

Star Trek : Enterprise

Star Trek : Enterprise

Star Trek : Enterprise

Au XXIIième siècle (de 2151 à 2161), avant l'existence de la Fédération, le capitaine Jonathan Archer reçoit le commandement de l’Enterprise (NX-01), premier vaisseau spatial humain équipé de la Distorsion 5 et envoyé par Starfleet pour explorer la galaxie..

Star Trek : Enterprise - Uncharted Territory

Star Trek : Enterprise - Uncharted Territory

This 90 minute documentary features all-new interviews with the show's cast and crew as well as behind the scenes archival content providing fans an inside look at the challenges faced during the second season of ENTERPRISE as the writing staff and creators struggled to find the right tone and creative course for the series, ultimately developing the controversial XINDI story-arc which kicks off with the season finale: THE EXPANSE..

Star Trek : Enterprise - Le miroir de temps

Star Trek : Enterprise - Le miroir de temps

When captain Archer and the crew of the Enterprise tests a new drive, they were transferred into a parallel universe. There they make acquaintance with the Red Empire, which consists of cybernetic lifeforms who plan to eliminate all biological life, even in the normal universe..

Star Trek

Star Trek

Cette série raconte les aventures vécues, au XXIIIe siècle, par James T. Kirk, capitaine du vaisseau Enterprise NCC-1701 et son équipage. Leur mission quinquennale est d'explorer la galaxie afin d'y découvrir d'autres formes de vie et d'enrichir ainsi les connaissances humaines..

Star Trek: Enterprise - In Conversation: The First Crew

Star Trek: Enterprise - In Conversation: The First Crew

"In Conversation: The First Crew runs about 93 minutes and features all seven of the series' principle cast members (including Jolene Blalock, who’s been somewhat reclusive since Enterprise ended), joined by Jeffrey Combs (who played Shran – Connor Trinneer has to leave about halfway through the conversation, so Combs replaces him). Their conversation, which is hosted by Brannon Braga, is fascinating. I don’t want to spoil too much for fans, except to say this, which will give you a good idea of what you’re in store for: Braga comes right out (about ten minutes in) and very candidly apologizes to the entire cast for the series finale. No kidding – that’s where this conversation starts" - Bill Hunt,

The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek

The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek

En l'honneur du 55e anniversaire de la franchise de science-fiction cette année et produit par The Nacelle Company, le projet présentera des interviews avec des acteurs, des équipes et des experts alors qu'il explore les moments charnières de l'histoire de la franchise, de sa création dans la société de production de Lucille Ball Desilu à adaptations cinématographiques et télévisuelles récentes..

In a Time of War

In a Time of War

Newly produced multi-part documentary featuring all-new interviews with the show's cast and crew as well as behind the scenes archival content. This retrospective documentary gives fans an inside look at the making of the show's groundbreaking third season - the first season of a Star Trek series to feature a year-long story arc. Writing staff and production personnel discuss the complexities of plotting the Xindi story-arc and the development of all the major story threads that connected every single episode of the show's third season..

To Boldly Go: Launching Enterprise

To Boldly Go: Launching Enterprise

A candid, first hand account on the development and the making of the controversial Star Trek prequel series, Enterprise. Featuring all-new interviews with cast and crew members including series lead Scott Bakula and co-creators / executive producers Rick Berman and Brannon Braga along with revealing never before seen behind the scenes footage and photos..

The Star Trek Saga : From One Generation To The Next

The Star Trek Saga : From One Generation To The Next

Cette émission spéciale est animée par Patrick Stewart et retrace l'histoire de Star Trek depuis sa création avec "The Cage" jusqu'à Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home et la première saison de Star Trek: The Next Generation. Il a également montré de brèves aperçus de Star Trek V: The Final Frontier et de la deuxième saison de TNG. Il s'agissait également principalement d'un conteneur pour la première d'un tirage en couleur de "The Cage" qui avait, selon le spécial, récemment été récupéré dans les archives du studio Paramount..