

Snowflakes voirfilms



As two women are forcibly deported from the United Kingdom, they discover that the experimental drug meant to pacify them has a unique and spectacularly deadly side effect when injected into their oppressors..



Snowflakes and a little girl. An intuitive, but above all loving way of filming the subjects juxtaposes a sense of nostalgia with an idea of the future. While wandering and musing during a winter walk, a cycle of generations is captured in images..



Rye, a photographer, and Chris, a political science student, are in their final year of college, and have lived together in the same house for three years. While their bond has grown increasingly stale since first moving in together, they’re tethered by a common history and lingering grief; they know the house and its traumas in ways none of its few rotating tenants ever can. Set in the politically charged recent past at Hampshire College - an alternative school without grades or majors - the film's protagonists struggle with the demands of communal living and the concentrated emotions that come with it, against a backdrop of mass protests, long winters, creative passions, and armchair philosophy..

Snowflake, le Gorille Blanc

Snowflake, le Gorille Blanc

Malgré son succès auprès du public du zoo, Snowflake un gorille blanc rêve de la même apparence que ses semblables. Convaincu qu'une sorcière pourrait réaliser son souhait, il quitte le parc animalier en compagnie de la petite Paula et Ailur un panda roux. Toutefois, un homme, Luc de Sac, cherche à s'approprier le coeur de Snowflake qui, selon lui, apporterait la chance..

Falling Like Snowflakes

Falling Like Snowflakes

A photographer determined to complete her exhibit by capturing a rare photo of a 12-sided snowflake, enlists the help of a childhood friend and they go on a mission they’ll never forget..

Toopy and Binoo: Snowflakes

Toopy and Binoo: Snowflakes

Slide into your favorite slippers, cuddle up and let your imagination fly through the mirror, plunge into a crystal ball and stream along Toopy and Binoo's fantasy world. 1. Snowflakes 2. Snowglobe 3. Christmas Eve 4. Keyhole 5. Western Meatball 6. Sneezing Toopy 7. Jungle Toopy 8. The Land of Colours 9. Toopy Knows Everything 10. Binoo's Wand 11. Magic Mirror 12. Ballooning with Binoo.

Chasing Snowflakes

Chasing Snowflakes

La neige est l'un des rares phénomènes naturels qui suscitent autant de réactions : nous la détestons, nous l'aimons, nous pensons la comprendre. Toutefois, nous connaissons à peine les éléments contradictoires et magnifiques qui la composent. Récemment, les scientifiques se sont donnés pour mission de rectifier la situation. De la formation d'un seul flocon aux violentes tempêtes de neige en passant par la force destructrice des avalanches, des chercheurs intrépides travaillent sans relâche à faire entrer la science de la neige dans le 21e siècle..



Berlin est devenu le point focal d’une Europe tombée dans le chaos. C'est dans ce mastodonte que Tan et Javid, poussés par la vengeance, cherchent l'assassin de leurs parents. Mais le duo sans loi tombe sur le scénario d'un film intitulé Schneeflöckchen. C'est le film que nous regardons actuellement. Tan et Javid apprennent à travers le script qu'ils sont poursuivis eux-mêmes. Parce qu'ils ont tué sans le savoir les parents de la petite Eliana. La fille pense maintenant à la vengeance et est sur leurs traces. Pour éviter leur propre mort à la fin du script, Tan et Javid recherchent l'auteur Arend. Il devrait réécrire l'histoire….

Winter: Music of Falling Snowflakes

Winter: Music of Falling Snowflakes

The stunning, short-lived sights of winter -- snowflakes, ice and the delicate streams that flow from them -- are blended with a musical meditation designed to fill your environment with the serenity of that frosty, snow-blanketed season. Gorgeous instrumental arrangements evoke memories of winter landscapes that combine with peaceful images to induce a mood guaranteed to sooth and settle even the most restless souls..

L'Apprenti Père Noël et le flocon magique

L'Apprenti Père Noël et le flocon magique

Cette fois, c’est officiel : Nicolas est le nouveau père Noël. Sacrée responsabilité pour un petit garçon de 7 ans ! Mais à deux jours de sa première tournée, Nicolas doit faire face à une terrible crise : Aux quatre coins du monde, la magie de Noël est en train de disparaître, et c’est lui qui en est la cause ! Car Nicolas a contracté la maladie des enfants qui veulent grandir trop vite : La grande-Personnelose ! Le conseil des anciens pères Noël est contraint de le démettre de ses fonctions de toute urgence. Pour regagner sa place et sauver Noël, Nicolas va devoir retrouver l’innocence, la fraîcheur et l’insouciance de son enfance. Heureusement, « L’esprit de Noël » veille sur le petit garçon et place sur son chemin un calendrier magique ! C’est, pour Nicolas, le début d’un voyage plein de surprises au travers des 24 portes du calendrier..

Cate Strophe and the Secret of Snowflakes

Cate Strophe and the Secret of Snowflakes

Like many other children, Cate Strophe is impatiently waiting for her Christmas presents, but she cannot wait for the snow to start falling. Alas, the snow doesn’t come. In a split second, lighting up the Christmas tree becomes an unpredictable adventure!.

About Snowflakes

About Snowflakes

Three friends, winter, village, night. An ordinary booze turns into a crusade, where everyone carries their own banner of sorrow and pain. In order to forgive all insults in the morning, cuddle up to each other, and, finally, warm up and melt like snowflakes..

Snowflakes in my Yard

Snowflakes in my Yard

It would seem that nothing connects them: Givi is a film director with his family, Levan is a loner living like a homeless man. But they have something in common — their childhood memories. They begin to communicate by correspondence again and help each other. Levan opens up to a friend from an unexpected side, and Givi gets the opportunity to return to his hometown..

The Life of a Snowflake

The Life of a Snowflake

In Trabzon, snow falls heavily like never before in the last days of autumn, and the roads are blocked. In this setting, two people who attend the same school but have never met have a chance encounter at a bus station, waiting for the same bus that has run late. They fall in love at first sight..