baio, is built around peer pressure and its resultant drug abuse. It was featured as the fourth episode in the program's ninth season..

Pretty Stoned

Pretty Stoned

Lorsque Stella échoue à livrer 20 000 $ de marijuana de qualité à une baronne de la drogue parce que Darcy l'a jetée dans les toilettes, les deux collègues doivent s'allier pour survivre..



Plusieurs milliers d'années après un mystérieux phénomène qui a transformé toute l'humanité en pierre, Senku, un lycéen extrêmement intelligent et animé par un esprit scientifique, se réveille. Face à ce monde figé, où toutes les civilisations se sont effondrées, il décide d'utiliser la science pour le reconstruire. Avec l'aide de son ami d'enfance, l'infatigable Taiju Ôki qui s'est lui aussi réveillé, ils vont devoir repartir de zéro. Ainsi commence une incroyable aventure pour se réapproprier des milliers d'années d'histoire de la science, de l'Âge de pierre à leurs jours….

Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon

Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon

A look at the history of the American comedy publication and production company, National Lampoon, from its beginning in the 1970s to 2010, featuring rare and never before seen footage, this is the mind boggling story of The National Lampoon from its subversive and electrifying beginnings, to rebirth as an unlikely Hollywood heavyweight, and beyond. A humour empire like no other, the impact of the magazines irreverent, often shocking, sensibility was nothing short of seismic: this is an institution whose (drunk stoned brilliant) alumni left their fingerprints all over popular culture. Both insanely great and breathtakingly innovative, The National Lampoon created the foundation of modern comic sensibility by setting the bar in comedy impossibly high..

Oliver, Stoned.

Oliver, Stoned.

The world's biggest stoner, Oliver, loses a high profile car, forcing him to steal an ice cream truck and enlist his wacky friends to help track down the thief before it's too late..

The Stöned Age

The Stöned Age

Determined to avoid another night of driving aimlessly around Torrance in the Blue Torpedo, Joe and Hubbs set out on a quest for fine chicks. Their paths soon cross with Tack, from whom they learn about a pair of foreign radical chicks hanging out near the Frankie Avalon place. Over Joe's objections, Hubbs worms Tack out of the deal, and the pair take a slow ride toward their destiny..



Two stoner best friends, Owen and Norm, are absolutely zooted in a cemetary when the zombie apocolypse begins! Now, they must figure out how to get home while battling hoards of zombies, the struggles of friendship, and an insane high..

Hell Stone

Hell Stone

In this thriller TV series, three female friends decide to murder their husbands. They set a plan to blow up their car while they were out on an expedition. Their plan works, but after some inexplicable events, they realise that one of their husbands survived the explosion and has returned for revenge..

Erik Stoneheart

Erik Stoneheart

Erik is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at school, or that he has no real friends. When his family moves to a villa they inherited, he is confronted by Maria whom Erik's parents want to kick out along with her father. Maria refuses to move and promises to make Erik's life a living hell. As a last attempt to defeat Erik, Maria goes to look for her mother who disappeared two years ago. Together they end up on a fantastical journey to the In-Between-World and Erik learns how hard it really is to wear a heart of stone..

Naruto Film 2 : La Légende de la Pierre de Guelel

Naruto Film 2 : La Légende de la Pierre de Guelel

Tout commence sur une plage près du village de Suna. Gaara et les ninjas du Sable sont confrontés à un mystérieux ennemi. Pendant ce temps, Naruto, Sakura et Shikamaru sont attaqués par le même ennemi lors d'une mission. Parmi eux se trouve un étrange garçon en armure, doté de grands pouvoirs. Retrouvés blessés par la caravane d'un peuple nomade, Naruto et le garçon nommé Temujin vont faire connaissance. Temujin appartient à un groupe idéaliste qui rêve de construire Utopia : un lieu où règne la paix et où le faible est protégé. Pour cela, Temujin est à la recherche d'une pierre mystérieuse, la Pierre de Guelel. Mais les apparences sont trompeuses....