

Steve Jobs voirfilms

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Situé dans les coulisses de trois lancements de produits emblématiques et se terminant en 1998 avec le dévoilement de l’iMac, Steve Jobs nous entraîne dans les coulisses de la révolution numérique pour peindre un portrait intime de l’homme brillant à son épicentre..

Steve Jobs : Billion Dollar Hippy

Steve Jobs : Billion Dollar Hippy

Des initiés, dont Steve Wozniak, co-fondateur d'Apple, le président qui a évincé Jobs de la société qu'il a fondée et le chef des logiciels de Jobs, racontent des histoires extraordinaires sur l'ascension, la chute et la remontée d'Apple avec Steve Jobs à sa tête. Avec Stephen Fry, l'inventeur du web Sir Tim Berners-Lee et la gourou de la marque Rita Clifton, Evan Davis décode la formule qui a fait passer Apple du garage de banlieue à la suprématie mondiale....

Steve Jobs : One Last Thing

Steve Jobs : One Last Thing

Grâce à des entrevues avec des collègues et d'autres personnes qui ont connu le génie créatif dont les innovations ont transformé la vie de millions de personnes, ONE LAST THING offre un regard intérieur sur l'homme et les principales influences qui ont contribué à façonner sa vie et sa carrière..

Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

Quand Steve Jobs est mort, le monde a pleuré. Mais comment expliquer le chagrin de millions de personnes qui ne le connaissaient pas ? Ce film évocateur retrace le parcours de Steve Jobs, d'une petite maison de banlieue aux temples zen du Japon, en passant par le bureau du PDG de l'entreprise la plus riche du monde, et explore comment la vie et l'œuvre de Steve Jobs ont façonné notre relation avec l'ordinateur. The Man in the Machine est une réévaluation provocante et parfois surprenante de l'héritage d'une icône..

Steve Jobs: Visionary Genius

Steve Jobs: Visionary Genius

Everyone knows his name but what is the true story behind the man? Inventor, innovator, iconoclast; Steve Jobs was all of these and more. Now find out the gripping truth behind this 21st Century icon as celebrities and leaders in the world of business talk candidly about the seismic impact that he has had on our entire way of life. Discover what drove the man both personally and professionally, the obstacles he had to overcome and the story behind his final battle that would leave the world bereft of a very modern genius. His vision was singular, his focus unshakeable, and in this unmissable film we see how one man would change the way we all communicate… forever. This is Steve Jobs, a visionary genius..

iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World

iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World

Steve Jobs was a creative and technological visionary who quite simply changed society as we know it. As co-founder and CEO of Apple Computer, Jobs ushered in personal computing to the masses, which in turn led to new innovations which completely changed our way of life - from how we do our work, to the way we watch movies, listen to music and interact socially. Discovery Channel will feature iGENIUS: HOW STEVE JOBS CHANGED THE WORLD, a one-hour documentary that celebrates these innovations..

Steve Jobs: iChanged The World

Steve Jobs: iChanged The World

Few men have changed our everyday world of work, leisure and human communication in the way that Apple founder, Steve Jobs, has done. This documentary looks not only at how his talent, his style and his imagination have shaped all of our lives, but also at the influences that shaped and moulded the man himself. Since his untimely death, tributes from around the world have secured Steve's place in the pantheon of great Americans. Now, we talk to the people who changed the man, who changed our world. Through interviews with the people who worked closely with him or chronicled his life, we gain unique insight into what made him tick. In a never before broadcast, exclusive interview, Steve Jobs expounds his own philosophy of life, and offers advice to us all on changing our own lives to achieve our ambitions, our desires and our dreams..

Steve Jobs: Secrets of Life

Steve Jobs: Secrets of Life

In 1994, Steve Jobs was interviewed by the Santa Clara Valley Historical Association. What he said during that interview was remarkable. In this never before released film interview footage, Steve talks about his values, advice to entrepreneurs and his thoughts on how to best live life. Included in this film is commentary by: Steven Wozniak (founder, Apple Computer), Nolan Bushnell (founder, Atari), Scott McNealy (founder, Sun Microsystems), Larry Ellison (founder, Oracle), Mike Markkula (founder, Apple Computer), Regis McKenna (early advertising for Apple Computer), Fred Hoar (early Apple marketing), Kevin Surace (founder, Serious Energy), Lisa Jardine (Professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary, University of London), John Warnock (founder, Adobe Systems), and Charles Geschke (founder, Adobe Systems)..

Steve Jobs: iGenius

Steve Jobs: iGenius

Steve Jobs was the modern day Thomas Edison! From his ground breaking i-phones, i-pads and i-pods to paternity issues and finding the sister he never knew, this program will delve into the life of one of the greatest innovators and geniuses of all time..

Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial

Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial

Sabotage, hired goons, and a landfill in Utah: this is a story about the life, death, and afterlife of Apple’s most pioneering flop, the Lisa computer. How it inspired generations of computers to follow; how Steve Jobs championed it, then turned against it; and how an outsider gave it another chance…before Apple closed the door on the Lisa forever..

iCEO- 25 Lessons Learned From Steve Jobs - Mega Partnering

iCEO- 25 Lessons Learned From Steve Jobs - Mega Partnering

JT Foxx & Friends Presents Mega Partnering, network with "A" Players, millionaires and Industry Tycoons Learn from the worlds best experts. Steve Jobs changed the way we do things, he changed the world. What is the DNA of a successful entrepreneur? This Presentation takes a look at the things you didn't know about Steve Jobs so you can leave your own legacy. How do you want to be remembered?.

The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs

The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs

A World Forever Changed. A device brought the world to our fingertips, connected us in unparalleled ways, and streamlined communication. But for the man behind the machine, life was far from streamlined. The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs, by acclaimed San Francisco composer Mason Bates and Pulitzer-winning librettist Mark Campbell, comes home to the place where it all began. Under the baton of Michael Christie, Bates' score takes us on an operatic journey through the fragmented memory of love, betrayal, obsession and death, weaving together classical lyricism and a techno soundscape informed by the audio of early computers..