

Snake Island voirfilms

Snake Island

Snake Island

Un groupe de touristes américains descendant une rivière africaine s'arrête brièvement sur Snake Island, une île pratiquement abandonnée depuis des années. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvent piégés sur l'île pendant la nuit, ils découvrent des milliers de serpents mortels qui ont l'intention de reprendre l'île tropicale..

À la poursuite du trésor inca

À la poursuite du trésor inca

Caché quelque part au large de la côte sud-est du Brésil pourrait se trouver des centaines de millions de dollars d'or inca perdu. Une équipe de chasseurs de trésors a une nouvelle théorie sur l'endroit où se trouve le trésor - un endroit isolé abritant des milliers de vipères mortelles..

Snake Island Python

Snake Island Python

A group of people searching for a magical tree in a mysterious jungle, find they are not alone. Something is watching them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike..

Gorgona: Snake Prison Island

Gorgona: Snake Prison Island

Gorgona, a remote Colombian island, has a dark secret. It’s a natural fortress, surrounded by shark-infested seas, blanketed in impenetrable jungle and teaming with deadly snakes. For that reason it was chosen by the Colombian government as the site of a high security prison, Colombia’s own Alcatraz..

Pirates: Quest for Snake Island

Pirates: Quest for Snake Island

The daring Blackjack Cutter and his crew come into possession of a treasure map that leads to the deadly Snake Island. Cutter and his mortal enemy Killian race to the island, where the two pirates will compete to see who will claim the treasure for themselves. Unbeknownst to the buccaneers, the island is populated with flesh-eating serpents, hungry for their next meal..

Ben Cropp's Snake Island

Ben Cropp's Snake Island

Nuie is an uplifted coral island, a tiny speck in the middle of the South pacific. It is on the migratory path of the great Humpback Whales. In the crystal water these giants rise up to breathe beside the divers, some with new born calves. The Rocky island is home to a unique species of venomous sea snakes, that come ashore to lay their eggs. They have never bitten an islander, yet, and become part of their lore. In Snake Gully Ben Cropp meets these snakes in their hundreds, they sleep en masse in every crevice, and the traffic is like pitt street when they surface for air every half hour. When you swim at Nuie, you swim with snakes..

The Island of Snake King

The Island of Snake King

This story is about Snake King's descendants teaming up with animal protection experts to fight against a black market snake hunting gang bought by real estate developers on Snake King Island..

Snake Lady

Snake Lady

A group of geographic magazine employees arrive on a deserted island in Southeast Asia to prepare a new show. The expedition leader hides from his colleagues that he came here to find his father, who disappeared many years ago..

Kiss of the Serpent

Kiss of the Serpent

Kim and her gang embark on a wild cruise from Cocoa Beach, Florida. The weekend ends in a horror trip when the boat crashes on a remote island and they are stalked by a psycho..

Big Boss à Bornéo

Big Boss à Bornéo

La tribu d'une île lointaine adore le légendaire Serpent Perle. Deux maîtres de kung fu visiter l'île et découvrent qu'ils doivent défendre la fille du chef assassiné contre un sorcier maléfique..

Les Repaires de la Jungle Noire

Les Repaires de la Jungle Noire

Nous sommes aux Indes; en l'an 1880. Le capitaine Mac Pherson, courageux officier britannique, trouve son existence brisée, lorsque sa petite fille se fait enlever par une cruelle secte, les Thugs, qui voient dans l'adorable gamine, la réincarnation de la puissante déesse Khali... Ce ne sera que vingt années plus tard, que le père, à la tête d'un détachement militaire, parviendra à délivrer sa fille et à détruire les fanatiques religieux..